
Showing posts from April, 2016

About :

About : Is there a Braille code when we change contrast to maximum ?

Saving lives: The art of technology.

Saving lives: The art of technology. Originally shared by IEEE Engineers are combining origami, medical technology and 3D printing to make surgical tools for less invasive surgeries:

"Who is behind the apparent abduction of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ from the Acolyte's compound?"-Part 11 in the ever...

"Who is behind the apparent abduction of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ from the Acolyte's compound?"-Part 11 in the ever expanding series of Essex polls. In situations like this, it is best to ask, cui bono (who benefits, or stands to gain from OLW's abduction.) Alas, it's not a terribly short list. For starters, the abduction is eerily reminiscent of how the NIA 'liberated" OLW from Hulong Transglobal​​​, to recruit him for the Niantic Project. This N.I.A. has motive, access to Oliver's genius and research. They also are among the few organisations with the means to assault a compound without being identified and then to suppress any news coverage of the incident. Next, any of the XM corps would be highly motivated to bring OLW on board. In addition to his former employer, IQTech Research​​​ and Visur Technology​​​ must be considered potential suspects. The xm drought is both a crisis and a potential business opportunity for the xm corps. Bringing Oliver on...

Elon Musk unchains the demon?

Elon Musk unchains the demon?

A colleague of Calvin?

A colleague of Calvin? Is Calvin active once again or is this an example of the legacy and ripples of what Calvin and others did - the next generation of XM Research and Use???

I believe that we need to have a serious discussion about who or what is behind this.

I believe that we need to have a serious discussion about who or what is behind this. We are at a serious disadvantage the longer we remain ignorant of who the players are in this. I suggest our starting point in trying to ascertain who is behind this is to ask; cui bono (who benefits)? Is it possible that the Vesuvian MAGNUS didn't die at Pompeii? Could modern day sympathisers be behind this attack? Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb This is developing. A source sent this 911 dispatch log to me. A hiker in Northern California called in to report gunfire and a possible explosion in an area that's associated with the Enlightened Compound. #InvestigateIngress

On yesterday post, I commented about a theory about what is needed for ADA to prosper as If I check ADA's past...

On yesterday post, I commented about a theory about what is needed for ADA to prosper as If I check ADA's past history, I can see and interesting patron: Casandra/13Magnus : Won by enlightened. ADA merged with Klue Recursion :Won by Resistance, ADA bond with Klue grow and stabilise. Interitus :Won by Resistance, Klada deploys some on itself on the blue control fields. this was done to prevent shapers to control those areas (maybe n'zeer too if they were more present at that time? ) Helios :Won by Resistance, Klada got nothing important here, she was in fact hurt by portal virus Darsana : Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA continue to diminish. Shonin : Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA break Persepolis : Won by Resistance, ADA is killed, she is "forced" to seek refuge on the n'zeer substrate. Abaddon : Won by Resistance (even if one of the event is trigger by a enlightened victory),  She is thrown out of the n'zeer substrate ...

I can also confirm that the XM is coming back slowly around portals.

I can also confirm that the XM is coming back slowly around portals. It seems that the change of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe was (at least partial) successful. Question is: At what price. Is the Obsidian Shield now pierced? And how does ADA fit in this?  Originally shared by Mordicus 420 (Mordicus) Xm seems to be back 🙌slowly reappearing around portals Edgar Allan Wright​​​​​ Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ Hank Johnson​​​​ Niantic Project​​ Operation Essex​​​​

I had a short discussion with Loeb last night.

I had a short discussion with Loeb last night.  It would seem that his ethics are still in charge of him, not any potential fears.

Does the XM famine affect the game play or not?

Originally shared by Sigbert Ingress Does the XM famine affect the game play or not? My personal prediction was that we will have soon more neutral portals. But after one week it seemed to me that the players could handle the new situation more or less well. An analysis based on nearly 22.000 portals in (and around) Berlin shows after two weeks still an inconclusive picture. The percentage of neutral portals till XMLess varied between 9.5-14.5% (horizontal gray dashed lines = 95% interval under normality assumption) and none of the data collected since XMLess are outside this interval. However, we observe  a significant (p-value ~ 1%) upward trend (black dashed line). Considering the average portal level (neutral portals are included as level 0 portals) we get the same picture, only the downward trend is now not significant. Statistically speaking: we can not be sure if the XM famine really affects the game, but we have some hints for it. Additionally it is said that the power cube dro...

Perfect example of creative thought and technology:...

Perfect example of creative thought and technology:

I came across this article from +Stein Lightman after some research inspired by the result of PAC´s survey on...

I came across this article from +Stein Lightman after some research inspired by the result of PAC´s survey on about the person best positioned to represent the resistance.   Both glyphs are representing the resistance and the existence of two different  glyphs translates logically into two different types of resistance at the time this article was written. I don´t know about you, but I´ve have never seen the second glyph appearing in my scanner, while the first one does so regularly. Does that mean the schism inside the resistance does no longer exist? When we go back to May 2014 – the time Lightmans article was written – this schism was a well-known fact. While the majority of Resistance agents wanted to continue working with portals and XM to better the future of mankind, a minority of them damned XM and portals altogether and would have prefered to close them down. This minority found a prominent figurehead in +Devra Bogdanovich . She went on to create a...

The bronze sculpture 'Ilmatar ja Sotka' depicts the creation myth from Finland's National Epic 'poem' the 'Kalevala'.

The bronze sculpture 'Ilmatar ja Sotka' depicts the creation myth from Finland's National Epic 'poem' the 'Kalevala'. Ilmatar, the Goddess of the Air is impregnated by a storm and became pregnant with Väinämöinen (the central character of the Kalevala). She drifts in the sea for 700 years until a Scaup settles on her knee, mistaking it for an islet, and lays seven eggs which she then begins to brood. The heat from the brooding makes Ilmatar move her leg and the eggs break, becoming the Earth, Sky, Sun, Moon, etc. So we can see that important bright shining apparitions emanating from 'Ilmatar ja Sotka' is a phenomenon as old as the earth itself. Are there any similar Creation Folklores attached to the other portals which +Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ is investigating?

Over at Project Isthmus we are working with Vicki Ellen on continuing glyph research as part of Oliver...

Over at Project Isthmus we are working with Vicki Ellen on continuing glyph research as part of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's challenge to solve the XM drought (if he is to be trusted here). Originally shared by Jaime Quinonez OLW Has Issued A Global Challenge Oliver Lynton-Wolfe requested agents take pictures of glyphs at certain key portals: Huge thanks to Vicki Ellen for heading up this cross-faction coordination of the effort. She has provided this URL for global collaboration: While we track the efforts, if you know of any pictures missed, please make a comment on the document and we'll verify and add it.  Together, we can restore the portal network and continue the investigation of the influence of these glyphs as in our current evaluation: Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard...

Morse code yields rzq39future24taa which contains Obsidian day 1 media.

Morse code yields rzq39future24taa which contains Obsidian day 1 media.

"Why did Jarvis stop hunting A Detection Algorithm​ and allow her to assist Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​?"

"Why did Jarvis stop hunting A Detection Algorithm​ and allow her to assist Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​?" -Part 10 in my ever expanding series of polls. Essentially, this question touches on quite a few unknowns: the relationship of The Acolyte and Jarvis, the purpose of the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​, and the nature of the xm drought. Jarvis is obviously on record as being vehement in his denunciations of artificial intelligence. It appears that AI might even represent the path of the N'Zeer for Jarvis; unbounded growth of humanity as infomorphs vs transcendence into the Ultimate. Jarvis' opposition to artificial intelligence is based on his belief that AI poses an existential threat to the cause of Enlightenment. This is not a position that Jarvis would cast aside lightly. This raises the best inevitable question: why did Jarvis release ADA? It appears to me that Jarvis and ADA were locked in a struggle that fully occupied both of their respective wills, en...

I think this video may interest the audience here. 😉

I think this video may interest the audience here. 😉 Originally shared by Jaime Quinonez Project Isthmus Investigator Agent derp Posts The Acolyte's Artifact Speech From Vienna I'd like to thank fellow Project Isthmus founder M. K. for taking this video of the Acolyte, Nicole Kraler, and myself. We are happy to be able to provide this to the Niantic Project & Operation Essex Investigators, and the broader Ingress community as well. Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb flint dille Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Luma Viride Andrew Krug Linda B

Is Janus the god of portals?

Is Janus the god of portals? Strictly speaking, that's exactly what he is; the god of beginnings and endings, transitions, doorways and gates. Yet there is a surprising amount of complexity to this two-faced god. Janus is notable in that he is the exception to the rule that all members of the Roman pantheon have ancient Greek counterparts. Janus has none; even the ancient Romans believed that Janus stood alone and was unique to them. What is even more remarkable is that not only did the ancient Roman and Greek scholars and historiographers think this was strange, they themselves had trouble accounting for Janus' anomalous role in their culture. On the one hand, Janus was almost certainly foremost among the archaic Latin and/or Etruscan deities, considered an equal of Jupiter in significance. Yet, even by the time of the Roman Republic, his exact nature had been confused in the mists of time. Janus was so important that only the Rex sacorum, the highest ranking priest, could per...

Operación Excalibur

Operación Excalibur En vista de la reciente sequía de XM, ocurrida a raíz de la activación del Obsidian Shield, un grupo de agentes investigadores de Latinoamérica se ha unido en esfuerzos para encontrar maneras de volver a permitir el paso de XM a nuestro mundo. En ese sentido surge la iniciativa Excalibur. ¿Qué es Excalibur? Es una propuesta basada en los análisis de PAC y otros conocidos investigadores del mundo de Ingress, quienes indican que las estructuras tipo domo o cúpulas simbolizan protección y están relacionadas con el Obsidian Shield, y que en contraposición las estructuras puntiaguas y de gran altura, como los obeliscos, torres, pirámides (entre otras), simbolizan poder. ¿Cuál es la propuesta? Unirnos la mayor cantidad de agentes alrededor del mundo en un esfuerzo por trazar Glyphs mediante links, control fields, droppeo de items, cadenas humanas, tiza, luces (¡usar la creatividad!) utilizando como referencia portales cuyas estructuras sean de gran altura y simbolicen...

I'd like to shed light on a random thought that's been mulling in my mind for a long time now.

I'd like to shed light on a random thought that's been mulling in my mind for a long time now. I'm considering hosting a investigation hangout event soon, similar to the one Edgar Allan Wright ​ hosted during Abaddon. It is important to state that nothing about this is concrete yet. If everything on my end works in my favor, I'll be poking some of you to appear as members of the hangout. What do you guys think? What topics should we discuss? If I choose to go ahead about this, what advice can you give to me to help make the experience run as smooth as possible? Share your thoughts here. -Mustafa.

Hail everythee!

Hail everythee! I got this Dr. Edgar Allan Wright 's badge earlier today!! My Cerebral Eruption! =D

The Gorgoneion of the Aegis.

The Gorgoneion of the Aegis. I believe that we may have largely overlooked the single most important aspect of the Aegis. While the Aegis often features prominently in ancient depictions of Athena/Minerva and Zeus/Jupiter, surprisingly little is known about exactly what it is or what it's powers are. Despite it's prominence in mythology, there isnt even agreement among classical authors as to what it's MADE of: some record it as a burnished, golden shield forged by Hephaestus, others either state or imply that it is a garment, or goatskin, with golden tassels. Homer himself can be counted among the latter group. There is, however, one consistent feature of the Aegis. Whether the Aegis is depicted as a round shield, a goatskin cloak or even a breastplate, there is one point on which all the myths agree: The Aegis bears the head of the Gorgon. Always. The Aegis has to bear the gorgoneion or it simply isn't the Aegis. The myths aren't even consistent as to who OWNS the...

Background used in today's post:

Background used in today's post: Post:

More revelations about Jahan and the Acolyte's recent activities...

More revelations about Jahan and the Acolyte's recent activities... Fellow Investigator QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect  linked me to this article , yes it's about the #13Magnus anomaly, but looking through the photos attached, we came to the conclusion of "Look! Those look like 2 shields in the photos!" These COULD be what the manifestations of the Aegis and Ancile look like?  Configurations of the shields that Jahan knew about? And the location mentioned in that document, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,  which is a coastal town. This leads me to believe that the Acolyte recently visited the area before the #Obsidian   finale, where she obtained the sea shells that she was handing out to agents in Vienna. As displayed in this post.. So Edgar Allan Wright and Hank Johnson , what do you think? Could there be some further intel there? flint di...

I dont know how many here would be interested in this but i figured i would share it with the group.

I dont know how many here would be interested in this but i figured i would share it with the group. We are on day 20 of tracking glyphs :)

Humanity as partners, not subjects.

Humanity as partners, not subjects. Elon Musk captures the approach to consciousness and technology that I identified with when I aligned to Enlightenment when I started playing  #Ingress  . Quote: "I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask. Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment."

Domes and Towers.

Domes and Towers. 13Magnus and Anti-Magnus. Obsidian Shield and ... ? Is it possible that here is the secret of how to reverse the effects of Obsidian Shield? (XM drought) Domes means protection... like a Shield. Towers means power... like a Sword. H. Richard Loeb already told us to think about this... ### Cúpulas y Torres. 13Magnus y Anti-Magnus. Obsidian Shield y ... ? Será posible que aquí esté el secreto para revertir los efectos del Obsidian Shield? (escasez de XM)  Las cúpulas simbolizan protección... como un Escudo. Las torres simbolizan poder... como una Espada. H. Richard Loeb ya nos dijo para pensar sobre esto.. Hank Johnson Susanna Moyer Edgar Allan Wright Operation Essex  #Ingress   #Obsidian   #AegisNova

This is a wonderful event history that Reddit user /u/TunderProsum/ has compiled, which can help to give context to...

This is a wonderful event history that Reddit user /u/TunderProsum/ has compiled, which can help to give context to the matters that we investigate here.

Interview with Jahan.

Interview with Jahan. I was granted an interview with Jahan after the anomaly activities in Orlando. My wife and I were actually impressed and flattered with how kind and polite Jahan is in person. Compliments were exchanged and returned. Below you'll find the questions that I was able to ask, and her answers. Why should we follow her? What does she offer. -"I am a vessel that serves the N'Zeer, and a guide toward the N'Zeer". What do you make of Hank Johnson's assertion that he was endowed with the memories of past 13Magnus leaders at the culmination of the Shonin anomaly?  Does your Anti-Magnus movement have a similar direct source of historical knowledge, or does your library represent its primary source for understanding past events? -"I do have a source of information." Felicia has been very interested in Jahan's life. Most of this question was answered by Jahan's dossier on the investigate site. You have been hunting for the Arrows of ...

This Picture was found (or so I read in a comment) of the new Info released today by PAC.

This Picture was found (or so I read in a comment) of the new Info released today by PAC. The final cube in that picture is the Alamo (AKA the astor place cube.) I took the liberty of looking up the portal location of it and found that it is in NYC. Here:,-73.991065&z=17&pll=40.729879,-73.991065

The new email from's emali list had this string of letter in it:

The new email from 's emali list had this string of letter in it: ttyouuyyteyiiwyoytuuiptwiettir I am no decoder, but i am trying to see if this will have any kind of info to help us. any help will be appreciated. (If it is anything at all -_-)

Where are the answers to the questions that we asked Jahan at the Obsidian anomaly?

Where are the answers to the questions that we asked Jahan at the Obsidian anomaly?  I saw the responses posted by the Acolyte but maybe I missed Jahan's.

The new anomaly is known as Aegis Nova (my first)

The new anomaly is known as Aegis Nova (my first) So lets see: Nova no·va ˈnōvə/ noun ASTRONOMY a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months. Aegis ae·gis ˈējis/ noun the protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization. "negotiations were conducted under the aegis of the UN" synonyms: protection, backing, support, patronage, sponsorship, charge, care, guidance, control, guardianship, trusteeship, agency, safeguarding, shelter, umbrella, aid, assistance;  auspices "they had wrongly assumed that Lincoln Beach fell under the aegis of the Parks Department" (in classical art and mythology) an attribute of Zeus and Athena (or their Roman counterparts Jupiter and Minerva) usually represented as a goatskin shield. plural noun: aegises So, my theory. Nova has a definite space theme or it is related to the changes of XM patterns. The change in XM pattern may be a inverse Nova. Les...

Aegis Nova

Aegis Nova Aegis, coming from the greek mythology represents a shield worn by Zeus und Athena. Nowadays a word used when standing under someones protection (Obsidian Shield?) Nova is the explosion of a star. Explosion of the Obsidian Shield? Removement of the Shield?  Originally shared by Sandra J. So, the name of the next XM Anomaly is "Aegis Nova" #ingress

Hi! I'm new here and I'd like to share something with you.

Hi! I'm new here and I'd like to share something with you. We know that new anomaly is called Aegis Nova. It's almost certain that it will be about a shield, protection or only Obsidian Shield in this case. But, on the other hand Aegis is a name of naval weapons system so again we have something related to sea. Of course the system name originated in Aegis - shield of Zeus but is it really only a coincidence? PS. And Nova?

Is it just me, or does it seem that since the drought started around portals, more xm has seemed to appear in other...

Is it just me, or does it seem that since the drought started around portals, more xm has seemed to appear in other particular places?

The end of this makes it look like the race is on between The Acolyte/Oliver and Jahan/Stein.

The end of this makes it look like the race is on between The Acolyte/Oliver and Jahan/Stein. However, it also shows that Oliver was involved for a while already while Jahan did only turn to Stein after she was not given the Obsidian shards. Apart from Stein and Ollie, Hank mentioned Edgar Allan Wright was also working on a solution. Who is our Pliny? (Or: who send the box to Susanna?) Both Hank and Edgar seem to know a lot of what is going on on both sides... but I can't imagine one of them wanting to risk the fate of our society. Looking at the state of the portals.... Devra Bogdanovich would be happy I guess. And another question: Is The Acolyte a mermaid? ;P More serious: when she handed out the shells, the outcome of the anomaly was still very uncertain. So would the path these shells represent have been the same had Resistance won? And why did she specifically mention Mexico? Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb This transcript sheds light on some important pieces of informa...

Maybe that's a hint...

Maybe that's a hint... Found in the fotos from Obsidian Anomaly in Vienna taken by NCC1701R

I got this video out of a hack of a portal today there is definitely a glyph sequence and prbably hidden msgs in the...

I got this video out of a hack of a portal today there is definitely a glyph sequence and prbably hidden msgs in the flashes.

Theory tested, and #confirmed

Theory tested, and #confirmed Originally shared by Aaron Barnard The pursuit of Knowledge, and Truth Teammate asked if you could recycle a lawson. I said, thats a dangerous question...

Although this may be an old topic to discuss, but has anybody been able to figure out what the Acolyte's real name,...

Although this may be an old topic to discuss, but has anybody been able to figure out what the Acolyte's real name, her "student's," name, and the location of the portal that is the cabin if it even is one? This might be a long shot, but I'm taking a guess that the Acolyte's name is Cassandra, simply because of how Jarvis talked about Cassandra long before his death in the early days of Ingress before his "death". As a Resistance member, I want to get to the bottom of this XM drought and what secrets the Acolyte may be hiding from everyone, including her own followers, now that she is in control of the Obsidian Shield. If this cabin is a legitimate portal accessible to the public, then there may be some things that she and/or Jarvis is hiding in there... Then again, I could be talking nonsense, but this is just my theory :P

¿La oportunidad de corregir nuestros errores? / The chance to correct our mistakes?

¿La oportunidad de corregir nuestros errores? / The chance to correct our mistakes? Originally shared by Ingress Big news, Agents.  We are pleased to confirm the cities and dates for the next XM Anomaly series.  May 28th, 2016 Brooklyn, NY, USA {P} Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN, USA {s} Savannah, GA, USA {s} Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS {P} Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA {s} Padova, ITALY {s} Tainan, TAIWAN {P} Chiang Mai, THAILAND {s} Manila, PHILIPPINES {s} June 25th, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA {P} Calgary, AB, CANADA {s} Salt Lake City, UT, USA {s} Moscow, RUSSIA {P} Dublin, IRELAND {s} Nice, FRANCE {s} Sydney, AUSTRALIA {P} Hyderabad, INDIA {s} Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA {s} Please note that the XM Anomaly series name, logo and online RSVP / registration pages will be coming soon.

Hello Operation: Essex

Hello Operation: Essex, Although I have been in your ranks for some time I've felt I haven't been understood your purpose, until now. After our defeat in Orlando and the beginning of the drought I've been thinking: isn't a lack of xm emanating from portals everything the resistance have ever wanted? This means that only natural xm is being exposed to the general population as oppose to the portal generated xm that is "leaking into our world". Hasn't the shield plugged these leaks? If so why should the resistance make an effort to undo it? On the flip side why was it the enlightened deployment that caused this? Did the shapers deceive the very force working to further their influence?  These are a questions I turn to you for Operation: Essex.
Very new to the investigation. It looks like the Niantic Project webpage doesn't update anymore. Is this correct?



Well, I think Hank Johnson​​​ is being quite gracious in not broadcasting "I told you so!" to anyone who will...

Well, I think Hank Johnson​​​ is being quite gracious in not broadcasting "I told you so!" to anyone who will listen. Is Hank Johnson​​​ implicitly confirming that the Obsidian shield works by drawing on xm and cm? It certainly seems that he believes the shield was always intended to be directed indiscriminately against both the Shapers and the N'Zeer. Perhaps Pliny the Elder, now confirmed as the leader of the Vesuvian Magnus began to fear that both sides needed to be locked out of human affairs. Alternatively, perhaps he felt that, with the Shapers and N'eer locked out, he would be free to wield the power of xm unhindered by outside guidance. Interesting Questions going forward: flint dille​​​ referred to the Vesuvian Magnus as "A super MAGNUS". Could Flint know about, or suspect, the existence of other super magnuses (magni?) throughout history? In some ways it would be surprising if Vesuvius was the only cross-factional hybrid grouping. No doubt histor...

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Hank Johnson.

Originally shared by Hank Johnson For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Hank Johnson. I’ve studied and experienced anomalies throughout my career as a scholar, a special operator and have investigated them extensively on my Nomad ( ) TV show. In retrospect, we should have known that the Obsidian Shield was not what was represented to both 13MAGNUS and Anti-Magnus ( ), but hindsight is always twenty-twenty, high-def and 3D. When the Vesuvian Magnus attempted to build the shield, they threatened both the Shapers and the N’zeer, two forces that exert gravity on our species and have for a very long time… we don’t know what they look like, where they are, what their true intentions are and what role we play in this quantum chess game, but we do know that the Vesuvian Magnus was destroyed in 79 A.D. by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The truth is, we couldn’t have k...

Any idea what this is?

Any idea what this is?

Water, Sea, Ocean, Ships, Harbours....

Water, Sea, Ocean, Ships, Harbours.... I'm detecting a 'sea' theme in recent proceedings: - the Acolyte's reference to Water - the (nautilus?) shells she handed out - the sea bird (Albatross, Cormorant?) in the background of H. Richard Loeb's post - many (12 of 18) of the new anomaly sites are in cities by the ocean or sea I get the feeling the new series name is hiding in here somewhere. Edgar Allan Wright

The Truth comes First.

The Truth comes First.

Relistening and reviewing some things - listening to this and reinterpreting the words.

Relistening and reviewing some things - listening to this and reinterpreting the words... foreshadowing was always there and I missed it - wonder what else was missed. "What do we really know of Devra Bogdanovich..." " Just like Hank Johnson in that video last year." "Just like Hank Johnson" There is a mention of how the Devra test subjects resorted to violence to quiet their minds... I wonder if that is somehow linked to the Vesuvian Magnus... -

Let me say, what a weekend.

Originally shared by Josh Basilio Let me say, what a weekend. Possibly a full post of my experiences later, but I've been captured in picture and video so much and the results speak for themselves. I did want to share something interesting the Enlightened GORUCK teams discovered during the course of our mission in Orlando. These are two sections of an encoded message, and we were told Hank Johnson​ is involved somehow. I'm also told that GORUCK teams elsewhere across the globe have recovered similar sections. I post these to foster a concerted effort to collect these fragments together and discover more truth. I believe my Resistance counterparts in Orlando have seen the same encoded sections that I have, plus more. Let's work together!

This is the shell I got from Acolyte in Vienna. She said it is from Mexico.

This is the shell I got from Acolyte in Vienna. She said it is from Mexico.

After my meeting with the Acolyte, as promised, I'm posting the answer to the question everyone submitted, the time...

After my meeting with the Acolyte, as promised, I'm posting the answer to the question everyone submitted, the time I have with her was limited, so no all the question has been answered. I have also resume my impression on the meeting at the end. Mustafa Said  I would like to know just how she had grown so close to +Roland Jarvis​ to the point that she was able to surpass him as the spiritual leader of the Enlightenment   She told me that even when they have different means, they want to achieve the same destination. He understood that and that's why she is her successor Mustafa Said   and  Mike Wissinger  I would also like to know what knowledge she possesses on the matter of Mazz and her untimely demise She can't answer that now, but she says, that everything will be revealed on time *What is the current state of Roland Jarvis  now that the sensitives have been respawned as simulacra* She does not know, she can communicate with him but is not aware of his state Steven Ca...

I may start off by saying that I am not intimately familiar with the intricacies of the portal network.

I may start off by saying that I am not intimately familiar with the intricacies of the portal network. However, my experience and own experiments have made me aware of a possible explanation for the disappearance of XM throughout the portal network following the obsidian event. I may start off by saying that some months ago I discovered a bizarre phenomena that could occur when interacting with capsules in a certain way. As we know, XM objects are XM entities that have the bizarre property of replicating at portals. XM is something of an energy source and it fabricates XM objects. It is known that XM objects can be decomposed into XM. XM usually can not be detected directly by non-sensitives. Some of us may feel it, but at the very least we cannot usually see it in the way they may be able to. We are able to detect XM objects through the aid of our scanner. When interacting with capsules in specific manners I noticed that it was possible to create transient deficiencies in detectable ...


The infamous 13 Magnus. However their name has a hidden latin name. The word "Magnus" means great. It was used in roman times as a title. A possible inspiration for the original creators of 13 Magnus could be like this: There were 13 XM sensitives, question greatness However I doubt that the anti Magnus really meant to be anti greatness. They were trying to be against the 13 Magnus (sorry if this is really convoluted, I'm tired)

My theory of exotic matter, own ideas.

My theory of exotic matter, own ideas. We apologize if I only caused them to spam, I'm just a humble lone researcher, as apparently to my local community, not called the game's story as much as I only two players, who have a knowledge equally limited than mine, which are the only ones who have accompanied me on this long journey, and that, without them, there would here (@ Rul01 and @MentalRider), sorry again if I write first in Spanish and then in English, and another apology if this theory was already analyzed and only contributed to hinder the investigation, only I took a year of research and can not find anyone else with whom you discuss, though, rather than debating learn from you. (Start) From the "13Magnus," "Abaddon" and finally to "Obsidian" has shown that the power of exotic matter beyond our limits, now, with the active shield Obsidian, exotic matter is disappearing, so as to obtain objects portal, this does not give cubes of power (Powe...

Does an xm sensitive "see" portals?

Does an xm sensitive "see" portals? I'm imagining this campfire... burning coals and a flame without heat. Might that be what a portal with resonators deployed close to the center looked like to ancient eyes (some of us call deploying resonators too close to center "campfiring" the portal even now). Then this Cybella, perhaps like others we have heard of, was able to transport through the network to the Vesuvius site. Might this be how the xm is travelling in the current drought? Do we know anyone, disembodied, that might be able to pass through the network? Ada? Jarvis perhaps? Is that what the Acolyte is really up to? Finding a way to release him?

So everyone has been talking about the recent XM famine, however I barely notice it.

So everyone has been talking about the recent XM famine, however I barely notice it. There actually seems to be MORE of it, albeit spread out. It seems to congrate on roads in small clumps. I actually seems more plentiful in no field areas, far from portals. I haven't been able to check a restitance field for XM.

Estimados compañeros de facción y enemigos, se sabe, que en las horas siguientes de la anomalía, se llevó a cabo la...

Estimados compañeros de facción y enemigos, se sabe, que en las horas siguientes de la anomalía, se llevó a cabo la activación del escudo de obsidian, pero, con las intenciones erróneas, ahora estamos pagando por esto todos, soy iluminado, y luche con mi facción en la anomalía, más desconocía los alcances de dicha activación, ahora, tenemos que buscar la solución juntos, ahora debemos de deshacer la activación, les invito a unirse a operaciones internacionales con el fin de poder deshacer esto, es una tarea difícil que requerirá algo que es imposible: que todos olvidemos las diferencias personales y nos unamos, hemos vivido una ves esta situación, y logramos superarla, ahora, lo volveremos a hacer, ahora, no guiemos a los demás a la senda de la verdad, ahora hagamos la verdad, por que, el acólito, sabía de los efectos pero lo omitió, ahora, todo lo que conocemos puede ser destruido. iniciaremos la verdadera operación de investigación, Inteligencia, análisis y operaciones en campo. les ...

"Why has the activation of the Obsidian Shield caused a global xm famine?"

"Why has the activation of the Obsidian Shield caused a global xm famine?" This is my 9th poll and it follows on from the excellent discussion and issue framing of Mike Wissinger​​ : The choices speak for themselves and we have very little information to go on at the moment. The most common theories I've seen involve the shield soaking up the xm for power or the shield blocking both the Shapers and the N'Zeer equally. Alternatively, perhaps the N'Zeer were actually responsible for xm or, even more intriguingly, it was the conflict between the Shapers and the N'Zeer that produced xm as a byproduct. With the N'Zeer signal blocked, the portals are no longer producing/leaking excess xm. As ever, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

This post will serve to collect all of the Operation Essex/Project Isthmus polls in a single, easy to reference...

This post will serve to collect all of the Operation Essex/Project Isthmus polls in a single, easy to reference collection. I will try and keep this up to date. The purpose of the polls is to allow for easier, collective engagement with questions that don't have easy answers. When approaching a poll, one can't help but think, are these the only choices? are these choices mutually exclusive? Perhaps seeing the views of other agents will prompt you to rethink something you thought you knew. This is not an attempt to establish the truth by appealing to a majority, indeed many minority viewpoints will no doubt be confirmed by later evidence. Conversely, on other questions, it might be interesting to observe a consensus emerge. Some questions might inspire agents to challenge the very premise of the question itself. All of these outcomes are great: they prompt agents to think more seriously about questions without neccesarily having to produce a post of their own. I hope agents wi...

This just came out - could this be tied into what is happening with the Shield and linked to Hank Johnson's Nomad...

This just came out - could this be tied into what is happening with the Shield and linked to Hank Johnson's Nomad theory I bring this up as a reminder -

Now reality

Now reality Will it be different? Originally shared by Tammy Murdock (mrsedging) So there's xm aplenty on the ground around my current location, but very little by the portal.... I don't really follow the storyline, but this feels too weird, like the calm before the storm. I'm wondering, and this is mostly just my exhausted mind, if the location of the xm I AM seeing has anything to do with my current theory of dispersion. In other words, has XM found some other way, besides through portals, to get here?

We wanted to be sure this was shared here at Essex as well.

We wanted to be sure this was shared here at Essex as well. Originally shared by Jaime Quinonez The Enlightened Team Analysis Of The Obsidian Artifacts As most of you know, the Artifacts were won as part of an Ingress  challenge that started with Susanna Moyer. As such, in order for our global Enlightened team to make the best decision when presented with such a tough choice, we needed to analyze it. Special thanks to GreyWagtail ENL Agent and others for help with the analysis. Now that we have been allowed to reveal the complete Artifact images, let us show you our interpretation of them. This is the second of a two part series we are releasing today. ~Agent derp Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex flint dille Hank Johnson Andrew Krug Linda B