
Showing posts with the label KodamaRecon

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this? And I am worried that PAC still does not post articles. It seems the last article was 48h ago... Originally shared by YutoRaion What is the List? : 『リスト』とは何か? (Japanese follow) There was an interesting sentence in the article of the other day. > We believe that Niantic could be using this event to develop a target list of potential testers for a variant Scanner that, reports indicate, may show signs of Exogenous interference. What is "variant Scanner" and what is "target list"? I am thinking that there is somewhat a relationship with the message revealed by #KodamaRecon. Of course, there is a possibility that the information is insufficient with the thing I am grasping, but I will think about it with the information currently being grasped. > After Alpha > Before Gamma