I came across this article from +Stein Lightman after some research inspired by the result of PAC´s survey on...

I came across this article from +Stein Lightman after some research inspired by the result of PAC´s survey on www.investigate.ingress.com about the person best positioned to represent the resistance.  
Both glyphs are representing the resistance and the existence of two different  glyphs translates logically into two different types of resistance at the time this article was written. I don´t know about you, but I´ve have never seen the second glyph appearing in my scanner, while the first one does so regularly. Does that mean the schism inside the resistance does no longer exist?

When we go back to May 2014 – the time Lightmans article was written – this schism was a well-known fact. While the majority of Resistance agents wanted to continue working with portals and XM to better the future of mankind, a minority of them damned XM and portals altogether and would have prefered to close them down. This minority found a prominent figurehead in +Devra Bogdanovich . She went on to create a portal virus in two different strains which caused the portals to decay faster and started working on a vaccine to protect to human brain from being influenced by XM. The majority turned to ADA and tried to help her evolve to a better AI, seeing  the path to a better future for humanity in a coexistence with Artificial Intelligence. The Resistance´s victory in the following anomalies helped ADA on her way, but Dr. Bogdanovic´s path soon ended. A leaked document seemed to prove the existence of human casualties during her vaccine trials – a fact which she seemingly accepted as necessary  to continue her work. A coordinated smear campaign ended in the cutting of her funds at the CDC and the last thing we heard was an account of her adventure at Huolong Industries which ended in a way that left doubts about her survival.

Let us now return to the present. PAC´s survey – admittingly not really a representative one – about a possible resistance figurehead shows ADA with more than 40% ranked as No. 1. This is no surprise, but the second “figurehead” (I don´t see her as such) Jahan comes in only at 4th with less than 15%. If we group these two together – because they both want to work with XM – we get 55%. Dr. Devra Bogdanovic  - although silent for the last 18 months – still comes in 2nd with 21%. This is a remarkable result and a strong hint at the fact that the schism is still present in todays resistance, even though the followers of this path have been silent.  Do you think so, too?
 Let me end this article with a “heretic” thought:  The resistance in the last nearly 18 months hasn´t gotten closer to the point of bettering the future of mankind. ADA has evolved, true, but the Enlightened have not gotten any weaker, although they lost nearly all anomalies since then. Is it perhaps necessary for the resistance to go back to this junction in time when the decision was made to interact with XM and rethink it?


  1. I've always related the ideologies to their figureheads:
    ENL Pro-Shaper - Jarvis/Acolyte
    ENL Anti-Shaper - Hank Johnson
    RES Pro-N'Zeer - ADA/Jahan
    RES Anti-XM - Devra Bogdanovich

    Interesting that ADA has claimed that Jahan doesn't even represent the pure intent of the N'Zeer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgJq6eYzPcI

    I do not think the different schools of thought regarding their faction alignment really disappear. It might be that aside from discussions in our kinds of channels, there isn't really a way to express these sentiments on the field. We capture shards or portals for our faction but there's no difference if the intent to help Shapers/N'Zeer or to shield minds from transdimensional influence.

  2. There are also two variants of the Enlightened glyph.

  3. I think at this point you have to separate the RES into at least three variants.

    Jahan is explicitly pro-N'zeer.

    ADA is pro-use-of-XM-tech, and specifically N'zeer-originating XM and CM tech, but is not necessarily pro-N'zeer; she's pro-herself, and perhaps pro-cyborg (human/AI integrated beings), but may not be interested in ending the exile of the N'zeer beings, preferring instead to simply appropriate their tools.

    Devra is, or at least was, in favor of shutting down the portal network and making human minds resistant to the effects of XM tech.  Though it's unclear whether the portals are the only source of XM/CM.  It's possible that "wild" or "ground" XM is actually a product of human cognition, something that has always been with us, since before the Shapers opened the portal network to influence us.


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