The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now...
The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now... Today I lead a group of agents on a trip through Chicago... or what started out as one. A few things that I feared that would pose a challenge as being the Patron of this group, the group itself solved while we were playing... • The group had an extremely fun time. • The group asked when can we do something like this in the future. The group encountered a time displaced scientist who was promptly abducted by a group of Mobsters and dragged through a door, the group followed in pursuit and found themselves back in the 40's era Chicago during the time of World War II. Behind the bar, the group was relieved to see Misty Hannah serving drinks and blending in. Unfortunately the group caught the attention of the owners of the establishment, the mobsters and a fight broke out. Due to the roll of the dice, the group aided by Misty Hannah was able to subdue these mobsters. Misty further briefs the group on what she's found so ...