This post will serve to collect all of the Operation Essex/Project Isthmus polls in a single, easy to reference...

This post will serve to collect all of the Operation Essex/Project Isthmus polls in a single, easy to reference collection. I will try and keep this up to date.

The purpose of the polls is to allow for easier, collective engagement with questions that don't have easy answers. When approaching a poll, one can't help but think, are these the only choices? are these choices mutually exclusive? Perhaps seeing the views of other agents will prompt you to rethink something you thought you knew.

This is not an attempt to establish the truth by appealing to a majority, indeed many minority viewpoints will no doubt be confirmed by later evidence. Conversely, on other questions, it might be interesting to observe a consensus emerge. Some questions might inspire agents to challenge the very premise of the question itself. All of these outcomes are great: they prompt agents to think more seriously about questions without neccesarily having to produce a post of their own. I hope agents will find engaging with these questions as interesting as I have.

12) "What effect will a succesful ENL attack on ADA have on the refactor?"

11) Who is behind the apparent abduction of Oliver Lynton-wolfe from The Acolyte's compound?

10) Why did Jarvis stop hunting A.D.A. and allow her to help Oliver Lynton-wolfe?

9) Why has the activation of the Obsidian Shield caused a global xm famine?

8) “What is the nature of November Lima 1331”

7) “Who is missing from the three empty capsules of Abaddon at CERN?”

6) “Who is Devra Bogdanovich running from really?”

5) “Who do you think set up Flint Dille in Seattle? (Hint:AL)

4) What is the special sensitive power of Hubert Farlowe.

3) What is Klue's real identity? She might be in the book! (Ingress Origins)

2) What was Calvin trying to create at Niantic?

1) Who is the 5th original Enlightened researcher?

Thank you to all agents who have voted and shared their perspectives in the spirit of truth.


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