More revelations about Jahan and the Acolyte's recent activities...

More revelations about Jahan and the Acolyte's recent activities...

Fellow Investigator QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect  linked me to this article, yes it's about the #13Magnus anomaly, but looking through the photos attached, we came to the conclusion of "Look! Those look like 2 shields in the photos!"

These COULD be what the manifestations of the Aegis and Ancile look like?  Configurations of the shields that Jahan knew about?

And the location mentioned in that document, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,  which is a coastal town. This leads me to believe that the Acolyte recently visited the area before the #Obsidian   finale, where she obtained the sea shells that she was handing out to agents in Vienna. As displayed in this post..

So Edgar Allan Wright and Hank Johnson , what do you think? Could there be some further intel there?

flint dille Andrew Krug H. Richard Loeb Project Isthmus Linda B Ethan Lepouttre


  1. interesting document... I'm sure most know the glyphs in the illustrations... the one with the 13 arrow head shapes point toward the "again/repeat" glyph while the second illustration seems to have a circle with thirteen divding lines, a glyph for " Begin" and a second glyph that appears to be 3 glyphs transposed over each other.."human" "shaper" and "Nature"

    As far as the document writer's last question, "...along with our own modern facility here begs the question of whether it was we that picked the site at Arecibo, or the site that picked us." I'm pretty sure that it was the later.. or at least that's my opinion, for what that's worth.


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