
Showing posts with the label Kosh TheRipper (KoshTheRipper)

Operation Essex after the shutdown of G+?

Operation Essex after the shutdown of G+? We have setup: This is jointly moderated by members of Essex and Niantic! Post here please!

RE:Seeking WordPress Guru.

RE:Seeking WordPress Guru. It is done. To the best of our ability, we've archived the Essex G+ community posts to a few external sources. The primary one being Use it for your referencing in the future if need be!

So it's come up in the Essex chat.

So it's come up in the Essex chat... I am curious and would like to hear opinions... What platform would you like to see Operation Essex run on? See something not on the list? Leave the medium and description in the comments below!

My Edgar Allan Wright timeline theory

My Edgar Allan Wright timeline theory This is my hypothetical timeline of what happened with Edgar Allan Wright I am asking for further extrapolations, fact-checks, and criticisms on the topic. Please feel free to comment away! -> 1) Waratah - Calvin oversaw this think tank. They were experimenting with remote participation, Calvin pulled in Nigel Moyer to introduce and oversee the use of XM to exponentially increase the results of these experiments. Due to the introduction and controlled use of XM, they obtained positive results. The positive result yield motivated them to attempt another think tank. 2) Marie Celeste - This is the next think tank that Calvin supervised, the use XM of was done again, this time, the participants felt confident enough to not required Nigel Moyer's presence to oversee the use of XM. This oversight caused Dr. Wright to push farther than they did in Waratah, putting himself at risk. This caused a crack in his mind at the culmination of Marie Celeste...

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday June 30th. Kosh TheRipper is running this session, with character creation starting at 1300 EST and session time at 1400EST! A group of agents come together to guard a mysterious chest on a train run by a 13Magnus group. What's so important about this chest? Will the agents defend the chest or let it fall into the wrong hands? We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice! 4) We keep t...

The Essex Remote Intrusion Team Rescue Operation

The Essex Remote Intrusion Team Rescue Operation I was approached by Mustafa Said and Ishira Tsubasa about what was going on with the #TS-MORPHEUS researchers and group. We were horrified about what was happening with the TS-MORPHEUS researchers and being the inventive, and sometimes, unorthodox group of investigators that make up Essex, we decided to gather together, plan out and execute not just an RPE Session, but to form a Remote Intrusion Team to gather together and rescue Pi, Delta, and Beta. This is the log of that session. Details were kept scant, and the plans of our activities were kept hidden until the time we were set to gather together and do the mission. So we decided to perform a Remote Intrusion Team operation, our own mirror of what Hank Johnson once mentioned about what happened at Jahan's palace. What makes this one different? I used my skills as a Patron and guided my team into, through, and back successfully through this mission. Read below to find out how we a...

A Discussion of Archetypes

A Discussion of Archetypes As the topics of archetypes recently came up in discussion in the Essex Investigative group, I went off of the suggestion of fellow investigator Ishira Tsubasa, and listed below you will find the currently used archetypes, dark archetypes, and subtypes in the Essex Ingress RPE document. Just for a bit of clarification, we had the revealing of the initial archetypes and their abilities during the 2017 Camp Navarro event... Investigators later uncovered "subtypes", which are specialized versions of certain already existing archetypes and these aligned to certain characters in the Ingress lore. Investigators researched further and uncovered what we initially termed “anti-archetypes”, these are archetypes that are the functional polar opposites of the archetypes, the term has then shifted to “dark archetypes” to more appropriately describe them. Further investigation uncovered two additional archetypes. The one archetype that has never had a game-...

Essex ORPE Log - The Fateful Action #UmbraInteritus

Essex ORPE Log - The Fateful Action #UmbraInteritus This is the latest session log set in a new parallel world that has been dubbed "Umbra Interitus". Thanks to Ishira Tsubasa for providing me with a log of the RPE session! A group of agents made a hard decision, and now, with information provided to them from other New Wave Cells, they embark on a mission to complete this task. Though this group never expected to encounter the person aiding them in this hard task. More sessions that I run online will be set in this is new "Cyberpunk Meets Ravenloft" setting!! Prepare for something more gritty, more bleak, and more dangerous!! If you're interested in this new setting, feel free to reach out to me on Telegram at my agent handle! So read on to find out what happens in the Fateful Action... Are they going to encounter this man again? I obtained Mustafa Said 's perm...

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session We're back from an academically induced break! This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday March 31st. Kosh TheRipper is running this session, with character creation starting at 1300 EST and session time at 1400EST! A pivotal decision has been made and now the important undertaking must commence. Facing what they have come to as their own definition of humanity. The group will unwittingly either doom or save humanity by these actions... We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability...

The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now...

The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now... Today I lead a group of agents on a trip through Chicago... or what started out as one. A few things that I feared that would pose a challenge as being the Patron of this group, the group itself solved while we were playing... • The group had an extremely fun time. • The group asked when can we do something like this in the future. The group encountered a time displaced scientist who was promptly abducted by a group of Mobsters and dragged through a door, the group followed in pursuit and found themselves back in the 40's era Chicago during the time of World War II. Behind the bar, the group was relieved to see Misty Hannah serving drinks and blending in. Unfortunately the group caught the attention of the owners of the establishment, the mobsters and a fight broke out. Due to the roll of the dice, the group aided by Misty Hannah was able to subdue these mobsters. Misty further briefs the group on what she's found so ...

Call for participants for a special Online RPE event!

Call for participants for a special Online RPE event! It's coming. An online session will be held this coming weekend of the Chicago RPE module. The YouTube channel will be If you are interested in playing, please contact me at my agent handle on Telegram OR FILL OUT THIS FORM #IngressRPE #ChicagoRPE

I can neither confirm nor deny that the Essex RPE groups are a feeder for the new NIA RPE Research Unit...

I can neither confirm nor deny that the Essex RPE groups are a feeder for the new NIA RPE Research Unit... Our Essex RPE groups are at the forefront of this cutting edge field, as we've uncovered the anti-archetypes and other information vital to our RPE research.

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday January 20. Kosh TheRipper is running this session, with character creation starting at 1600EST and session time at 1700EST! Further secrets become revealed... I am actively seeking contacts who are experienced with the Roll20 platform and would be willing to share that knowledge with me. We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice! 4) We keep these sessions PG-13 5) Prepare to devote at...

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session Sorry for the late post.. life happens. >. This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday January 06. Mario Valenzuela II is running this session, with character creation starting at 1600EST and session time at 1700EST! This is our first session for 2018! Woohoo! New energies manifest in 2018! What's coming in store this weekend?? We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice! 4) We keep these sessions PG-13 5) Prepare to devote...

State of the Essex RPE sessions

State of the Essex RPE sessions Due to the coming New Years festivities. We're not holding a session this weekend!! See you next year investigators and agents!!

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday December 23rd. Kosh TheRipper is running this session, with character creation starting at 1100EST and session time at 1200EST! Things are shaking up at Hulong Transglobal. What impact is this having on humanity? What's the new secret project that Hulong Transglobal has been developing? We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice! 4) We keep these sessions PG-13 5) Prepare to devote ...

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Friday December 15th. Mario Valenzuela II is running this session, with character creation starting at 1700EST and session time at 1800EST! As exo5 concluded we discovered that the multiverse is not what it seems.... We will be using all of the released rules for this session. If you would like take part, message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle . We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete. Looking forward to having you there! To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live: 1) We host these on Telegram 2) These are entirely online. 3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice! 4) We keep these sessions PG-13 5) Prepare to devote at least 3 hours to us. 6) We do not allow, nor do we encourage use of the Ingress m...

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session This session is going to be on this coming weekend, Saturday December 9th. Kosh TheRipper​​ is running this session, with character creation starting at 1400EST and session time at 1500EST! Strange things are happening with Hulong Transglobal... Publicly revealed investments in cellular radio bands... Changes to a mostly night-shift work force... though the child of a guard posts onto social media channels, "My mommy is acting different... " Rumors are spreading on the fringes of important circles that something is subverting Hulong Transglobal... We will be using all of the released rules for this session. This session will attempted to be live streamed via the Essex twitch channel. If performance is not ideal, we will revert to a Youtube Live stream! Current live stream format is the TG Chat room, and DM narration of scenes. If you would lik...

State of the Essex Online RPE Sessions

State of the Essex Online RPE Sessions Due to the coming anomaly this weekend, we will not be holding our usual weekend session. We will resume our sessions the following weekend. Enjoy your anomaly!

Essex ORPE Log - 018 - Communication Breakdown #UmbraInteritus

Essex ORPE Log - 018 - Communication Breakdown #UmbraInteritus This is the fourth session log set in a new parallel world that has been dubbed "Umbra Interitus". A group of agents is dispatched to investigate a strange “background signal”l that has been emerging within the cellular networks as of late. With the aid of the newly ascended “Mustafa Algorithm”, they uncover more secrets about a threatening ingression of our dimensional node and gain a new advantage in the fight. Yet the cost of gaining this advantage brings them within the cross hairs of a formally unknown presence... More sessions that I run online will be set in this is new "Cyberpunk Meets Ravenloft" setting!! Prepare for something more gritty, more bleak, and more dangerous!! If you're interested in this new setting, feel free to reach out to me on Telegram at my agent handle! So read on to find out ...