
Showing posts with the label Operation: Essex: Glyph Meanings & Research

Herein I report the events of the past month.

Originally shared by Elinore Loch Herein I report the events of the past month. As I was working on a series of reactions to synthesize a library of molecules for pharmaceutical drug development, I observed some anomalous results (for confidential reasons, these results cannot be disclosed). After three weeks of attempting and failing to obtain the expected results, I reached out to CrimsonCoder, an Ingress Agent known to be an expert in XM related pseudoscience. I had an upcoming presentation in front of a panel of experts in my field, and the results of these reactions were necessary for the success of this presentation. I had a thought that XM could be to blame for the lack of success in my experiments. After participating in CrimsonCoder’s anomalous zone composed of the Mind, Soul, Body, and #Human glyphs, I was able to tap into the XM network to discover truths about my reactions that I had been ignorant of up to that point. I was able to take this new knowledge and use it to im...

It's just that I'm sure someone's done this before, but I want to try translating the glyphs into an ancient...

It's just that I'm sure someone's done this before, but I want to try translating the glyphs into an ancient language to recite them in and I'd like help narrowing the options. Then I'll post the top 3 as a poll on the Ingress home page and trust the wisdom of the crowd

A little bit self explanatory but I've been paying attention to what glyphs are surrounding Dunraven Foundation s...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa A little bit self explanatory but I've been paying attention to what glyphs are surrounding Dunraven Foundation s projects because I'm of course curious to the ones used. This is a current and ongoing list of all of the instances that glyphs have been present in either DunRavens posts or included in their videos. DunRaven has made a point to make almost every single one of their posts have some involvement in glyphs, so I feel it's important to pay attention to what these glyphs mean and are saying. Ingress John Hanke Andrew Krug flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex #ingress #glyphs #glyphstudies

New Glyphs are coming?

New Glyphs are coming? Source: Ingress the Animation 07

Here is the full Chat Log of Flint's stop by the Essex Hangout August 20, 2018 (as off 4:45 EDT time, if he stops by...

Here is the full Chat Log of Flint's stop by the Essex Hangout August 20, 2018 (as off 4:45 EDT time, if he stops by later, I will update the file and post here it has been updated). He talked about Glyphs and Carrie (many other posts made here in the community about that). He also talked about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and the quite a bit about Dr. Wright and possible RPE type events that may have lead to Dr. Wright's current condition.

Some thoughts on the Archetype glyphs

Some thoughts on the Archetype glyphs Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Navarro Archetype Glyphs Study In Navarro this year, representatives of the 13 archetypes spoke to the agents together right before the powercube exploded and caused epiphanynight2018. Each of them said one thing individually, a sentence that represented their archetype, and it was not lost by Investigations that each word they chose to represent their archetype had a glyph to represent it. Each line was said in this order: I stand for the Catalyst. I bring Beginnings. I stand for the Alchemist. I bring Change. I stand for the Visionary. I bring the Future. I stand for the Trickster. I bring Mystery. I stand for the Dreamer. I bring Destiny. I stand for the Humanist. I bring Balance. I stand for the Listener. I bring Discoveries. I stand for the Omniscient. I bring Knowledge. I stand for the Interpreter. I bring Perspective. I stand for the Spiritualist. I bring Legacy. I stand for the Skeptic. I...


GLYPH SIGNS OF SECRET SOCIETIES Do what thou wilt The unicursal hexagram is a hexagram or six-pointed star that can be traced or drawn unicursal, in one continuous line rather than by two overlaid triangles. The hexagram can also be depicted inside a circle with the points touching it. It is often depicted in an interlaced form with the lines of the hexagram passing over and under one another to form a knot. It is a specific instance of the far more general shape discussed in Blaise Pascal's 1639 Hexagrammum Mysticum Theorem. The unicursal hexagram is constructed by several glyphs: war/attack, defend, live/breathe, die/inhale, gain, lose, have, forget, ignore Thanks to Ishira Tsubasa detecting these glyphs. ”If thou would seek our power a great power dwells within thyself it shall dwell within offer unto us a sacrifice and we shall be resurrected.” Regarding two previous Episodes of Glyph Autopsy the hexagram could be connected to the secret society of ...

I collected the Glyph Sequences whitch emerged in TS-MORPHEUS period, and interpreted as musics. TS-MORPHEUS gave me...

I collected the Glyph Sequences whitch emerged in TS-MORPHEUS period, and interpreted as musics.
TS-MORPHEUS gave me more surprised, mysterious and creative influences. I hope that it keep remaining for a while. >Unbounded discover data clear-all resistance enlightment
Dresden Dead drops 2018/04/12 Sound: Quote: 

 >Search Truth Save Civilization Result of decoding on web 2018/04/18 Sound: Quote: >Accept truth complex answer incomplete shared in Essex 2018/04/18 Sound: Quote:

XM have mind journey

XM have mind journey TL;DR 100% H-F-G-D-E-H (H) H-F-G-K (K) K-G-D-F-K (K) K-I-B-D-F-E-C analysis: XM ~ 5.73 HAVE ~ 3.73 MIND ~ 5.73 JOURNEY = 8 ----- ~ 23.19 XM > HAVE = 0 HAVE > MIND = 0 MIND > JOURNEY = 0 ----- 0 ===== 100%

want new destination ignore consequence

want new destination ignore consequence TL;DR 81.27% I-G-K-H (H-J) J-H-E (E-C) C-J-K (K-H) H-J (J) J-H-G-D-B analysis: WANT ~ 4.46 NEW = 2 DESTINATION = 4 IGNORE = 1 CONSEQUENCE ~ 4.73 - 16.19 WANT > NEW = 1 NEW > DESTINATION = 1 DESTINATION > IGNORE ~ 1.73 IGNORE > CONSEQUENCE = 0 - 3.73 ===== 81.27% The shortest L8 glyph sequence in my records so far.

gain truth open human soul

gain truth open human soul TL;DR: 96.27% B-G (G) G-F-E-H-F-D-G (G) G-H-K-G (G) G-D-E-H-K-G (G-F) F-E-H-K-F analysis GAIN ~1.73 TRUTH = 6 OPEN ~ 5.19 HUMAN ~ 7.19 SOUL ~ 5.73 --- ~ 25.85 ===== GAIN > TRUTH = 0 TRUTH > OPEN = 0 OPEN > HUMAN = 0 HUMAN > SOUL = 1 --- 1 ===== -> 96.27% the hidden truth The most fascinating this about this sequence is that all glyphs except for GAIN are "closed" glyphs, ending at the same point at which they started. And all glyphs of this sequence share a node with both GAIN or SOUL - just GAIN and SOUL don't share a node. That implies a LOT of possible replacements. To make the sequence singular GAIN could be replaced by ADAPT, AFTER, AGAIN/REPEAT, AVOID/STRUGGLE, BEGIN, CHANGE/MODIFY, CONTRACT/REDUCE, COURAGE, END, EQUAL, FAILURE, HARMONY/PEACE, HAVE, HELP, IGNORE, IMPROVE, LOSE, MORE, NOT/INSIDE, PORTAL, PRESENCE, SEEK/SEARCH, SIMPLE, STRONG, THEM, WANT/DESIRE, WEAK, XM, YOU/OTHER - additionally to the remaining glyphs of th...

portal improve human future civilisation

portal improve human future civilisation TL;DR: 96.81% C-E-D-B-I-G-H-J-C (C) C-E-F-H (H) H-E-D-G-K-H (H-J) J-H-E-C (C) C-E-H-G-D-B analysis PORTAL ~ 11.46 IMPROVE = 3 HUMAN ~ 7.19 FUTURE = 3 CIVILISATION ~ 5.7 --- 30.39 PORTAL > IMPROVE = 0 IMPROVE > HUMAN = 0 HUMAN > FUTURE = 1 FUTURE > CIVILISATION = 0 --- 1 ===== the hidden truth Regardless of what we replace the PORTAL glyph with, the sequence would not become singular. The same is true for IMPROVE and CIVILISATION If we replace HUMAN with either REDUCE or IGNORE, the sequence would be singular. If we alternatively replace FUTURE with ADAPT, AVOID, HELP, IMPROVE, LOSE or WEAK the sequence would be singular too. Which of these would make the most sense is something I'm uncertain of. What about you?

help enlightened capture all portal

help enlightened capture all portal TL;DR: 97.89% H-G-F-D-B (B-D) D-E-F-D-A-C-J-K (K) K-I-G-F-H-C (C) C-A-B-I-K-J-C (C) C-E-D-B-I-G-H-J-C analysis HELP ~4.73 ENLIGHTENED ~11.46 CAPTURE ~ 6.73 ALL = 12 PORTAL ~ 11.46 HELP > ENLIGHTENED = 1 ENLIGHTENED > CAPTURE = 0 CAPTURE > ALL = 0 ALL > PORTAL = 0 the hidden truth? If we assume that all perfect glyph sequences are "true", then what about the "hidden" truth of imperfect glyph sequences? I personally think that by replacing a single glyph in an imperfect sequence can (if it makes the sequence perfectly efficient) unveil the hidden truth of it. But before we start, a quick explanation: from a geometric perspective there are 2 types of glyphs: * Category 1: Glyphs that - when drawn - end at the same node of the grid at which they started. Examples for that would be PORTAL, HUMAN, ALL, TRUTH, NOURISH... * Category 2: Glyphs that - when drawn - end at a different node than at which they started. Examples woul...

begin journey breathe xm evolution

begin journey breathe xm evolution TL;DR: 89.12% A-G-K-H (H-K) K-I-B-D-F-E-C (C) C-E-F-D-B (B-G) G-F-H-E-D-G (G) G-D-F-A analysis BEGIN ~ 6.64 JOURNEY = 8 BREATHE = 4 XM ~ 5.73 EVOLUTION = 4 --- ~ 28.37 ===== BEGIN > JOURNEY ~ 1.73 JOURNEY > BREATHE = 0 BREATHE > XM ~ 1.73 XM > EVOLUTION = 0 --- ~ 3.46 ===== 89.12%

human legacy abandon old knowledge

human legacy abandon old knowledge TL;DR:85.61% H G-K-H-E-D-G (G-I) I-G-D-B-A-C-E-H-J (J-C) C-E-F-G-I-K (K-G) G-D-B (B-D) D-F-E-K-D analysis: HUMAN ~ 7.19 LEGACY = 10 ABANDON = 6 OLD = 2 KNOWLEDGE ~ 8.92 ---- 34.12 ===== HUMAN > LEGACY = 1 LEGACY > ABANDON = 2 ABANDON > OLD ~ 1.73 OLD > KNOWLEDGE = 1 --- 5.73 ===== 85.61%

Inside Mind Inside Soul Harmony

Inside Mind Inside Soul Harmony TL;DR: 100% H-E-D (D) D-G-K-F-D (D) D-E-H (H) H-K-F-E-H (H) H-F-D-A-E-F-G-K-H analysis We spend 2.73 units drawing each of the INSIDE glyphs, 5.73 units each drawing the MIND and SOUL glyphs and 10.92 units drawing the HARMONY glyph. This results in a total drawing distance of 27.85 units. What makes this glyph truly special is that it can be drawn in such a way that there is no movement needed between each of the glyphs. Now what does this imply? There are several theories and I'd like to present two of them to you. Theories: "Truth is singular. Lies are words, words, words." Taking this quote / wisdom to mind, I've theorized for a long time whether what glyph sequences we record are true/wise or propagandistic lies. Now obviously all L1 Sequences (containing only a single glyph) are singular and therefore supposed to be true. But at the same time they're also too vague to be of any use without context. That however is not necessa...

N'zeer hide us equal them

N'zeer hide us equal them TL;DR: 89.04% A-D-F-E-A-F-K (K-G) G-H-C-E-D (D) D-E-K (K-G) G-D-E-H (H) H-G-A analysis We spend 9.46 units drawing the N'ZEER glyph, 6.19 units drawing the HIDE glyph, 4.37 units each drawing the US and THEM glyph and 3.73 units drawing the EQUAL glyph. In total we spend 28.14 units drawing. We move 1.73 units between the N'ZEER glyph and the HIDE glyph, as well as 1.73 units between the US and EQUAL glyph. In total we spend 3.46 units moving in between. That culminates in 89.04% efficiency. I'd also like to point out a slightly less efficient (86.31%) variation with a somewhat opposed pattern (aside from the THEM glyph) because I found that interesting: K-F-A-D-F-E-A (A-D) D-E-C-H-G (G-K) K-E-D (D-G) G-D-E-H (H) H-G-A

Glyph Autopsy's Project X - Star Alignments through glyphs?

Glyph Autopsy's Project X - Star Alignments through glyphs? The god Osiris ( Orion ) is a central figure in ancient Egyptian beliefs about immortality because his legend allowed many Egyptians to believe they had a place in the afterlife. Ancient mythology holds that Osiris was trapped in a coffin and later torn into pieces by his brother Set. Osiris became lord of the underworld and judge of the dead after being resurrected by his wife, Isis ( Sirius ), and his mythology has become associated with the practice of mummification in preparation for the afterlife. Draconis Alpha was back in ancient egyptian astronomy the polar star. About 4,500 years ago, the Egyptians believed that the unmovable area the stars, the indestructables, encircled by 10 degrees each, was heaven in the sense that it was the place of the afterlife. The pole star at that time was Thuban ( Alpha Draconis ). They believed it was the portal or gate to eternity and the afterlife. Regarding the hypothesis of the p...

xm portal share your thought

xm portal share your thought TL;DR: 93.5% H-F-H-D-E-H (H-J) J-H-G-I-B-D-E-C-J (J) J-H-G-I-K (K-G) G-A-H-G (G) G-I-B-D-F-H-J-C-E analysis We spend 5.73 units drawing the XM glyph, 11.46 units drawing the PORTAL glyph, 5.73 units drawing the SHARE glyph, 7.02 units drawing the YOUR glyph and 10 units drawing the THOUGHT glyph. And no, that's no typo, the XM and SHARE glyphs require the exact same distance to draw. That results in a total drawing distance of 39.95 units, the longest sequence in my log so far. We spend 1 unit moving either between the XM and the PORTAL glyph or between the PORTAL glyph and the SHARE glyph. We spend 1.7 units moving between the SHARE and YOUR glyph. That results in a total non-drawing distance of 2.73. This results in a potential efficiency of 93.5% (and would place this sequence on #3 of sequences recorded and analysed so far).

use mind use courage change

use mind use courage change TL;DR: 88.18% C-H-F (F) F-D-G-K-F (F) F-H-C (C-H) H-G-D-I (I-G) G-F-K-H analysis We spend roughly 2.73 units drawing each of the USE glyphs, 5.73 units drawing the MIND glyph, 4.46 units drawing the COURAGE glyph and finally 4.73 units drawing the CHANGE glyph. That results in a total drawing distance of 20.39 units. There is no movement needed between the USE glyphs and the MIND glyph. But there is a distance of roughly 1.73 between the USE and COURAGE glyph and there is a distance of 1 between the COURAGE and the CHANGE glyph. That results in a total non-drawing distance of 2.73. Finally, that results in an efficiency of 88.18%.