"Who is behind the apparent abduction of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ from the Acolyte's compound?"-Part 11 in the ever...

"Who is behind the apparent abduction of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ from the Acolyte's compound?"-Part 11 in the ever expanding series of Essex polls. In situations like this, it is best to ask, cui bono (who benefits, or stands to gain from OLW's abduction.)

Alas, it's not a terribly short list.

For starters, the abduction is eerily reminiscent of how the NIA 'liberated" OLW from Hulong Transglobal​​​, to recruit him for the Niantic Project. This N.I.A. has motive, access to Oliver's genius and research. They also are among the few organisations with the means to assault a compound without being identified and then to suppress any news coverage of the incident.

Next, any of the XM corps would be highly motivated to bring OLW on board. In addition to his former employer, IQTech Research​​​ and Visur Technology​​​ must be considered potential suspects. The xm drought is both a crisis and a potential business opportunity for the xm corps. Bringing Oliver on board would give them a potentially decisive competitive advantage.

Third, despite her vehement denials to Hank Johnson​​​, Jahan certainly can't be ruled out given her past deceptions. Still, there seems some merit in her argument that resorting to armed hostilities would be counterproductive for her organisation. It also doesn't fit with the normal modus operandi of AntiMagnus; they seem to prefer a lower profile.

Fourth, we have the theory proffered by multiple Essexians that the compound was hit by a rival, or schismatic, group of Enlightened. One assumes that they would be opposed to the softening of Jarvis' anti-AI stance by the Acolyte. They would no doubt be outraged at her decision to collaborate with A Detection Algorithm​​​, who they see as antithetical to Jarvis' manifesto and possessing an existential threat to the entire Enlightened faction. While the existence of this group is, at present, hypothetical, we know that the two variant Enlightened glyphs speak to a divide within the Enlightened, perhaps even within the Shapers themselves. We also know that a functional group holding strong anti-AI views was founded by Jarvis: Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​​​.

Finally, the obligatory "other" option contains an unusually high number of plausible theories. One is the intriguing idea that OLW managed to escape, perhaps by hyperthreading. Another fascinating prospect is that a modern day Vesuvian MAGNUS, opposed to attempts to weaken, or circumvent the shield, attempted to intervene by force. Several investigators, myself included, have theorised that a modern analogue or descendant of Vesuvian MAGNUS likely still exists in some form. Whether they have the means and motive, we can only speculate.

If you would like to revisit previous polls, or vote for the first time, you may find them all compiled here:


As ever, I look forward to reading the views of the community.

Edgar Allan Wright​​​ H. Richard Loeb​​​ flint dille​​​ John Hanke​​​ Luma Viride​​​ Project Isthmus​​​


  1. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ isn't there. Why this should mean that he has been kidnapped? Why this doesn't mean that simply he departed before the attack and now is hidden with enough information to continue his work? Everything interacts with XM so as much stealth dedicated to this attack, as much specific variations he has found on the portal network to be alert about it. If this is the case, probably he will not appears again until end his work. And probably this will not be before Aegis Nova ends. Only in case he found a solution behind collaboration with Hank Johnson​​, Jahan or Acolyte.

  2. Possibly OLW is playing with the XM and tje attack was just a distraction so he can scape from there and go somewhere to sell what he has learnt.

  3. Until more information emerges I'm thinking OLW is behind the wheel and ADA is the getaway car.

  4. This "art of war" is in my opinion something we already know from Calvin. Think about "recruitment" of Misty and OLW for the Niantic Project.

  5. What about the newest XM Corp. AUTOBACS? They are developing smaller and more powerful tech and could use OLW's expertise. It seems the others are adamantly denying they were involved. Could this newly exposed company be responsible?

  6. Liquid Sam​ Good thoughts. I believe autobacs is working with the eastern division of IQTech Research​​. IQTech is, to me, the most likely culprit. They are the producers of power cubes and thus might wish to prolong the drought as its good for their business. It's also possible that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​'s "stockpile" of power cubes that he released actually belonged to IQTECH.

    Avril Lorazon might have authorised the attack without Calvin's knowledge. Antonine Smith, currently employed by an IQTech subsidiary would have ample means and motives to plan this attack which would have been an extraordinary rendition of OLW.

  7. Steven Wilson​​​ that would definitely give IQTech Research​ ​​plausible deniability in the matter while greatly advancing their own research and technology. If their goal is to continue the drought OLW's current findings could lead to the siphoning of the portal network. This would allow them to restock their depleted stores and force the other corps to work with IQTech and share their own research. This would then give IQTech a great advantage in the field.

  8. Somehow, I think we're forgetting about the return of the researchers as Simulacra.
    We know for certain that the conaciousness is born into a new simulacrum without memories, but as constructs we aren't so certain about the bodies's functions.

    I suspect a resurgence of VesuvianMagnus, probably in the guise of the rogue Agents calling themselves as Red Faction might have tried to kill Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ to stop his research on the Obsidian Shield, and the simulated body dispersed into the XM substratum.
    Wether his consciousness escaped before "death" and is roaming the XM paths, or if it's waiting for the next reincarnation cycle, I can't theorize yet.

  9. Through H. Richard Loeb​​ post we know now that none of the organizations were involved. 


  10. Achim S. If only we knew what "organisations" meant in this context. This seems to mean the NIA wasn't involved. Does this rule out companies as well?

  11. I understood that with organizations companies were included. More questions than answers again.


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