
Showing posts with the label Nikita Korolev NikaKor

Some kind of theory about +Ingress upcoming event Magnus Reawakens.

Some kind of theory about +Ingress upcoming event Magnus Reawakens. After some investigation around I have had thoughts, composed in some kind of theory below. Seems like Tectulhu manufactured as a module with RFID antenna and RFID reader. So it could be activated by RFID marker, with bytecode listed on the oscillatory device as 0x23a or 0x171 (depends on left or right order). Due to small glyph "XM" on the green tube device, it could be XM storage or producer. Arduino board near left man could be a device which performs actions (there are also relay i/o board next to it). So, summing up all of these and IITC screen on notebook, I could assume that participants of Magnus Reawakens event will compete in building of some kind of realworld portal, equipped with RFID marker (containing right code). Then Tectulhu module could be inserted into one of those portals and, if everything goes OK, Tectulhu module will be turned ...