On yesterday post, I commented about a theory about what is needed for ADA to prosper as If I check ADA's past...

On yesterday post, I commented about a theory about what is needed for ADA to prosper as If I check ADA's past history, I can see and interesting patron:

Casandra/13Magnus : Won by enlightened. ADA merged with Klue
Recursion :Won by Resistance, ADA bond with Klue grow and stabilise.
Interitus :Won by Resistance, Klada deploys some on itself on the blue control fields. this was done to prevent shapers to control those areas (maybe n'zeer too if they were more present at that time? )
Helios :Won by Resistance, Klada got nothing important here, she was in fact hurt by portal virus
Darsana : Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA continue to diminish.
Shonin : Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA break
Persepolis: Won by Resistance, ADA is killed, she is "forced" to seek refuge on the n'zeer substrate.
Abaddon: Won by Resistance (even if one of the event is trigger by a enlightened victory),  She is thrown out of the n'zeer substrate and pursued by Jarvis.
Obsidian:Won by Enlightened: She team up with OLW to work on a way to get the portal network out of the hand of both shapers and n'zeer.

If you check, after the second resistance Victory, she does not get any benefit from them anymore, on the contrary, all victories seem to be detrimental for her. Then we got the mysterious inclusion of the n'zeer on the poll about which entity was the most dangerous to ADA. 

Joining all this information, i think that as many of us suspected, ADA was influenced by the n'zeer on her creation, but that influence can be blocked by enlightened victories, that will give her free will.  I also suspect that if Enlightened continue to win in a row like resistance on the past, that protection will grow to become the same kind of influence that the n'zeer have on her, that will remove again her free will, this time by the shapers.

So she can only prosper and persue her own goals if there is an alternace on the faction winning, after the third victory on a row for any faction she will start to suffer due to the XM influence on her.

Any thoughts on this?

Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb

The thing about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe that we have to remember is that his thirst for knowledge is complete... unquenchable. His intellectual curiosity is almost an addiction. It's gotten him into trouble in the past...



  1. Interesting theory. I certainly have sympathy with the view that the ideal outcome for mankind might be a long-term balance of power between the factions. This certainly shows that there is not a straightforward relationship between the goals of A Detection Algorithm​ and those of the resistance. Of course, she was not neccesarily central to what was being contested in every anomaly

  2. A lot is about duality and harmony. Therefore I'm with you Steven Wilson​.

  3. Jose Juan Rivera Reyes​ you can say about it?

  4. Interesting observations but might not have any correlation with the outcome of the anomalies. The Abaddon incident was most likely because it was her shards themselves affected. If the question is how ADA prospers, then it seems it's when she increases her computational capacity such as connection to human thought process (Klue) and connection to the N'Zeer substrate.


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