
Showing posts with the label MagnusReawakens

With permission of the agent, i am writing a post of todays Morpheus adventures!

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa With permission of the agent, i am writing a post of todays Morpheus adventures! I asked a few days ago for agents to look out for a portal in Niagara falls with the indication there would be a dead drop present. I am again amazed and humbled by how quickly our communities work because shortly after i asked two agents in Essex, Jeff M and Nathan both stated they had an agent that could go. After that, its been a waiting game until this morning! Agent Julie Bumblers was our amazing agent that showed up on scene. We still didnt have a direct portal but as she waited she glyphed the two Teslas i asked her too! One giving the glyph Self, the other giving Follow Pure Journey. Being as we had an agent there, i decided to ping the Morpheus account in Essex and see if we could get more clues on where the agent should go and surprisingly we got a response! You can see the pr...

The mysterious glyph

The mysterious glyph First I would like to note that this is not about the glyph “mystery,” this is about a mysterious glyph that showed up not once, but twice, in the Investigate Ingress blog written by H. Richard Loeb. This glyph first showed up on Oct. 28, 2016, then again Jan 6, 2016. When it first appeared on the blog, it sent the Glyphers (Glyph Journal reporters) and much of Operation Essex into a frenzy. What is this glyph? What does it mean? Has anyone seen it before? Will we be seeing in the scanner soon? It was analyzed and scrutinized. Arguing whether the second showing of the glyph was the same as the first. Is it a mirror of the glyph “react,” is it it’s own glyph was it an uncompleted “together?” Much to the great dismay of the Glyphers, these questions went unanswered. Until it was found that H. Richard Loeb was going to be in DC for the September #MagnusReawakens anomaly. I went to the hotel the morning of only to find that PAC had made his way to the park where the X...

Is it any coincidence that the Large Hadron Collider is restarting on the same weekend as Magnus reawaken?

Is it any coincidence that the Large Hadron Collider is restarting on the same weekend as Magnus reawaken? What are your thoughts on this team Essex. #MagnusReawakens #13MAGNUSReawakens #Ingress H. Richard Loeb​​ Hank Johnson​​ John Hanke​​ Operation Essex​​

#magnusreawakens All of the portals have come alive!

#magnusreawakens All of the portals have come alive!

flint dille​ and I had a wonderful conversation this morning about the RPG

flint dille​ and I had a wonderful conversation this morning about the RPG Ingress​ John Hanke​ Edgar Allan Wright​ H. Richard Loeb​ #magnusreawakens

Current carvings on the totem that flint dille​​​​ showed us! which Glyphs do you see?

Current carvings on the totem that flint dille​​​​ showed us! which Glyphs do you see? #ingress Ingress​​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​​ H. Richard Loeb​​​ John Hanke​​​ #magnusreawakens

flint dille​​ wanted to show everyone a few things here and give you guys something to think about.

flint dille​​ wanted to show everyone a few things here and give you guys something to think about. Ingress​ H. Richard Loeb​ John Hanke​ #magnusreawakens

Chiplander​ had a few things to say this morning. #magnusreawakens

Chiplander​ had a few things to say this morning. #magnusreawakens

First glimpse of The Patron from afar along with the first Glyphs from it. :) Can't wait to see it in person...

First glimpse of The Patron from afar along with the first Glyphs from it. :) Can't wait to see it in person... #ingress John Hanke​ flint dille​ Edgar Allan Wright​ H. Richard Loeb​ #magnusreawakens #campspiritualist

13M:R Broadcast Telegram taught us that the portal appeared in Camp Navarro.

13M:R Broadcast Telegram taught us that the portal appeared in Camp Navarro. The portal name was "Redacted", but the portal image will be useful... Originally shared by YutoRaion Redacted @ Camp Navarro Info from #13MagnusReawakens Broadcast Telegram,-123.565178&z=17&ll=39.16964,-123.565178 #MagnusReawakens #Ingress #InvestigateIngress

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this? And I am worried that PAC still does not post articles. It seems the last article was 48h ago... Originally shared by YutoRaion What is the List? : 『リスト』とは何か? (Japanese follow) There was an interesting sentence in the article of the other day. > We believe that Niantic could be using this event to develop a target list of potential testers for a variant Scanner that, reports indicate, may show signs of Exogenous interference. What is "variant Scanner" and what is "target list"? I am thinking that there is somewhat a relationship with the message revealed by #KodamaRecon. Of course, there is a possibility that the information is insufficient with the thing I am grasping, but I will think about it with the information currently being grasped. > After Alpha > Before Gamma

Please help us share this. #LuminescentHeart #MagnusReawakens

Please help us share this. #LuminescentHeart #MagnusReawakens

I have been trying to figure our if there is a single glyph that could represent each Archetype.

I have been trying to figure our if there is a single glyph that could represent each Archetype. I have reached out to a few others and we have agreed on 8 leaving 5 undecided. I welcome any and all feedback on this project. I am willing to acknowledge that even the 8 could be changed. #MagnusReawakens H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ Operation Essex​ Project Isthmus​ Niantic Project​ Niantic NIA is looking into what history the #MagnusReawakens site might have - what do we know about the site?

Any ideas here?

Any ideas here? Originally shared by ViridCascadia The rest of the entry is obscured, but the image with it seems familiar. Agents, can you help us to identify it? We are on the #TrailoftheTrickster. #Ingress #MagnusReawakens #ViridCascadia H. Richard Loeb​ Andrew Krug​ flint dille​ Edgar Allan Wright​ Luma Viride​ Project Isthmus Haerang Dong


The Shadow Archetypes In each of us there is another whom we do not know. The task of midlife is not to look into the light, but to bring light into the darkness of our unknown self. This unknown or hidden self is described by jungian psychology as the shadow. This is the dark/hidden/unknown side of our personality. Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you. To quote Miyamoto Musashi there is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself. Jung also believed that "in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness - or perhaps because of this - the shadow is the seat of creativity"; so that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow...represents the true spirit of life as against the arid sch...