ADA murdered Roland Jarvis and Katalena
ADA murdered Roland Jarvis and Katalena A lot of people seem to be asking what Roland Jarvis has against ADA. The most likely reason is that she killed or attempted to kill him in December 2012. ADA ordered the the deaths of Roland Jarvis and Devra Bogdanovich allegedly according to NIA protocol. As Hubert Farlowe pointed out, the order was only executed because it was believed to be an official order. ADA claimed that she was only doing what she had to do because of the NIA protocol but her previous actions show that this was a complicated set up to kill Jarvis. Prior to the Niantic Calamity, ADA had hired a woman known as Katalena, to act as her surrogate. After Devra and Jarvis had escaped CERN, ADA had them split up according to Devra B