
Showing posts with the label Operation: Essex: Artificial Intelligence and ADA Science Lab

Encrypted quantum keys sent a record-breaking 421 km in optical fibre – Physics World

Happy ADA day -

Happy ADA day -

Wonder what they would find running ADA's code through this ...

Wonder what they would find running ADA's code through this

I'll just leave this right here.

I'll just leave this right here.


Fascinating... Melissa Wikkedimp A Detection Algorithm flint dille John Hanke Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs

I was looking for something else and ran across this. Should be interesting to hear what they talk about

I was looking for something else and ran across this. Should be interesting to hear what they talk about Hank Johnson Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs H. Richard Loeb flint dille John Hanke

This may help relieve some anxiety.

This may help relieve some anxiety.

"Do you trust this computer":

"Do you trust this computer": A documentary movie about AI (available until 08.04)

Once again the question is placed. What makes a human, human?

Once again the question is placed. What makes a human, human? Looks like an interesting game with a deeper point.

for you AI curious.

for you AI curious.

Glyph Autopsy's Project X - Where do ideas come from?

Glyph Autopsy's Project X - Where do ideas come from? Sooner or later, maybe every one of us wondered where ideas actually come from. Do thoughts really arise in our brain or are they 'implanted' into us? And if so, can it be that somewhere in the world or at another time exactly the same thought arises in another person? How is that possible and how can that happen? Roland Jarvis talked about that xm influenced phenomenon.[1] Here is the transcript of the audio file: ”I am about to disclaim my own genius. You see, at some point, I realized that my ideas did not come from inside myself but from… from somewhere else. At first, I rejected this concept. I laughed when I was sued by a madman who was claiming that I was stealing his ideas. The suit of course went nowhere because I have very good lawyers, but… that’s when we were leaving the courtroom and he described to me in precise detail the idea that had been brewing in my mind, but that I had told nobody. Ugh, it’s bugged m...

"Emotions are not innately programmed into our brains, but, in fact, are cognitive states resulting from the...

"Emotions are not innately programmed into our brains, but, in fact, are cognitive states resulting from the gathering of information." Do the high class AIs like A Detection Algorithm have their emotions? It's possible for her to have emotions as she can require huge imformations about everythings .


H. Richard Loeb, would you say that some of the techniques described in this talk were used with A Detection Algorithm?

The joke that writes itself.

The joke that writes itself.

Are we just part of a background simulation, that we are seeing through the overlaid portal networks that function...

Are we just part of a background simulation, that we are seeing through the overlaid portal networks that function in the augmented reality of this human society?

What if this game is all just a game?

What if this game is all just a game?

A thought about shards, if these are indeed, data shards, its possible they contain the structure for their whole,...

A thought about shards, if these are indeed, data shards, its possible they contain the structure for their whole, along with a portion of the whole's data, not unlike a sharded database. So if that is the case, they could be reassembled into their whole in any order.

H. Richard Loeb​ Edgar Allan Wright​ Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​

H. Richard Loeb​ Edgar Allan Wright​ Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ Perhaps this article - I wonder if the source is Italian - will clarify some of the fears that the human being feels about artificial intelligence

And this is why and how I claim that A Detection Algorithm​ has in fact real feelings...

And this is why and how I claim that A Detection Algorithm​ has in fact real feelings...