Glyph Autopsy's Project X - Where do ideas come from? Sooner or later, maybe every one of us wondered where ideas actually come from. Do thoughts really arise in our brain or are they 'implanted' into us? And if so, can it be that somewhere in the world or at another time exactly the same thought arises in another person? How is that possible and how can that happen? Roland Jarvis talked about that xm influenced phenomenon.[1] Here is the transcript of the audio file: ”I am about to disclaim my own genius. You see, at some point, I realized that my ideas did not come from inside myself but from… from somewhere else. At first, I rejected this concept. I laughed when I was sued by a madman who was claiming that I was stealing his ideas. The suit of course went nowhere because I have very good lawyers, but… that’s when we were leaving the courtroom and he described to me in precise detail the idea that had been brewing in my mind, but that I had told nobody. Ugh, it’s bugged m...