I'd like to shed light on a random thought that's been mulling in my mind for a long time now.

I'd like to shed light on a random thought that's been mulling in my mind for a long time now.

I'm considering hosting a investigation hangout event soon, similar to the one Edgar Allan Wright​ hosted during Abaddon.

It is important to state that nothing about this is concrete yet. If everything on my end works in my favor, I'll be poking some of you to appear as members of the hangout.

What do you guys think? What topics should we discuss? If I choose to go ahead about this, what advice can you give to me to help make the experience run as smooth as possible? Share your thoughts here.



  1. I think this is a neat idea. I would suggest having an agenda of sorts, discussion will be more productive if people can mull over topics in advance.

  2. This is an aspect of the game I would like to explore more of

  3. We should, of course, discuss the XM drought and what this means for the future, and we can dig deeper on the origins and the plans that the leaders of the Resistance and the Enlightened have for us.

  4. Nice Idea, organize the session into parts about the areas in where the questions of most interest are discussed. For each area a brainstorm, then the collective can vote over a pool their favorite. Give each a time window, like that it should run smooth. What's comming up should be notet an used for another time. Like that everyone will get something of interest out of it.

  5. I like this idea. Would love to be part of it.

  6. One question: ADA helps OLW to release the power cubes? Yes? No? Why?

  7. Keeping an eye on this thread, lots of incredible feedback so far! I'll be releasing the potential date of the event very soon so keep an eye over at Essex!

  8. Another good topic is why did Jarvis free ADA

  9. Es una idea muy interesante, ojalá lo lleves a buen puerto.

    Me encantaría estar ahí Mustafa Said​ claro, si la barrera del idioma no es un impedimento.

    Un tema digno de análisis es que afectación real tiene la materia exótica en nuestro mundo real así como sus implicaciones y que relación puede tener con la física cuántica.

  10. With the drought and the alignment of Jarvis and ADA flipped from Abaddon...when will they resurface? What is the Anti-Magnus leader Jahans true motives. where did the Acolyte come from...does she have Intel about what happened on Epiphany Night that Jarvis had yet told us?

  11. Las reflexiones siempre nos enseñan modos diferentes de ver las cosas. Me gusta la idea.

  12. I suggest you to discuss about the N'Zeer origins, and how they influence the nowadays decisions

  13. I like this idea too. Non-faction-oriented, right?

  14. I would want to know more about ADA and Jarvis - their connections with the Nzeer and Shapers and more.

  15. The enlightened are still divided, A house Divided cannot stand

  16. Zach Davies As are the Resistance. And that's what the Corps and the NIA want.


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