
Showing posts with the label Michaela nussie Boswell

Does this have to do with Shepard's monument

Does this have to do with Shepard's monument Originally shared by Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) So what can I do when new glyphs and new glyph sequences come out and I’m not able to go out and try to hack them? I decide to do a glyph sequence composite. I know other agents are also analyzing the glyph sequences, but I do have to give special thanks to Ishira Tsubasa for encouraging me to pursue this idea. I know this first composite is a bit sloppy but I forgot my ruler and I know I can’t draw a straight line but please know you’re not expected to know all the glyphs just from the images. Secondary glyphs listed are glyphs found in each individual glyph of the sequence before combining all glyphs. Tertiary glyphs listed are glyphs that can be created when combining all the glyphs in the full sequence. Glyph Sequence: Human Legacy Abandon Old Knowledge Secondary Glyphs: Create/Creation, Equal, Forget, Future/Forward Time, Ignore, Less, New, Past Tertiary Glyphs: I/Me/Self, Complex...

