Here's a blast from the past.
Here's a blast from the past. In January 2013, I was studying what the event at Cahokia Mounds would mean for Hank Johnson, and also shared this video. It is currently unavailable for me to play. Anyone else able to watch it? This would be great to show Stella V a bit more about my Cahokian lineage. Originally shared by Kelly Kolton Doing some research into what may be happening on Sunday at #cahokia mounds. A major #ingress event is happening in our great state of Illinois! Based on some of the research on the Niantic Project site, it could be that Hank Johnson will be there filming his television show, "Nomad" ( ). According to the "Parting Words" 1-5 leaked documents, ( ) we know he is an archaeologist who is also studying XM. He was witness to the Afghanistan Anomaly which you can read about in DOD Debrief 1 and 2 ( ). Hank Joh