Hello Operation: Essex

Hello Operation: Essex,

Although I have been in your ranks for some time I've felt I haven't been understood your purpose, until now. After our defeat in Orlando and the beginning of the drought I've been thinking: isn't a lack of xm emanating from portals everything the resistance have ever wanted? This means that only natural xm is being exposed to the general population as oppose to the portal generated xm that is "leaking into our world". Hasn't the shield plugged these leaks? If so why should the resistance make an effort to undo it? On the flip side why was it the enlightened deployment that caused this? Did the shapers deceive the very force working to further their influence?  These are a questions I turn to you for Operation: Essex.


  1. Good questions. While people who favor the Resistance come in many styles, just like the Enlightened, I would say that the ones who relate best to Devra Bogdanovich​​​ would agree with your statement about the lack of XM being a good thing.

    Regarding the other question, I think we have enough information at this point to know that a Resistance victory and deployment would have resulted in the same exact effect (XM drought). That's arguable I'm sure, but that seems to be what Hank Johnson​​​ is indicating in his latest post.

  2. The emergence of the N'zeer threw a huge wrench into general Resistance terminology, so it really depends on who you ask.
    Some want to shut out XM altogether, viewing it as too dangerous for anyone to utilize, some want to use XM to further mankind without Shaper or N'zeer influence.
    I'd advise us to observe the effects of the Obsidian shield before passing any judgments. We need to know what exactly is causing the lack of an XM pool around the portals, why the pool was there in the first place, what the shield is even doing beyond that, and how it's affecting the Shapers and N'zeer.

  3. Where has it been established that the portals and their associated XM spill are not themselves, "Natural"? Or that the XM we see away from the portals is native to earth, and not also "leaking into our world" by some method other than a standing portal (perhaps short lived micro-portals that the scanner hasn't been programmed to detect, or just thin spots in whatever's dividing us from the other side, allowing for seepage)?

  4. Barry Faust if the Nomad Hypothesis (essentially that when portals die, a civilization dies) is correct, then this famine is a very dangerous situation.

  5. Excellent point  Paul Gettle the reason I considered that natural is based on the large pools of xm that still exist in some points away from portals. The thought that it is natural is because it was unaffected it exists on the other "side" of the shield so to speak. I have no conclusive evidence that the xm is natural.

  6. Paul Fritschle a good hypothesis, however the drought (for the moment) appears to be xm specific, unless there are reports of portals being directly effected? If so then I would agree the Nomad  Hypothesis would be worth a look here.

  7. You're not entirely incorrect, but here is the thing: Having been apart of the Resistance for a long time, as far as I know, the Resistance strive to use XM to benefit humanity by blocking out the shapers and their propaganda, the Enlightened. The XM drought is bad for both the Resistance and Enlightened. However, we still have no idea what caused the drought, but because of the results of Obsidian, all eyes are looking at the Acolyte and the Enlightened. While I personally believe that she is to blame, I may be far off from the true answer. Heck, we all might be far off from the true answer simply because we do not truly know what XM is... yet...

  8. Barry Faust the portals are not emitting XM, which is how I always interpreted portal death.

  9. Gian Steele
    Don't forget our supposed "leader's" faults - Jahan appears to have also used a massive amount of XM in an attempt to counteract the Obsidian Shield and may still be doing so.

  10. Dave Daniels True, but even so, Jahan still would've used a large amount of XM to counteract the plans of the Acolyte even before the Obsidian Shield was made. For all we know, she probably is still trying to counteract the Obsidian Shield but with little progress due to the XM famine. That's another reason why I point my finger at the Acolyte for all of this: She or the shapers might be controlling XM with the Obsidian Shield so that nobody can destroy it. For the Enlightened, wisdom of the shield must come at a price... And now they basically have a large target on their heads if the Acolyte doesn't speak up about any of this.

  11. Gian Steele Jahan had made it clear she also planned to raise the shield, so not seeing the sense of your argument.

  12. Paul Fritschle I understand that she planned on raising the shield as well, however we do not know if there would've been a drought if she would've used the shield to block the shapers. All we know is what has happened. Obviously, you are apart of the Enlightened and I respect your decisions and thoughts on XM, but even you must realize that there is something irrational with the Obsidian shield at the moment. I believe that the Acolyte has something to do with this. We also have not gone over the theory that Jahan might have done something with XM in order to tamper with the Obsidian Shield. Maybe it was a trap for all of us, Resistance and Enlightened alike. We may never know...

  13. Did you read the latest journal of Obsidius entry? It was a joint AM/13M effort to raise the shield and the result was famine.

  14. Steven Callahan How will we be able to do this? How will we revolt when so much of the world is split in two already? And what will our leaders or "leaders" do? Will they stop us, or will they join us? We are already in a war, but will it take another one to stop it?

  15. One thing I don't see yet though is the Acolyte calling for support in taking down the shield. We have Hank's thoughts, but is it not possible that the shield is doing what she planned? (Even if that is both sides feeling a little empathy for the other's situation-- I've heard of at least one set of blue and green agents sharing cubes in the drought).

  16. Because the ability to play is more important than the story.


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