
Showing posts with the label Brandon Adams (CPHI)

Something is truly afoot.

Something is truly afoot. The fact that a final anomaly has been anounced is very different considering were this close to the end of the year. I fear the NWR had something to do with all implications in the last one, but alas, i will be on the ground in Miami, Florida November 12th if all goes to plan.

Roland Jarvis has apparently made his way into individuals scanners.

Roland Jarvis has apparently made his way into individuals scanners. As ADA welcomes you she proceeds to say she's being watched and jarvis cuts her off stating "The tool is in your hands. The scanner is the key." Could something big involving jarvis be afoot?

So PAC snatched devra from the nia peep but as they walk off a waiter with a blue device of sorts is seen following...

So PAC snatched devra from the nia peep but as they walk off a waiter with a blue device of sorts is seen following them behind. Inputs on his whereabouts? New waver?

What is going on precisely with these two meeting up and speaking about what was spoken...Ive been trying to get a...

What is going on precisely with these two meeting up and speaking about what was spoken...Ive been trying to get a better picture of whats going on with Ingress and i was led to this... ~ Cphi L8 | Augusta, GA | CSRA