Hi! I'm new here and I'd like to share something with you.

Hi! I'm new here and I'd like to share something with you.

We know that new anomaly is called Aegis Nova. It's almost certain that it will be about a shield, protection or only Obsidian Shield in this case. But, on the other hand Aegis is a name of naval weapons system so again we have something related to sea. Of course the system name originated in Aegis - shield of Zeus but is it really only a coincidence?

PS. And Nova?


  1. David Timothy Well, of course. But what new? Obsidian shield is ancient, something new to work against it?

  2. Certainly could be. A shield to shield against the shield?

  3. David Timothy neeey. That wouldn't work. But who knows what Lynton-Wolfe will create this time

  4. "We went Solar. Sun went Nova." -mfm

  5. A supernova is the explosion of a star.  So maybe Aegis Nova is the explosion of the obsidian shield, bringing back XM to the portals?

  6. Maybe it is a new type of anomaly...?

  7. Nviea Sarriha supernova is a death of a star or... It's transformation in something different. Maybe really Obsidian shield will be "fixed" or something

  8. Re: Nova

    Above, the sky was dark not as night but instead as if blocked by the roof of a cave. A cave built with sharp fragments of black stone. And around us, for she stood with me in this harsh place, was nothing. A vast emptiness devoid even of the bare earth beneath our feet.

    "A famine," she said. "The shield has silenced the Limina. Made them hollow." I understood. Above me in the sky a single star shone. It grew brighter and brighter and then enveloped the sky itself.

    Source: http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/04/05/a-vast-emptiness/

  9. So yes, it would appear to explode the Obsidian Shield


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