I've been busy trying to get something from the morse code that was in the latest intel.
I've been busy trying to get something from the morse code that was in the latest intel. The message was as following: 9AR/URGENT/INTEL/T2/ALL/AGENTS/BE/ADVISED/AR/ANOMALY/TNAM/THRESHOLD/C7T/CRITAL/3A 9AR: 9 Astra Resources -> No idea INTEL: Speaks for itself URGENT: No idea T2: Can point to a car model by VW (Transporter) ALL: AGENTS: BE: ADVISED: AR: Either Arkansas or Argon (AR, atom #18) ANOMALY: TNAM: Only lead I found was Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting (Google it) Threshold: Can lead to a Metal Band from the UK (Material Metal?) C7T: Computer chip producer ( http://www.c7t-hdl.com/ ) Crital: 3A: No lead so far I can't conclude anything just of this. Hope to help someone else with it though!