
Showing posts with the label prophet

In fact the time of the reflections of Obsidiuis is long gone.

In fact the time of the reflections of Obsidiuis is long gone. Yet, this morning, my feed made me happen to your hands this interesting article. Possible that the Explorator Obsidius have mistaken for someone man who was actually a woman? Or Seer same occurred to him in disguise, for some reason we still do not know to? Historically, the Seer Veleda seems to be referred to as a secret weapon against the Roman Empire, also mentioned by Tacitus in his writings. In his cronace, Obsidius speaks of Valadian. I would not be surprised too much if, transliterating the language of the Germans within Latin canons, there was an adjustment of the vocal into something more "catchy" for a Latin - however, a Middle Eastern origin Latin. So, Veleda may have become Valadia. Originally shared by Ancient Origins Tensions were high as the Germanic tribe known as Batavi faced off against the Romans in 69 AD. Their numbers were few, but they had a secret weapon - a prophetess named Veleda. #german...