I believe that we need to have a serious discussion about who or what is behind this.

I believe that we need to have a serious discussion about who or what is behind this. We are at a serious disadvantage the longer we remain ignorant of who the players are in this. I suggest our starting point in trying to ascertain who is behind this is to ask; cui bono (who benefits)?

Is it possible that the Vesuvian MAGNUS didn't die at Pompeii? Could modern day sympathisers be behind this attack?

Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb

This is developing. A source sent this 911 dispatch log to me. A hiker in Northern California called in to report gunfire and a possible explosion in an area that's associated with the Enlightened Compound.



  1. Who could've done this? Has the same assassin who tried to kill Klue during Recursion come back with a vengeance? If so... Why?

  2. Theory 1: This is an attempt to prevent the ongoing work to restore xm to portals. Suspects: A modern day group similar to Vesuvian MAGNUS; a certain splinter faction of the resistance; perhaps a corporation heavily invested in power cubes (xm drought makes their product more valuable)

    Theory 2: This was an attempt, perhaps a successful one, to kidnap Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​. Suspects: potentially any corporation although one wonders whether Hulong Transglobal​ or Visur Technology​ would have the gumption to engage in an operation of this kind on US soil. High risk of severe international sanctions were this to be traced back to them.; Possibly the NIA who certainly have the means, but one wonders what their motivation would be. ; Jahan and AntiMagnus might wish to deny the Acolyte access to OLW's genius. Still, this doesn't seem their style.

    Theory 3: This was an attempt to steal something from the compound. It could be the body of Roland Jarvis​, or perhaps the artifacts gifted to the Acolyte by Project Isthmus​. Suspects: pretty much all of the above.

    Perhaps, Luma Viride​, our only known contact at the compound, will issue a statement to clarify events on the ground.

    Once we know more about the nature and purpose of the attack, we can narrow down our list of suspects.

    Edgar Allan Wright​ John Hanke​ Hank Johnson​ flint dille​

  3. There is many groups/situations that could be potentially involved.
    Enemies of ADA.
    Enemies of OLW.
    Jahan and her people
    Vesuvian Magnus and their people
    Enemies of the acolyte herself
    Potential split between the followers of Jarvis, Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ and the followers of the acolyte, more open minded about them.

  4. Steven Wilson Without more information all three theories could possibly be right. Maybe they also brought something to the compound and hide it there to disturb further actions from the Acolyte. 

    On the other hand a possible extraction of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe from the compound would slow down the progress of the Acolyte. Imo OLW is not that kind of faction oriented as long as he has his studies. 

    How does ADA fit in here? Is she powerful enough to arrange such an attack?

  5. If enlightened are still divided my theory is quite simple, they are having their own Civil War

  6. Ana Prados I believe you and Zach Davies​ have suggested an intriguing possibility. Might there be those among the Enlightened who, similar to Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​, see The Acolyte's collaboration with A Detection Algorithm​ as blasphemy, a betrayal of the cause?

    Do you have any updates H. Richard Loeb​? Niantic Project​ Edgar Allan Wright​

  7. How disgusting. Attacking a peaceful and unarmed compound. However is responsible for this will be punished I presume.

  8. they said northern california, so you cant rule out supporters of the state of jefferson

  9. Zach Davies​​ your comment is more than interesting for me and my studies of the glyphs. Since Obsidian I'm thinking about the both glyphs for Enlightened and Resistance (Glyph Type A and B). This could be a hint that within the factions there might be a struggle and that the glyphs are symbols of the different parties.

  10. A forest in northern California? That's were my family is making me go during the San deigo anomaly.

  11. Achim S. glad to help, and to be back


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