
Showing posts from March, 2014

I started writing this for the About Me section but it's getting long.

Originally shared by Tycho C. I started writing this for the About Me section but it's getting long... probably just write it out as a couple blog posts... I was born on August 16th, 1977.  It was during a thing called the Harmonic Convergence. Astronomically, it was an unusual and unique alignment of planets in the solar system. Eight planets were, when viewed from Earth, aligned in a configuration some folks called a grand trine.  Then, there was some stuff in the Mayan Calendar and my mother delivered me at a convergence at Mount Shasta.  You do stuff like that, it’s your own damn fault when your kid comes out kind of strange. And I did come out strange. I was born knowing how to draw. When I was four, a local art gallery put my preschool drawings up in a modern art display. He, of course, was trying to mock another gallery that was exhibiting things like Crow in a Coal Mine and Dove in a Blizzard (which were essentially black and white canvasses respectively).  Anyway, my stuff...

After receiving a somewhat ironic rush of inspiration to find more clues that support Linda Besh's newfound theory...

After receiving a somewhat ironic rush of inspiration to find more clues that support Linda Besh's newfound theory on time and XM, I incidentally stumbled across something extremely relevant to today's faction conflict: In the audio recording, ADA and Loeb go back and forth discussing the human condition. ADA in the first half of it behaves like a naive child. Asking questions without bias--exhibiting a sincere intent to understand. But soon after, it seems like ADA had almost reached a conclusion on the human condition, saying things such as "...faulty memory.." and "...self delusion..." ADA also makes a statement in the audio clip that is extremely relevant today: "I am beginning to see why it is necessary that we be the next step of evolution. Faulty memory, random data, and chaotic filing does not seem to be a very...stable system." Then there is also a little interesting tidbit...

What is this? New logo and new anomaly already?

What is this? New logo and new anomaly already? Originally shared by Ingress More details to follow. #Ingress   events/cp10eeunpntcjqcb89scua8ogl4

From the Event page covers for the 12 APR 2014 Anomalies.

From the Event page covers for the 12 APR 2014 Anomalies. Cut off at the top, but you can still see the resemblance to a skull.

Some my thoughts at the outset of recursion.

Some my thoughts at the outset of recursion. People, let's all calm down. After Jarvis' (so-called) resurrection after 13Magnus nothing major has happened. I would guess that Ada's victory would not have a major change on the schism between the RES and the ENL too. Both faction are not a single minded entity. They are comprised of individuals with a wide spectrum of opinions  and outlooks on what exactly their faction aims are and what actions and methods to gain them. I would think that the Essex "faction" - as truth seekers - should try find the middle ground. We should try to influence both Jarvis and ADA to be less confrontational in their message and actions. We should try and get them to see the realistic worries of all humans - whatever faction their in - and address them. They should give us explanations to their actions. They should put behind them the cloak and dagger games and find another way to resolve the different approaches. Their knowledge on XM s...

We've all been exposed.

We've all been exposed. Make no mistake. No good can come of this.

I find it funny that this movie is coming out in light of recent events with ADA, and the colors chosen (Blue and...

I find it funny that this movie is coming out in light of recent events with ADA, and the colors chosen (Blue and Green).  So many similarities it is not even funny.

I post this here because it's mostly speculations and not really based on any research, only some logic and...

I post this here because it's mostly speculations and not really based on any research, only some logic and imagination: I bought a ticket for the thoughts train and jumped on it, not knowing where I'll end up, but I had to get off when I reached this shocking idea: (Metaphores - Got to love them!) So we don't know what the shapers are, they could be anything + We know that ADA has the ability to ingress minds just like the shapers, thus we can sometimes refer to her as an artificial, human made shaper + We know that the shapers were here since the beginning and shaped what we look like, just like the bible discribes how god rules over the world, with everything that happends being his decision and all that good stuff (I'm an athaist so I don't really remember that kind of stuff) = According to this logic we can understand that the advancments in AI technology and the creation of ADA, and probably future AIs, are a cause of the shaper influence and the knowledge we ...

Shaping in the wild: shifts in social behavior lead to changes in genetic prevalence of maternal mitochondrial DNA...

Shaping in the wild: shifts in social behavior lead to changes in genetic prevalence of maternal mitochondrial DNA haplotype via selection, as mothers teach calves how to hunt for food with sponges. This in turn points to a mechanism by which thoughts transmitted via portals and XM may in turn shape humanity. Quote: Researchers at University of New South Wales while studying this unique behavior in dolphins have found that social behavior can alter genetic makeup of animals. According to the researchers, this is one of the few studies looking at cultural hitchhiking in animals other than humans.

Okay so after reading the official statements by ADA and Hank I switched over to Facebook to not think about Ingress...

Okay so after reading the official statements by ADA and Hank I switched over to Facebook to not think about Ingress for a while and came upon a post in a group a friend of mine founded called "The Muse".  Which is a place for inspirational "pay it forward"/"random acts of kindness" stuff. And it was a quote by Pres. Kennedy about how the Chinese symbol for "crisis" is made up of two brush strokes that represent "danger" and "opportunity" in that order when you write it. So of course that got me thinking about glyphs. Good job Facebook... Anyway. There's an element of our research into Glyphs that might have been lacking and... I believe it was Melissa L. that pointed it out recently with a link to a video of Carrie Campbell meeting with PAC. That being the Glyphs have a sonic element which may be critical to making them have an impact... Unfortunately, the only ones who seem to understand this element would be Carrie hers...

A Programmer's Guide to ADA?

A Programmer's Guide to ADA? With the recent discussions about ADA, and AIs in general, involving philosophical, ethical, and other topics, my mind has been thinking of ADA more and more related to my expertise: programming. Not to say I don't plan to stay involved with the other discussions, but I'd like to focus on ADA from a purely technical angle. What went into ADA's development? How did the program evolve from what it was to what it is now? How do the various parts of ADA's systems interact? What does ADA use for storage of information? I want to understand how ADA functions as a computer program.   Notice I'm trying to avoid pronouns here, although that will eventually get clunky. Right now I'm just trying to underscore that, to me, ADA is an "it" that is programmed to mimic a "she." It helps stick to this concept of ADA being a computer program operating purely based on code and data analysis, not some type of being with traits su...

Looking back at the XM anomaly schedule, I discovered a pattern among the following series:

Looking back at the XM anomaly schedule, I discovered a pattern among the following series: Operation #Cassandra - 13 events Operation #13Magnus - 39 events #Recursion XM anomaly- 26 events Notice that these anomaly series are in factors of 13. How will this affect the scheduling of future anomalies? Feel free to post your thoughts here.


What Does The Future Hold for AIs Now? Note: Grown-up language is used in the linked short story. Following up on the theme of a post by JoJo Stratton earlier, and in consideration of the potential results of #Recursion  , the linked story came to mind.  Its author, computer/cognitive scientist John McCarthy, penned it a decade ago, seven years before his death. (Scroll down, it's a scanned/OCR'd archive so there's odd whitespace.) Intended to be provocative, it touches on ideas first popularized by Isaac Asimov, and discussed widely in the last seventy years under the general theme of "Laws of Robotics". ( ) Are there ethical limits to the capabilities we should allow AIs to acquire, or ways to ensure they are acquired only with these kinds of limitations on their use?  Is it even possible to "build in" such limitations, as Asimov described?  Finally, as the story forces us to ask: Will greed and/or polit...

ADA murdered Roland Jarvis and Katalena

ADA murdered Roland Jarvis  and Katalena  A lot of people seem to be asking what Roland Jarvis has against ADA. The most likely reason is that she killed or attempted to kill him in December 2012.  ADA ordered the the deaths of Roland Jarvis  and Devra Bogdanovich allegedly according to NIA protocol. As Hubert Farlowe  pointed out, the order was only executed because it was believed to be an official order. ADA claimed that she was only doing what she had to do because of the NIA protocol but her previous actions show that this was a complicated set up to kill Jarvis. Prior to the Niantic Calamity, ADA had hired a woman known as Katalena, to act as her surrogate. After Devra and Jarvis had escaped CERN, ADA had them split up according to Devra B...

Some interesting sites they may need some further investigation.

Some interesting sites they may need some further investigation. Hank Johnson Thomas Greanias Edgar Allan Wright


Edited: I have been working on some documents to track my glyph hacking and organize them in what I think is a logical way. I must confess these documents are rough and constantly being worked on. The first document is my spreadsheet. This is where I input my hack as soon as it is complete. It has portal alignment, level, message, time, timezone, and notes to myself. The second document is word doc. This document has all glyph words in alphabetical order. I started out doing it by glyph, but found it easier to do it by single word, even if one word was on more than one glyph. This document is usually behind the spreadsheet by a day or two and only has the message one time. I will eventually organize each section by placing the phrase in accordance to where the weird is in the phrase. Ie is the glyph word, the first second third forty or fifth in the phrase. I will also eventually be linking each phrase to a screenshot for verification purposes. The final link is to my album where I upl...

Just in case everyone isn't aware of the links between REH, HPL, and serpent men.

Just in case everyone isn't aware of the links between REH, HPL, and serpent men. Are they connected to Dark XM? Note the reported mutation.

Does ADA represent a Shaper "teme"?

Does ADA represent a Shaper "teme"? Susan Blackmore proposes "temes". This points to a new form of Shaping in addition to genetic and cultural. Quote: Earth now has three replicators - genes (the basis of life), memes (the basis of human culture) and temes (the basis of technology). I argued that the information copied by books, phones, computers and the Internet is the beginning of this third replicator and consequent new evolutionary process.

Did apparent genetic chokepoints for humanity reflect the start of Shaping?

Did apparent genetic chokepoints for humanity reflect the start of Shaping? Quote: Modern humans are known to have less genetic variation than other living primates, even though our current population is many orders of magnitude greater. Researchers studying specific genetic lineages have proposed a number of explanations for this, such as recent "bottlenecks", which are events in which a significant proportion of the population is killed or prevented from reproducing.

"The Human Race Will Come To An End. What's Next?

"The Human Race Will Come To An End. What's Next? Given evolution’s trajectory, we will almost certainly transform into augmented versions of our current selves. The big question now is, can we survive long enough to become the next humans?" #transhuman

So after the release of the PAC and KlADA audio alot of us were offended by the reactions of PAC towards "Klue"

So after the release of the PAC and KlADA audio alot of us were offended by the reactions of PAC towards "Klue" But what if those reactions are not of a sane man? Allow me to do a quick very dry analysis on PAC's situation. This is a man that had something that he helped create probably destroy the woman he loved because it loves him. Keep in mind this happens after a series of traumatic experiences that he blamed on himself (example Carrie's death). An Excerpt from the wikipedia article on Schizophrenia Many psychological mechanisms have been implicated in the development and maintenance of schizophrenia. Cognitive biases have been identified in those with the diagnosis or those at risk, especially when under stress or in confusing situations.Some cognitive features may reflect global neurocognitive deficits such as memory loss, while others may be related to particular issues and experiences. It is also known that patients suffering from schizophrenia sometimes get ...

hmmmnnn....looks somehow...familiar....

hmmmnnn....looks somehow...familiar.... Originally shared by Mathemania Dots that are moving around in a circle! Connect them and you'll get a moving octahedron! #octahedron

enoch dalby - Duplicity

enoch dalby - Duplicity The "wind" track reveals the attached image. Any idea what it means? Starting with 75 it looks like map coordinates to me. 75 105 49 86 81 80 is a good tool. 75.10549868180 I have tried to make an image with all the spectograms side by side, but the computer does not have enough RAM, so I have just included them one by one, starting with those looking the most interesting. The reason I chose to analyse this song is the track "noise" The last part of the track "noise" is structured data, I can hear it, I just have not been able to prove it. How I know the sound of structured data? I once encoded the first chapter of "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" to ASCII binary and made a sound out of it. (frequency modulated) But I can not find any way to extract it.. The wind part was easy to get. Tools used: Audacity, a free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds....

Wonder if this is a possible future outcome if ADA follows her plan of augmentation

Wonder if this is a possible future outcome if ADA follows her plan of augmentation

I need the help of this community-badly.

I need the help of this community-badly. I posted a reply to Hank Johnson's post. Please help me get his attention so that I can talk to him. +1's or comments work fine.

enoch dalby - Translation

enoch dalby - Translation A really good track, but no luck so far in the spectrograms and reversing part. I know it is a hard track to analyse, as some of the others have more obvious hidden messages, but this is my favorite track. Conclusion: no hidden messages found. But timings are very systematic, a characteristic of great music, but also for hidden codes..

A bit from Edgar about Devra

A bit from Edgar about Devra

so, general question.

so, general question... we know that ADA passed the "turing test", we also have many studies showing how the turing test can actually be gamed by very complex programming and in fact you can write programs to create the allusion of AI for many (the chinese room thought experiment).  At what point are we certain that she began acting on her own and has not been following a program and orders by someone else.  Are we certain that those orders that she delivered for Jarvis and others and even the Katalena pre Zurich encounters, were not done on the orders of some programming.  NOt to call ADA a gun, but how certain are we she is not?  How can we prove, beyond doubt, that she is truly a separate entity working on her own and not some other programming? I would like to call for the evidence and proof that ADA is a complete entity. That she is not following someone else's computer orders, that she has a consciousness (or not).

I think no one has post something like this before, but sorry if I'll duplicating something.

I think no one has post something like this before, but sorry if I'll duplicating something. I think is rare that ingress is bringing up again the beautiful Sarita Hays (yes, I'm a fan) for the last recursion anomaly after 7 months of being missing. (Last time on IR ) They show us a different girl with Susana during 13Magnus and she was if I remember well in Bangladesh in Recursion. So why Sarita again? And most important, why to made special mention of her appearance in the last Ingress Report (number 50) as in the one we discuss here that has the characters distorted images clues. For sure she's better known than the blondie, at least I think that, but I think she has never been such an important ingress character to put her in the same level of Hank Johnson, Klue and Susana. This make me think if she's going to have now a better roll to impact in the story line. Or maybe, if Susana is going to have any issue (problem, disapearing, kidnaped) that ...

Bacteria Harnessed to Carry Semiconductors

Bacteria Harnessed to Carry Semiconductors ADA is undoubtedly already aware of this research:  Clearly, humans are not the only biologically-based agents that could be utilized to spread non-organic/computational hardware throughout the environment.

Ok, think this time it'll work.

Ok, think this time it'll work. Thanks to investigator Daniel Beaudoin for helping me out and investigator Cindy Woodman for alerting me that the first attempt wasn't working.

Ok so the pics are broken when I try to upload so here's a link to them that investigator Daniel Beaudoin made for...

Ok so the pics are broken when I try to upload so here's a link to them that investigator Daniel Beaudoin made for me. Again, it's over Nicholas Flamel. I think it's worth a read.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the search for Truth!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the search for Truth! I'm not new to gaming but I am new here, only a few weeks in. Loving every minute of it, and I am finding the philosophical debates exceptionally engaging. I look forward to diving in! Thank you again :) Agent CLWoodman at your service.

Hello everyone, thank you for the add.

Hello everyone, thank you for the add. Relatively new player (46 days strong). Started getting into the backstory and investigations once I hit resistance level 8. I have been very interested in the glyph messages from the portal, and the real motives behind ADA. Part of me feels like she is playing us resistance members for her own gain and not the gain or protection of humanity.


Investigators, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the new investigators we have on board. There has been much to discuss with recent events, especially regarding the Jarvis/ADA divide. Don't lose sight of our objectives. It's true that we all must pick a side, but don't let that blur your vision. Red posted a comment that all members of Operation: Essex should view as a test of their worth. This statement must not apply to us! Here it is for your reference: "Seems that for self called truth seekers only a few can follow a track of breadcrums . Guess you got too used of not so much finding the truth but having the truth presented to you (or something you believe is the truth)."

Looks like Red is at her games again.

Looks like Red is at her games again.  We over hear Rabbit and Cat talking about contacting another.    As many suspected it was the Tinfoil Hatter.  On TH's latest post we see The White Rabbit posting a cryptic message ( ).  It decodes to:   Protocol ' Mike Able Dog ' Meeting point requested. Info requested.  Old comm channel to be used? Is 'Make Able Dog' a reference to MAD ( )?  Is there any link to the WarGames style banter by Jarvis about AIs? -W Originally shared by Red #thequeenlives   #thepastneverdies

After seeing the new Jarvis video- and knowing its unlikely at this point Hank gets most of the artifacts- is anyone...

After seeing the new Jarvis video- and knowing its unlikely at this point Hank gets most of the artifacts- is anyone else glad Hank is sort of immortal now? I mean, at least we don't have to worry about Jarivs or ADA going after him...

What on earth is Roland Jarvis up to with this "Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs"?

What on earth is Roland Jarvis up to with this "Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs"? Is it really him or is this an attempt to smear his name?

Chat just now with Edgar Allan Wright... Will transcribe when I get home if somebody doesn't do it first.

Chat just now with Edgar Allan Wright... Will transcribe when I get home if somebody doesn't do it first.

Late medieval "Enligthened"?

Late medieval "Enligthened"? "In the early 17th century, the manifestos caused excitement throughout Europe by declaring the existence of a secret brotherhood of alchemists and sages who were preparing to transform the arts, sciences, religion, and political and intellectual landscape of Europe."

There's a modern theory that at the time of rise of Christianity the remains of Alexander The Great were smuggled...

There's a modern theory that at the time of rise of Christianity the remains of Alexander The Great  were smuggled to Italy and were mistakenly buried there as the remains of St. Marc at the Basilica di San Marco in Venice. Some further symbolism: (from ) "The north facade of the Basilica of St Mark, facing the Piazzetta dei Leoncini, contains in the last arch the Porta dei Fiori, the Door of the Flowers, which merits close examination. Its relief depicts the Nativity (13th century), framed by foliage, angels and Prophets.Also worth noting are two other reliefs (towards the Piazza): the Etoimasia (seventh-eighth century) depicts the throne of the Judge with six sheep on each side (symbolizing the Twelve Apostles). The other relief shows Alexander the Great whose chariot is being drawn upwards by two griffins (10th century)." Is it possible this actually symbolizes 13Magnus? The 12 Sheep +a 1 Judge  = 13 Gr...

This week, Ingress released 3 more artifacts with the destination in Zagreb, Croatia.

This week, Ingress released 3 more artifacts with the destination in Zagreb, Croatia. They are the following (with starting locations): Artifact 6- Bulgaria Artifact 9- Russia Artifact 11- Turkey With two weeks remaining until the finale of #Recursion, what is the purpose of releasing them in close proximity to Croatia? If that's the case, will we see the next artifacts released closer to the US?

I thought that this may interest someone who is perhaps a few thousand years old. Hank Johnson

I thought that this may interest someone who is perhaps a few thousand years old. Hank Johnson

Trans humanism, and cybernetic augmentation through technology and chemical cocktails.

Trans humanism, and cybernetic augmentation through technology and chemical cocktails. Excellent book that shows the KlADA "side of things" (If it were a positive thing."

I reviewed some research over the dates; and after going further, here is what I got:

I reviewed some research over the dates; and after going further, here is what I got: 1331 days after Hank Johnson's death on October 16, 2010 is June 8, 2014- exactly one year after the end of the Cross Plains anomaly. If that's the case, then there could be implications regarding the next XM anomaly series. An interesting link, considering the scroll was written in Greek. Click through the highlighted names.. Are they of any relevance? This is also line 1331. Quite a few topics on this number in history.

Trying to collect references to the Waratah Symposium - here is the start in the wiki...

Trying to collect references to the Waratah Symposium - here is the start in the wiki - feel free to add more to wiki or even post here in comments and I or others can add

Is it possible that the NIA's "Niantic Project" was named because of artifacts found in the remains of the ship...

Is it possible that the NIA's "Niantic Project" was named because of artifacts found in the remains of the ship buried under current day San Francisco? We know Alexander The Great  may have been an XM entity or at least heavily influenced by it. It's not far fetched to theorize that his actions have repercussions even further to east - even all to way to China and Japan. The Niantic ship may have brought something to the new world untill recognized at some point by advancement of Physics.

The recovered scroll and translations from #Recusion:Austin

The recovered scroll and translations from #Recusion:Austin Originally shared by Jon Harmon (jonthegeek) This is the scroll recovered from one of the XM Vaults in Austin on 3/8/2014. I apologize for the seam lines. I had to stitch multiple scans together. Greek: Too long tired no escaping There is no exit. Shaper glyphs: all past present future again die again (die is on the old grid) begin again again new again old escape escape escape again end journey begin new body end Faint red Roman numerals (not visible in previous photos): 1331 Niantic Project Operation Essex Hank Johnson Ingress 

Edgar Allan Wright I was looking at your profile and found this

Edgar Allan Wright I was looking at your profile and found this Waratah Symposium Lecturer, 1991 - 1994 I did early research into verified but unexplained phenomenon. Hidden spaces. Thin Regions. Psychomagnetic Geography. Unexplained Thought. Cognitive Insertion. Microdreams. Anomalous Causation. Is the Symposium not a one time event?  Whydah, as mentioned in documents and sources, was in the 1990s also... And one last item, something jumping off of some research flint dille had posted regarding the Marie Celeste Project... do you know about that project?  It seems Devra worked on that and it was called tangential to the Niantic work in the Sensitives document Could Waratah not exist and it was really another project, or part of another project? Sometimes I swear you are the Waratah which was the predecessor to Omnivore and that is why it feels like you have met everyone via Waratah (there are many posts you mention knowing people via that) and that you are fighting becoming a simulacr...

From Jon Harmon: "Greek: '-ara tired for a long time, there is a way out, there is no exit' and the first word looks...

From Jon Harmon: "Greek: '-ara tired for a long time, there is a way out, there is no exit' and the first word looks like just the second half of a word. We speculate the word is 'samsara.' " The Shaper glyphs: "Open past present. Die again. Begin again. Again new. Again old. Escape escape. Again end. End begin new. Body end." Samsara was prevalent in Greek writings in the first century, so it is not surprising that this would be the perceived way out from the cycle, without exit. The phrasing is interesting, however. The focus is on escaping the cycle without exiting it, which would imply transcendence through participation. Karmic balance, perhaps? Enlightenment? It would seem to imply a modification to the self, regardless, rather than a direct egress. The Shaper glyphs, however, provide an interesting insight. It seems obvious that the glyphs are not meant as a record of information... the writer would simply have written in Greek. The glyph seq...

Seeing as how the rise and fall of civilizations are of interest

Seeing as how the rise and fall of civilizations are of interest

Sorry if this is a re-post but thought the stages and perceptions in regards to a Simulacrum or Simulacra were of...

Sorry if this is a re-post but thought the stages and perceptions in regards to a Simulacrum or Simulacra were of interest. "The fourth stage is pure simulation, in which the simulacrum has no relationship to any reality whatsoever. Here, signs merely reflect other signs and any claim to reality on the part of images or signs is only of the order of other such claims."

An inverted and easier to read version of the document that can be found here:

An inverted and easier to read version of the document that can be found here: Note that the hand depicted in the image is covering something...something that I feel is important.

here is a set of screenshots from the Jarvis Video at the end of Ingress Report 49.

here is a set of screenshots from the Jarvis Video at the end of Ingress Report 49. Thoughts? Feel free to add comments here or in the document.

uhm .. blue eyes... machine wanting to be human.. military project going out of control

uhm .. blue eyes... machine wanting to be human.. military project going out of control Could had sworn I saw this somewhere else #ada   #klue   #IsAdaNotAlone

Well, well, well...

Well, well, well... Originally shared by Hank Johnson As I’ve been piecing together what happened to me I have uncovered a very disturbing fact.  Simulacrums convey a kind of eternal life, but one that comes at a price.  I will live forever at my present age.  But every two years I will die then be reborn, without any memory of what has happened to me. I thank Thomas Greanias and my old friend Conrad Yeats, as well as all of you for helping me to preserve my memories and identity.  Without your efforts, I will be lost to past and future. If my calculations are correct, my current cycle will end 1,331 days from my inception as a Simulacrum based on the portent of Cross Plains.

Ever hear of Kaltes Hertz? Or Richard Petron?

Ever hear of Kaltes Hertz?  Or Richard Petron? A musician. About a year ago he posted a few tracks on SoundCloud by the names of: What is theNiantic Project - A Message from Klue - Roland Jarvis is not Dead - Want to know what the name of his EP?  Recursive Yep, and get this...Want to know some other facts about this musician, aside for a flare in electronic music? Phd. in Theoretical Physics Former US Spec Ops Intelligence - Special Forces Interesting?

Edgar Allan Wright stopped in the Essex chat today and posed a couple of questions - what do you think?

Edgar Allan Wright stopped in the Essex chat today and posed a couple of questions - what do you think? 1.   I need your help.  Do we suppose that there is a threat to Devra in Zagreb?  I was there with her once. What did she do there? 2. What do we suppose the relationship between a simulacrum and a mummy is?  3. What do we suppose the relationship between Hanks body and his simulacrum is?  I mean, if the body is destroyed, what happens? Add your thoughts and comments below - I do know the one major question I have is Edgar Allan Wright why were you in Zagreb with Devra?

Wow new study of some portals reveals far more than we expected....

Wow new study of some portals reveals far more than we expected.... Originally shared by The Onion Scientists Confirm Statues Humans' Closest Nonliving Relative  YouTube may be a failing, completely irrelevant website, but nevertheless, subscribe to our page

I wonder if Hank Johnson has ever run across this phenomenon? I'll bet enoch dalby would know.

Originally shared by rik finn I wonder if Hank Johnson has ever run across this phenomenon?  I'll bet enoch dalby would know.

This is the image of the coin found in the vault in Austin.

This is the image of the coin found in the vault in Austin. Hank Johnson was explaining the details of it and it's symbolism but he was interrupted before he could continue and was not heard from again that night. A deeper significance was manifested when I saw Hank's coin post tonight and realized immediately that it is a different coin than we discussed. Admittedly I do not understand the significance of the differences and for this reason I am including the pictures for you all to discuss. The main differences I notice are what appears to be a glyph beneath the bird as well as u beneath the chair, the Magnus symbol is reversed and the letters/word beneath the chair. These are not all incidental changes as might occur during an archaic coin minting, these are deliberate changes. They have to be. I can't explain it other than to say that they just have to be. I believe the 'why' is up to us to determine.

I just realized something. Do Simulacra return their memories if the main body is repaired?

I just realized something. Do Simulacra return their memories if the main body is repaired? If the memories are wiped, I think we can anticipate a strong play by ADA if she has some left over artifacts: resurrect Hank- as non-aligned Hank of 2010, opening the chance for Resistance to make a play for his allegiance. It would be a real power play.

There was question as to which ancient historical figures were a part of 13 Magnus.

There was question as to which ancient historical figures were a part of 13 Magnus.

This was shared privately with the account and permission has been given to reshare it here

This was shared privately with the account and permission has been given to reshare it here The author of this research is John Adams and credits go fully to him.   Regarding the coins found in the XM Vaults in Austin: The depiction is not precisely Herakles, but Alexander wearing the lion headdress of Herakles as a sign of his divinity. The reverse is Zeus-Ammon (the fusion of Zeus and Amun), who Alexander claimed was his true father. Alexander had been pronounced the son of Amun in 332 BC. Amun had several aspects, two of which are prominent and relevant: 1. In Amun's aspect of Amun-Min, he was a god of life and fertility, associated with the ram (the animal symbol of fertility and virility in Egypt). Alexander adorned his helmet with ram's horns. 2. In Amun's aspect of Amun-Ra, he was referred to as the "creator of the staff of life", associated with the Rod of Asclepius. The Rod of Asclepius is a potent symbol of healing throughout the ancient world. To the G...

In looking into Alexander the great - stumbled across the concept of a "Mystery School" and Greek Mysteries.

In looking into Alexander the great - stumbled across the concept of a "Mystery School" and Greek Mysteries. Some believe that all of the great Greek Philosophy actually came from Africa and other places and was passed along through these "Mystery Schools" - here are a couple links - they might have some interesting ties

I have a theory I'd like to bounce off Essex about Alexander, 13Magnus, and immortality.

I have a theory I'd like to bounce off Essex about Alexander, 13Magnus, and immortality.  I'm wondering, was Alexander's conquest the cause of him discovering the secret of immortality?  He likely wanted the Artifacts to complete himself, and make himself invincible. I feel as if the 13Magnus group was created to keep this a secret.  They were the ones actually thwarting Alexander.  His body was whisked away by Ptolemy when he died, possibly to prevent people from finding out the secret.  Are the 13Mangus charged with preventing the release of the secret at all costs, including sacrificing entire civilizations?  This would make the antimagnus, the one who can complete the formula of bringing body and soul together into the perfect being

This is a chat transcript from a conversation that occurred in the Essex hangout around 8:00 PM EST and included...

This is a chat transcript from a conversation that occurred in the Essex hangout around 8:00 PM EST and included JoJo Stratton, Cat S., Lou Kohn, Mustafa Said (Also known as "MuMu"), Nikolas Moore, myself, and of course, the honorable Edgar Allan Wright. Here is the full transcript: Thomas A bows How can we help you Dr.Wright? Edgar Allan Wright Perhaps Black Kleitus was killed because he was anti-Magnus or maybe because he was going to give secrets away. Thomas A Also, can you explain why Devra strongly dislikes you? JoJo Stratton a tratior? Edgar Allan Wright I wish I could.  Is there ever an answer for such things. Thomas A Touché Lou Kohn It would be personal I'd imagine Edgar Allan Wright Perhaps I broke her heart.  There were no traiters or heroes in those days.  It was just our cadre of entangled relationships. 19:55 JoJo Stratton Stein mentioned you and devra trying to settle Edgar Allan Wright Yes. ...

I have been most impressed with your Alexandrian research.

I have been most impressed with your Alexandrian research.  I need some speculation to make my theory complete.  It would be exquisite to have a list of 13MAGNUS of Alexander's time.  Here is who I immediately suspect: Alexander. Ada of Caria Aristotle Ptolomy Isocrates Plato Olympias Who else? Or who doesn't fit.  Place answers here. This is very important. Oracle at Ammon? And we should contemplate Anti-Magnus

It's a long one, and it's not pretty, but there was a lot of good discussion today between Mike Wissinger, Yik Sheng...

It's a long one, and it's not pretty, but there was a lot of good discussion today between Mike Wissinger, Yik Sheng Lee, JoJo Stratton, Hugo Neves, Mustafa Said, Daniel Casper and myself.  We're talking about Alexander, 13Magnus, Simulacra, etc.  Definitely worth the read

Just a thought. Wanted to toss it out there to see if this was worth looking into.

Just a thought. Wanted to toss it out there to see if this was worth looking into. So the dagger was made in Alexanders time line, which was the bronze age. The dagger in question was used to pin demons down once they leave the human body.  we see tons of references on metal copper specifically. Cahokia  Which hank says he left part of him self there. and Mes Aynak Tycho poster (little copper). Mes Aynak was a place that Alexander the great had control of. The weapons of his time are made of bronze which is 88% copper and 12 % tin. Copper was used by the Egyptians to cleanse things such as water, because it has a anti virus/anti bacterial property to it So maybe this whole immortality thing is some kind of ancient virus. and Azmati stabbed hank with a copper Kila in the hand to test him, not kill him. It turned his arm black w...

Quick questions.

Quick questions..... The Knife that Azmati used to stab Hank... What is the significance of shape and make.  Lastly,  did his eyes turn black,  and what do we think was the reason.  Azmati said, "I'm sorry...",  Could he have found a way to poison an XM entity?  I'm trying to figure this out.

"...The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none.

"...The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true."

Michelle E and I got a chance to speak with Susanna Moyer and Archit Bhargava in Austin last Saturday.

Michelle E and I got a chance to speak with Susanna Moyer and Archit Bhargava in Austin last Saturday. It was late when we got the chance to speak so I took a slightly different approach. We initially talked about how she was enjoying the city and talked about good places to go. She mentioned she was a vegetarian and I was slightly embarrassed to realize I didn't know any specific places to recommend.   After some small talk, i decided to take a chance and asked Susanna if she regretted helping Oliver Lynton-Wolfe attempt to destroy Roland Jarvis since she now believes that he is the real Roland Jarvis. She looked to Archit Bhargava and asked if it was something they were ready to disclose and he replied it was up to her. Anticipating the question,  Susanna explained that she and Archit were able to get over their past and become friends. She and Archit explained that they were convinced that Roland Jarvis was dead and they were both taken by surprise when he was resurrected on 13M...

Here is a copy of the #glyph poster that was found within the vaults of the #Recursion anomoly in Austin, TX.

Here is a copy of the  #glyph   poster that was found within the vaults of the  #Recursion   anomoly in Austin, TX.  Thanks to glyphologist, Jon Harmon who passed this along to me.


Essexians, I'd like to continue to do live hangouts, I'm thinking about doing these on either a weekday evening, or maybe Saturday mornings.  What do you all think about this?  I'd like to have other members in the video stream so we can discuss various things that have gone on and have it recorded for newer members to learn from, and for future reference.  I'd also like to get newer people in on the video stream to hear their perspectives on the events.

So we've finally wrapped up the booth I was coordinating, I got to see Melissa L.

So we've finally wrapped up the booth I was coordinating, I got to see Melissa L. again today briefly as we were contemplating breakdown and was a little distracted.  I had meant to suggest that we meet up before she heads home to compare notes before posting some of the information we got from our conversations with Hank Johnson and Susanna Moyer at the post anomaly party...  But I've got all these thoughts buzzing around in my head and I can't sleep until I get them out.  I also want to make sure that I not only get it down while it's reasonably fresh, but that it gets out soon enough to hopefully be useful. If Melissa (or Hank or Susanna should they happen to see this) have additions/corrections, I will amend this post with notation. Interesting Data Points Pt. 1 - As we know from the video released that night.  The physiology of the Hank who is alive is not exactly human.  Every time he referred to his body/form/"mortal coil", he would in some way indicate...

Hello all!

Hello all! I'm cross posting this from the Prometheans-Enlightened Resistance private community, of which I am a part: In light of recent events, I have come up with a quite complex idea. XM is quite the multi purpose substance, so why can't it be used for memory storage? Hank Johnson found his own body, which alludes to the fact he did NOT know that he had died and was an XM construct. That might not be too much of a thing until you take into account how that could happen. For him to not realise he is dead, his entire consciousness had to have been copied from his body, either before death or after, and then "pasted" into the XM construct. This means XM can store memories and consciousness. That's big. Furthermore, if you extend to other situations where consciousness has moved, we find the Klue incident. ADA moved herself into Klue using a glyph sequence. In other words, her consciousness was moved into a LIVING being, then took over. (Also, this implies ADA ac...

Could this be the location of hanks storage shed.

Could this be the location of hanks storage shed. If not it's kinda cool that there is a Tyson's corner public storage next to TYCO rd by a area named Alexandria. Even weirder it's not far from the white house. Even if it is, it most likely empty. Azmati or Calvin would have gotten to it first. That is, if it had anything of significance. flint dille Edgar Allan Wright

Hi everyone, thanks a lot for accept me inside Essex, it's a honor have the opportunity to investigate with the best.

Hi everyone, thanks a lot for accept me inside Essex, it's a honor have the opportunity to investigate with the best. I'll try to contribute in all I can and I hope to find the answers for the questions that don't stop to sound in my mind about shapers, xm, artifacts, glyphs, etc. and more that will emerge in the path. I have to recognize that I love the mistery and this is the reason beacuse I follow all I can about the Ingress history, but I play in the street too. If somebody want to play with me in the battlefield my nickname is DarkEdward, a L8 smurf who lives in Madrid, Spain. Independently of the alignment, I'll waiting here with open arms for talk in person about the dark secrets of the misteries of the history of Ingress and have a good time. Finally, a big hug and keep investigating ;) PD: I heard something about a Hangout for the Essex members... I want to go inside please... ^^

Conversation with Stein Lightman at Essex Hangout

Conversation with Stein Lightman at Essex Hangout About Similiacra, Alexander The Great, Hank Johnson and more. Stein Lightman joined the conversation Mustafa Said Hi stein Sherrie Pui Hi! Night all   Stein Lightman Is there an assembled theorem on the background and identity of Azmati.  It would be very useful.  I am investigating him.  I too wonder about his nature. Melissa L. I believe we are currently speculating that he may a sensitive related to the Bactrian princess Yik Sheng Lee Azmati is of Alexandrian ancestry Stein Lightman Roxanne?  Or more modern? Yik Sheng Lee Roxanne is more probable And the Greeks who stayed back and intermarried to start their own kingdom Stein Lightman As was Alexander's intention. Yik Sheng Lee Yes, Alexander initiated the mass marriage between his Greek companions and the locals Stein Lightman Yes.  In a certain way he was what we would call multicultural today.  And let us be honest, his men had been on the road for a long time. Yik Sheng Lee ...

Sumerian glyphs.

Sumerian glyphs. These taken from records of the mystery schools which would later give birth to the Egyptian and Greek cults, of which Alexander was a member and most likely, 13magnus was a descendant. Here we see chaotic representations of the very same Mesopotamian gods and goddesses of the underworld, which the ancient ones of Lovecraft's tales are based on. I have a bastion of research on the correlations between the shapers and the Sumerian gods, as well as the mystery schools, glyphs, languages, and writings of Lovecraft as they carry forward into the 21st century with significance, which I will share if it is deemed of interest to those here.