Conversation with Stein Lightman at Essex Hangout

Conversation with Stein Lightman at Essex Hangout
About Similiacra, Alexander The Great, Hank Johnson and more.

Stein Lightman joined the conversation
Mustafa Said
Hi stein
Sherrie Pui
Night all  
Stein Lightman
Is there an assembled theorem on the background and identity of Azmati.  It would be very useful.  I am investigating him.  I too wonder about his nature.
Melissa L.
I believe we are currently speculating that he may a sensitive related to the Bactrian princess
Yik Sheng Lee
Azmati is of Alexandrian ancestry
Stein Lightman
Roxanne?  Or more modern?
Yik Sheng Lee
Roxanne is more probable
And the Greeks who stayed back and intermarried to start their own kingdom
Stein Lightman
As was Alexander's intention.
Yik Sheng Lee
Yes, Alexander initiated the mass marriage between his Greek companions and the locals
Stein Lightman
Yes.  In a certain way he was what we would call multicultural today.  And let us be honest, his men had been on the road for a long time.
Yik Sheng Lee
But his men did not like it. Most of the marriages ended in separation the moment he died
Stein Lightman
Hmmm... He might not have been as good a matchmaker as a general.
But I know the problem.  There was some confusion between Misty and I.
Yik Sheng Lee
Although some stayed in Bactria after Alexander left.
You mean your posting to Misty?
Could Azmati inherited the secret of 13Magnus from his Alexandrian ancestry?
Stein Lightman
Yes. I shouldn't have mentioned it.  We have agreed to let bygones be bygones.  If Devra and Wright would do the same, I think there would be more progress on all fronts.
Yik Sheng Lee
What caused Devra and Wright to dislike each other?
Stein Lightman
That is not my story to tell, I should not have mentioned it.
Yik Sheng Lee
OK. We understand that
Melissa L.
Do not worry about it we understand. I am a little behind but I am told that a poster with all the glyphs and meanings was found in the vault
Have you had a chance to see that?
Stein Lightman
It was briefly alluded to once. Devra has chosen not to speak of it, and Wright, I suspect only remembers bits of it.
Eran Rivlis
Stein - Posted an answer on who identified the Kīla dagger in your post.
Stein Lightman
I have not seen the poster. Unfortunately, until Hank decides to contact me, I know no more than you.
Yik Sheng Lee
What do you think of Azmati? Did he hold the secrets of 13 Magnus and was he testing Hank to see whether he was chosen to be resurrected?
Eran Rivlis
Can you divulge where in Israel you are? Are you working independently or as a part of a local government effort?
Essex members in Israel will be happy to help if needed.
Melissa L.
Azmati seemed very shocked to see Hank alive and frightened of him. I doubt he had planned the resurrection.
Stein Lightman
I only know what you know, but here is my theory -- or a couple of theories.  Azmati either knows much more than he is telling, or, he truly did hear these stories from his grandmother and other elders and discovered with Hank that they are true.
Or some combination of the two.  
Melissa L.
I spoke with Hank at the anomaly, he is extremely worried about losing the experiences and knowledge he has gained unless he is returned to his original body.
He believes that his original body holds the collective experiences of all his simulcra
Drew Dondero
Interesting insight
Stein Lightman
Yes. That's the unknown.  I am going to attempt to scour myth on this topic.  Regional myths might be most valuable.  For instance, what are Jin in this context.
Daniel Clague
Oh boy don't get me started on djinn....
Stein Lightman
Yes. What is the relationship between the body and the Similacra??
Daniel Clague
Hahah this is going to be a fun day.
Melissa L.
Hank believes that he is currently inhabiting a temporary "construct"
Mustafa Said
Jinn are demons in Islamic knowledge
Yik Sheng Lee
Are they quantum entanglements?
Mustafa Said
I've got some knowledge of them if you need to know
Daniel Clague
Glyphs are used tonsummon and bind them
Stein Lightman
What do we know of the Similacra and of Hank?  Is it possible that the Hank I knew at Niantic was a Similacrum. He seemed like a normal human in all ways. Of course, I was not looking for oddities.
Daniel Clague
See lesser key of Solomon ...
Drew Dondero
Start posting about them I say
Daniel Clague
Greater key... Necronomicon etc
Mustafa Said
On it
Daniel Clague
Day walking doppleganger
Djinn or xm produced, based, or controlled
Jason Stephens
XM golem
Daniel Clague
Or body from "djinn" (xm)
Stein Lightman
There's a bit of Dorian Gray to this, too.
Melissa L.
It is likely that the Hank we have known has always been a simulcra if his theory is true
Stein Lightman
Of course, that is not ancient.
Yes. There are similacrum amongst us. Who else is. Could one of us be a Similacrum?
Melissa L.
Well recursion is the time for visiting old concepts
Yik Sheng Lee
Jason Stephens
We need a test
Stein Lightman
Yes. And a similacrum might well be a recursive object.
Melissa L.
EAW said his memory malady was because he did not want to become a simulcra
Yik Sheng Lee
Even Alexander?
Stein Lightman
No daggers. We must have a modern, non-invasive test.
Yik Sheng Lee
Was Alexander a simulacrum?
Mustafa Said
We've been given the ideas that we're all Sensitives.
Stein Lightman
Well... Suppose that Alexander decided at some point, that it was more useful to be a similacrum.
Melissa L.
Perhaps EAW could not save his other experiences and ended up with holes in his memories because of it
Eran Rivlis
If Hank's experience is gathered in his original physical body, it seems as if the Similacra may function as vessels to gather information. Maybe the Shapers limited by their limited ingress into our world take opportunities that occured to Jarvis and Hank and use their situation to more directly experience the Human condition and thus gather more detailed information.
Mustafa Said
Perhaps Alexander and Hank share the ability to see future events?
Yik Sheng Lee
There was an incident where Alexander just revived after three days
Stein Lightman
You must capture this discussion and post it. There is much to mine from.  
Three days. sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Yik Sheng Lee
It does
Mustafa Said
If Alexander knew he would die the Simalicrum would act as a failsafe
Yik Sheng Lee
And at the Oracle at Siwa, he was deified. A son of Zeus
Drew Dondero
That could be why he was so great at conquest
Stein Lightman
As long as his body was preserved in a 13MAGNUS nest.  It makes more sense that Ptolomy hijacked his body to Alexandria.
Melissa L.
Hank says that he didn't know how long his current contruct would last
Yik Sheng Lee
When did he die then? Did Alexander die at the Nest and came out as a simulacrum?
Melissa L.
He estimated a year to three. Alexander's campaign lasted 13 years but do we know if he had any near death experiences near or if he was resurrected after
near the end I mean
Yik Sheng Lee
Or much earlier that made him invincible until he realised he could not last and decided to enter the sanctum to make himself permanent?
Stein Lightman
The histories say he died at Babylon and all sources agree on that.
Melissa L.
of poisoning right?
Stein Lightman
The question is whether his coffin was a 13MAGNUS object and whether he was buried in a Magnus Nest.
Drew Dondero
Edgar said yesterday that his death had multiple stories
And that we need to look into the events surrounding it
Melissa L.
hmm,  yes we definitely do
Drew Dondero
Even my own research yesterday turned up multiple accounts
Yik Sheng Lee
Ptolemy hijacked his body to Alexandria which Alexander himself planned based on the oracle at Siwa
Melissa L.
That could support the simulcra theory
Yik Sheng Lee
So Alexandria could be a nest?
Drew Dondero
Slow poisoning, sickness, drinking from the river Stix
Stein Lightman
Yes. The Oracle at Siwah.  If ever there was a level 9 portal, it was Siwah or Delphi.
Melissa L.
I wonder if that is what construct breakdown is like?
Stein Lightman
Unfortunately, I must depart. The exigencies of the day are pressing down. I will try to return.
Melissa L.
Thank you for your insights
you've given us a lot to think about.
Yik Sheng Lee
See you Stein


  1. Thank you Yik Sheng Lee... Last weeks I missed much of the ho conversation😩

  2. Can anyone get their hands on this poster?

  3. I have a number of questions and thoughts 

    So a body is preserved, a simulacrum is created and goes out and "lives" collecting experiences. This simulacrum comes back and reintegrates or such and the body is "updated" and then contains all the knowledge of the simulacrum???

    if that is a potential truth then

    1. Is that why there are so many reports of Alexander dying?  He really did die all those different ways, and each time it was a simulacrum?

    2. Would a test Stein Lightman is looking for be to look for instances of multiple deaths, time differences and lost time and memories?

    3. Isn't this what ADA is kinda doing?  Creating Simulacrums?  It sure sounds like it to me....  in a way this is like the first computer network system - LOL   the 13Magnus Cloud :)

    there is the mention of others....   I vote for Calvin ;)  maybe Nigel  and maybe Susanna Moyer 

    more thoughts, but will save this for now

  4. ok one more thought Edgar Allan Wright what do you think of what Stein said?  Devra Bogdanovich PLEASE read this and find a way to resolve - there is something coming and we need all together to be able to find the truth...


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