From Jon Harmon: "Greek: '-ara tired for a long time, there is a way out, there is no exit' and the first word looks...

From Jon Harmon: "Greek: '-ara tired for a long time, there is a way out, there is no exit' and the first word looks like just the second half of a word. We speculate the word is 'samsara.' "

The Shaper glyphs:
"Open past present.
Die again.
Begin again.
Again new.
Again old.
Escape escape.
Again end.
End begin new.
Body end."

Samsara was prevalent in Greek writings in the first century, so it is not surprising that this would be the perceived way out from the cycle, without exit.

The phrasing is interesting, however. The focus is on escaping the cycle without exiting it, which would imply transcendence through participation. Karmic balance, perhaps? Enlightenment? It would seem to imply a modification to the self, regardless, rather than a direct egress.

The Shaper glyphs, however, provide an interesting insight. It seems obvious that the glyphs are not meant as a record of information... the writer would simply have written in Greek. The glyph sequence is most likely a questionably accurate depiction of the sequence that induces the simulacrum state.

If this is the case, this would be a springboard toward figuring out how to alter and repair that state.

Originally shared by Niantic Project

I've obtained the following photo of the scroll retrieved from an XM Vault during the #Recursion Anomaly in Austin, TX.

This is important. What is this message? And who was it intended for?



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