Sorry if this is a re-post but thought the stages and perceptions in regards to a Simulacrum or Simulacra were of...
Sorry if this is a re-post but thought the stages and perceptions in regards to a Simulacrum or Simulacra were of interest.
"The fourth stage is pure simulation, in which the simulacrum has no relationship to any reality whatsoever. Here, signs merely reflect other signs and any claim to reality on the part of images or signs is only of the order of other such claims."
"The fourth stage is pure simulation, in which the simulacrum has no relationship to any reality whatsoever. Here, signs merely reflect other signs and any claim to reality on the part of images or signs is only of the order of other such claims."
I would like to ask out loud... Does social etiquette apply to Sims? Is the treatment of a sim based on the level of cognition or sophisticated personality algorithm.