Is it possible that the NIA's "Niantic Project" was named because of artifacts found in the remains of the ship...

Is it possible that the NIA's "Niantic Project" was named because of artifacts found in the remains of the ship buried under current day San Francisco?

We know Alexander The Great  may have been an XM entity or at least heavily influenced by it. It's not far fetched to theorize that his actions have repercussions even further to east - even all to way to China and Japan. The Niantic ship may have brought something to the new world untill recognized at some point by advancement of Physics.


  1. There has been a connection made to the gold aboard the Niantic and Chaotic Matter. The Alignment: Ingress connected CM to the production of gold.

  2. Chaotic Matter and the gold are directly mixed. The Niantic had CM on her final voyage. The ship was decommissioned soon after the men went mad from their exposure to CM. Two of the men were arrested for attempted murder of their captain. the Niantic was a cargo ship and brought the chaotic matter from the California Sierra Foothills from my cell territory.

  3. The ship lost it final cargo due to circumstances not recorded at the current site of Cupid's Span in the SF harbor.

  4. To the local Native Americans who used to live in the region, the CM was located in those forbidden hills. Hidden until the White man found gold, strange quartz, and crystals with gold mixed in.


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