What on earth is Roland Jarvis up to with this "Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs"?

What on earth is Roland Jarvis up to with this "Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs"? Is it really him or is this an attempt to smear his name?


  1. Rouse. The subtle beginnings of this ages witch hunt.... soon the attacks of whole systems. ..The hacker now the hunter..security to be relinquished... patriot act empowered...I believe big things happen from small steps... here is one to watch

  2. My bet this isn't for agents: its for politicians. People, and particularly the powers that be, buy SkyNet as a threat more than the nebulous danger of maybe(?) Dangerous parallel universe aliens.

  3. ...Why am I suddenly reminded of the Sentient Engine Liberation Front from XCOM: Apocalypse?

  4. Warning: Serious Speculation to follow.
    Note that he wants every AI wiped from every sort of technology, integrated deep into nearly every system. In order to accomplish this, he'd have to have access past any security measure and would be given control of each system to process. Who's to say he won't put something there, such as a kill switch, should he be threatened by the likes of technology? Obviously, we can't exactly kill him by guns or man-made weapons. But our scanners seem to be our only known way of accessing the powers of XM thusfar. If that ability is halted or removed, what chance do we stand against Jarvis if he's to try and rise to power?

  5. I think you're overestimating his power. So far, in meatspace, we've seen him:
    a) Pacify OLW, somehow. Maybe words, maybe XM.
    b) Send spooky videos. Through an intermediary! He isn't even hacking the Report anymore! The way I see it, Jarvis is about as dangerous as Klue. I think its most wise to let them grapple and beat their chests, since it inhibits both of them from consolidating too much power.
    Note: ADA's endgame is also unclear, but the elimination of the shaper "threat" would also entail not only locking down the portals, but preventing them from ever being flipped on again. This would also require an end to scanner tech.

  6. So on the one hand, we have ADA and Devra wanting to close portals and inoculate humans from XM. To my mind, they are unwittingly working towards the same fate that befell Cahokia and Anaztec; the portals and XM disappear, the civilization collapses.

    Now on the other hand, you have Jarvis seemingly calling for a Butlerian Jihad.


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