A short discussion on the meaning of "Deprecation". dep·re·cate ˈdepriˌkāt/ verb: deprecate; 3rd person present: deprecates; past tense: deprecated; past participle: deprecated; gerund or present participle: deprecating 1. express disapproval of. "he sniffed in a deprecating way" synonyms: deplore, abhor, disapprove of, frown on, take a dim view of, take exception to, detest, despise; More criticize, censure "the school deprecates this behavior" antonyms: praise, overrate 2. another term for depreciate (sense 2). "he deprecates the value of children's television" Origin early 17th century (in the sense ‘pray against’): from Latin deprecat- ‘prayed against (as being evil),’ from the verb deprecari, from de- (expressing reversal) + precari ‘pray.’ In programming it means: "Deprecation is an attribute applied to a computer software feature, characteristic, or practice to indicate that it should be avoided (often because it is being supersed...