From an glyph hack of an L8 portal:
From an glyph hack of an L8 portal:
Doesn't sound like the posited Shapers behind that one, unless Resistance is also a Shaper construct..
Doesn't sound like the posited Shapers behind that one, unless Resistance is also a Shaper construct..
Weren't the glyphs of unknown origin? Unless there was a storyline item to the contrary which I missed.
ReplyDeleteIt's also possible there's plenty of ADA interference in the scanner or scanning I/O protocols still.
I wonder if the
ReplyDeleteShapers have their own war of ideology like we do. What if the NIA are pawns?
ADA used glyphs to mind hack Klue. It stands to reason that she can influence glyph messages within the scanner.
ReplyDeleteThere was earlier mention of some double-blind tests designed by Carrie Campbell. The glyph hacking code could theoretically be of NIA origin, but the messages are hardly pure Resistance in content. And, yes, ADA could interfere with scanners. The capabilities of OMNIVORE are also unknown here.
ReplyDeleteThere could be malign elements within the ranks of our extradimensional friends.
ReplyDeleteThere's also "help Enlightened capture all portals". I've found that most (or all?) of the faction-specific messages have an opposite-faction equivalent.
ReplyDeleteI've read post of Misty Hannah saying that some of the glyphs are possibly Carrie Campbell 's messages. Don't forget nobody really dies in this world, death is only beginning... And Carrie is sensitive, Resistance aligned.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, I think it is very safe to say that Resistance is a Shaper construct. It is used in glyph sequences in a parallel capacity to Enlightenment, so the dualistic notion was probably there well before Epiphany Night.
ReplyDeleteThe question that nags me is whether we are comprehending the glyphs meanings correctly. We have both Resistance and Struggle for one glyph, so it may be accurate, but we only have Enlightenment for the other. How would "Shapers" define Enlightenment?
I also believe that ADA is playing with the glyphs and adding extra ones. Adding to the original ones, the resistance ones. Of course, it could also be that Jarvis, the entity, added the rest
ReplyDeleteEnlightened one and only the neutral ones were the original
I've wondered about that. There are Resistance-themed and Enlightened-themed messages, but there are also neutral "fortune cookie" messages, and messages that could be seen as pro-Essex, pro-portal, anti-portal, etc.
ReplyDeleteAll of these messages could, I think, be attributed to a faction or a Niantic sensitive and their followers. My thought I'd that the glyph sequences are echoes of the thoughts and debates surrounding the XM conflict, as well as from the trans dimensional realm.
Don't forget that there's also the potential ideology that not all shapers agree with each other, that conflicting messages can come through the scanner from disagreeing groups of shapers.
ReplyDeleteI got one that said 'HELP ENLIGHTENED RELEASE SHAPERS"
ReplyDeleteRELEASE? I don't see that definition on the glyphtionary offhand.
ReplyDeleteJon Zulanas i was thinking about it too, maybe shapers have different ideas because what we do influence them in different ways
ReplyDeleteCarrie Campbell
ReplyDeleteAlso, Glyph sequence "ACCEPT HUMAN WEAK" reminds me of KlADA deprecated video.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite sure numerous entities influence the "glyph game", almost like it would be telepathic Hangout of XM entities and agents would sneak-peak it...
Seeing some of the agents here share some of my dilemmas/thoughts I'll further paste a comment I posted on the Niantic Project page that touches this conversation too.
ReplyDelete>>Why do we assume that the Shapers are all of the same Mind and Goal? Why do we further assume that there is/will be a single(minded) AI? One of the consequences of a Mind is that it creates opinions, contemplates choices and chooses its Path. The situation resembles more and more the tension between "Lions and Tigers and Bears" and "TechnoCore" with humans as tools mostly in hands of currently dominating faction of each. And without a rebellious insider or an infiltrated spy we will never know the Truth before it's too late.
What is our choice then? I'd say it's "Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters."<<