I've been glyph hacking L1 portals lately and ran across an alternate translation for the Shapers glyph: COLLECTIVE.

I've been glyph hacking L1 portals lately and ran across an alternate translation for the Shapers glyph: COLLECTIVE. Hm....


  1. Several of us have posited that the shapers may be telepaths who have opted to reduce or dissolve most individual barriers.  It's an inference drawn from Jarvis' description of their ability to fully measure/interpret an individual's quantum state, Misty & Jarvis' apparent mental perception, and that shaper-collective shared meaning.

  2. Mike Wissinger Jim Lai as well as Roland Jarvis's reference to the water, like a collective body with individual waves. Good thinking

  3. The entry is already there.

    ADA also promises a future without individuality. A technological version of Shapers?

  4. I think ADA is offering a future of homogenous mind sharing multiple bodies. I believe the ultimate offered by the shapers will be distinct minds in union having transcended the body and inhabiting the XM substrate. Look at the ENL faction logo. To me it resembles a compound glyph more than the Enlightened glyph: end body.

  5. On that note, one of the unknown glyphs could be a combination of SHAPER/COLLECTIVE + SELF.

  6. The star-like glyph has no doubt been noted to be a compound of CLEAR + CREATE + DESTROY. Helios + Initio + Interitus?

  7. I want to interpret the final unknown glyph as DISCOVER + ALL + PATH, but the ALL interpretation is a bit of a stretch.


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