
Originally shared by Darren Satkunas


  1. Wow. That is disturbingly specific of Jarvis for once. Does this confirm him as the message sender?

  2. That doesn't look like it would be the handwriting of Jarvis. Little circles over the i's? Little loopy descenders on the g's? Looks like this was written by a tween girl, or someone trying to make it look like it was written by a tween girl.

  3. If Shapers are behind the message and are using JARVIS, there's no reason that they couldn't attempt to use multiple mediums to get their message through to us.

  4. Jim Lai Good point. This does corroborate his claim. I am curious why there are two different sets of writing though. The text on the front is a continuation of the documents found in Krakow.

  5. What writing style(s) did Carrie Campbell exhibit?

    Could more become clear if the Krakow documents are also assembled?


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