
Showing posts from February, 2017

Through some information collection and waiting...

Through some information collection and waiting... I present the Archetype to Researcher chart that I have been working on for a while. Center column is suspected researcher and right most column is confirmed via intel leaks. What do you agents think? Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug November Lima

What was in the chamber of ADA in ABADN?

What was in the chamber of ADA in ABADN? Although not yet clarified, it is believed that ABADN's 13 chambers also contained A Detection Algorithm . But what exactly put in the chamber of ADA? Is it a hard disk or a memory card? Or source codes? What is the XM-made body of the algorithm? ... Though I do not want it to be so heartily, I thought that Klue S. might be in that chamber. Motivation: ADA wanted a body that is loved by H. Richard Loeb . ADA had a special emotion against P.A.Chapeau who is also her creator from before. She seemed to seek intimacy in conversation with him, and seems to be exploring woman's type that he likes. She may not have the concept of love, but maybe she wanted to be a special existence for him. Opportunity: If Ezekiel Calvin was counting ADA as one to include in ABADN, his...

In fact the time of the reflections of Obsidiuis is long gone.

In fact the time of the reflections of Obsidiuis is long gone. Yet, this morning, my feed made me happen to your hands this interesting article. Possible that the Explorator Obsidius have mistaken for someone man who was actually a woman? Or Seer same occurred to him in disguise, for some reason we still do not know to? Historically, the Seer Veleda seems to be referred to as a secret weapon against the Roman Empire, also mentioned by Tacitus in his writings. In his cronace, Obsidius speaks of Valadian. I would not be surprised too much if, transliterating the language of the Germans within Latin canons, there was an adjustment of the vocal into something more "catchy" for a Latin - however, a Middle Eastern origin Latin. So, Veleda may have become Valadia. Originally shared by Ancient Origins Tensions were high as the Germanic tribe known as Batavi faced off against the Romans in 69 AD. Their numbers were few, but they had a secret weapon - a prophetess named Veleda. #german...

After 120 responses to my archetypes quiz, I have some results to share.

After 120 responses to my archetypes quiz, I have some results to share. Of course, these results as skewed by my own understandings of the archetypes (though 10 of the 13 descriptions are the work of Ariel Diana the questions that lead people to an archetype description are entirely my own, and therefore suspect); however, I do think their are interesting conclusions to be drawn from the data. If you haven't already taken the quiz, the link is What Ingress Archetype Do You Align With?

Decided to do another sequence study today!

Decided to do another sequence study today! Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa First one of the year and i couldn't help but want to dive further into a sequence we did for the Jennifer Brozek s Glyph Drill Downs. Originally i was going to do more of these but the journal got ahead of me. Today felt like a good day to rest and think. So here we go! Lvl 8 Sequence Glyph Study You Hide Chaos Inside Body Secondary Glyphs -Easy, Distance/Outside, Simple, Fear, Destiny, Complex, Lose, Less As i stated in the Drill down, i personally feel that this sequence was talking to us about our own person chaos's. The things we fear may make us lose those important to us so we dont tend to show to anyone. Things like natural instincts that we have tamed down or have been deemed socially unacceptable. Like most sequences i feel like this is urging us do something but since change and improve are not in the sequence, nor are there any time glyphs present, i think its more of a...

I'd like to see what Essex members think of this before I post it to the general community.The current discussions...

I'd like to see what Essex members think of this before I post it to the general community.The current discussions of archetypes got me thinking about how it relates to personality and personality testing. We often read descriptions of personality types and choose the one we aspire towards, rather than the one we actually belong to. So I created a quiz. This quiz is based on the work of Essex Investigator Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) and my own interpretations of the archetypes. I am not a trained psychologist; however, I did focus my graduate thesis on Archetypal Criticism of Apocalyptic literature (with a focus on Jungian literary criticism and the works of Northrop Frye). That research informed much of my creation of the questions and flushing out of some archetypes (interpreter, listener, and omniscient) with specific connections to the Jungian Typology test. Disclaimer: This quiz is was not created by, nor is it endorsed by Niantic. It is an Ingress fan creation. It is meant ...

Would I buy an AI-Programmed Astro Boy Robot?

Would I buy an AI-Programmed Astro Boy Robot? ABSOLUTELY..However, I can not help but wonder what your very own AI robot will be capable of doing. A.I for the home, its an interesting topic. Looks like the future age where humans coexist with robots inst as far off as we think.

"13 Magnus, not as a secret society, but as the human condition"- Martin Schubert

"13 Magnus, not as a secret society, but as the human condition"- Martin Schubert "There is always one that is made by the assembly of all the others.." Stein Lightman (in referencing groups of 12, there is always one composed of all the others that adds to 13) "There have always been sensitives....sensitives identified each other and shared secret knowledge"- Yuri Alaric Nagassa Edgar Allan Wright Looking at old discussions found in the Niantic Project Files, we can see references made to groups of 13. Even Enoch Dalby's Compass has 13 pairs. How does this relate to the Archetypes? If there have always been sensitives that have existed throughout the ages, is it only when the right group of them exist at the same time that a true Magnus is formed? What is the the force that guides the compass? One thing is clear from this, in reference to Stein Lightmans remark, the Omnipotent(Omniscient) Archetype is composed of all 12 archetypes as the 13th type. T...

Something has been tugging on me about the RES and the ENL.

Something has been tugging on me about the RES and the ENL. I am a grey which means that I have no side. When you are grey, you are always on the run. Sometimes you just need someone to lean on. I love the thrill of the chase, but any human will always eventually need to rest. I need to know if there is a group or a person out there that me and my other fellow Greys can trust. Maybe us Greys can start a small group together and trust each other. Or maybe there is an experienced grey out there we can trust. I don't know. We need answers. We need trust. -Foxtrot

Klue resurfacing in Europe?

Klue resurfacing in Europe? So with a few new recent #FindTheKlue dead drops suddenly appearing in Europe recently... As shown in: - I ask the question, is Klue S. done with her task with November Lima​? Why these sites in particular? Do these places have any major significance with any of the researchers? I see these activities only as further evidence that +Klue S.​ remains alive on the other side of the portals and ready to continue interacting with us through the portals. What do you think agents? What about you, +Edgar Allan Wright​? #KlueLives Verity Seke John Hanke​ Andrew Krug​ Ethan Lepouttre

It is interesting question at my feeling.

It is interesting question at my feeling. . 柚子 talks about medals received during #Obsidian Anomaly at Hamamatsu as follows. One of the thirteen patterns of medal he received was not painted black. At the first point, he thought that was a manufacturing mistake. But as he learned the episode of #Abaddon, he began to doubt that it was not just a mistake. He asked if there has something meaning to be not painted to one point of the medal. What do you think about this? Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb and investigators Originally shared by 柚子. H. Richard Loeb flint dille John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright Ingress Japan 私は英語が不自由な為日本語での質問を許して欲しい。送付している画像は、私がXM ANOMALY OBSIDIAN 浜松の際に、受け取ったパケットに入っていたものである 一見みると、なんの変哲も無いチャレンジメダルなのだが、一つ通常のものであれば黒く塗られているはずの場所が塗られていないのである。 私はこれまで製造機械のエラーによる不適合品だろうと思っていたのだが、最近になってCERNの地下に眠るABADONのカプセルに一つ空きがあることを知り、このコインと何か関係があるのかどうか知りたいと思っている。 位置としては、enchoの位置にあたり、空席の位置とは違う為関係無く本当にただの機械のエラーによる不適合品なのかも知れないが、ないか貴方がたの知っていることがあれば教えて欲しいと思っている その他調査お忙しいとは思いますが、回答をご期待しています

Ok so i was helping a fellow investigator when I ran across something that I found interesting.

Ok so i was helping a fellow investigator when I ran across something that I found interesting... On Auguest 29th 2014 intel was released regarding a conversation between Roland Jarvis​ and Martin Schubert​. What caught my attention was a comment made by Jarvis "I am one. And they are the many, the all." That made me automatically think of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​'s comment "Where there was one, there will be many." Is this just another example of repeating themes in the story line, or could there be more to it? Link for the final video from Via Noir:

13 Arquetic and 13 vortex of ley line, serendipity?¿?? Edgar Allan Wright Yik Sheng Lee

13 Arquetic and 13 vortex of ley line, serendipity?¿?? Edgar Allan Wright Yik Sheng Lee

When I was on my search for more informations about the #13Magnus cards, I hi...

With all the talk about archetypes lately I want to gather some data.

With all the talk about archetypes lately I want to gather some data. Please fill out the form below, I'll post the answers in about a week.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Timeline?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Timeline? Archetypes manual for their simulacra?

Since the beginning of #FateOfThe13 there rumored a question in my mind: ”Why is each archetype sharded in seven...

Since the beginning of #FateOfThe13 there rumored a question in my mind: ”Why is each archetype sharded in seven parts?” In a post from Martin Schubert​​ the number of 7 was analyzed and stated to be important for us.[1] In his post he mentioned the seven chakras and that let me sit up. I KNOW I SEE I SPEAK I LOVE I DO I FEEL I AM In theory all seven chakras are bound together and should not be isolated or sharded. And there is one thing to mention too. Just listen to the Roland Jarvis​​ Manifesto.[2] I EXIST I FEEL I REMEMBER I AM What is missing? The reason for Calvins failed experiment? [1] [2] Edgar Allan Wright​​ H. Richard Loeb​​


ARCHETYPES PERSONALITIES AND CONFLICT Edgar Allan Wright Trying to understand this logically has been an interesting but fun challenge- so lets enter the rabbit hole.. Archetypes are roles composed of who we are. Which then begs the question of how do they relate to personalities? While there are many schools of thought on this, one is that we are all composed of various levels of Knowledge & Understanding, Romantics & Imagination, Regulations & Structure, Passion & Impulse. We all have Primary traits, and secondary traits- or we would all personify a particular archetype more than we would another. Looking at this diagram, we can see how particular archetypes manifest themselves based on dominant core personality traits. You get to pick one from each color zone, starting with your Primary Dominant Archetype, pick one from that zone, moving to your secondary type from another zone and so on. The closer you get to the center of the diagram, the more balanced you are in r...

Curiously, shards will bring us new items and scientists create a new chemical element, serendipity?

Curiously, shards will bring us new items and scientists create a new chemical element, serendipity? Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Martin Schubert

Yik Sheng Lee what do you say me about this? XD another descovery now in the shards

Yik Sheng Lee what do you say me about this? XD another descovery now in the shards Edgar Allan Wright

Klue and November Lima

Klue and November Lima Amidst all of the attention given to the shards at current, most are over looking the fact that November Lima has come to the Philippines. Leading up to and after Mission Day: Jacksonville at GORUCK HQ, Klue S. has been linked to November Lima for some reason that I have not fully uncovered just yet. I suspect that the motives for Klue S.'s transition was something that happened between her and Roland Jarvis at the cabin on the compound. We know that November Lima is currently one of the manifestations of Roland Jarvis' will. And ever since Mission Day: Jacksonville, it seems that two entities are now linked to November Lima.. But I ask you agents... Why? For further evidence, the following Klue dead-drops are live. Edgar Allan Wright...

And done! Awesome work Nabuna OS​

And done! Awesome work Nabuna OS​ Originally shared by Nabuna OS This is the full 13 Magnus-Set of Tarotcards. Also this is what I guess which archetype relates to which scientist Mr. H. Richard Loeb.

In one of his last posts H.

Originally shared by Nabuna OS In one of his last posts H. Richard Loeb posted a document with a list of different archetypes of magnuses ( #magnus13 ). The names for the types reminded me of something long ago. When I was you I knew a women which was instructed in the arts of Tarot-Cards. Once she showed me some of the cards and their description was very similar to the archetypes ones. Also she may know something about the old pagan magnus cult of this area (I mentioned this in a previous post). To make it short, I've visited her (wow she's become real old to me) and asked her about the archetypes and the magnus13 theory. She promised me to send me the answers, if she will get some. And now, I've received something via mail what seems to be some kind of answer. A deck of cards. This is just the first part of the deck, have to finish to scan the others

I did some research into the traits of the different MAGNUS archetypes asked in H.

I did some research into the traits of the different MAGNUS archetypes asked in H. Richard Loeb's post and thought I'd post a summary of each from what I've learned. Alchemist The Alchemist is a person who is able to create things or transforms an items or situation, in a mysterious or impressive way that can seem like magic to others. The alchemist, no matter what you call it (Magician, Wizard, Scientist, Inventor etc.) has a common trait that allows them to convert some form of matter into some form of an altered expression of itself. Some are able to get results that are outside the “normal”, others are associated with having supernatural powers, transmuting base metals into gold, even spiritual transformation. Seduction and trickery to play upon the desires of people are also traits of the Alchemist archetype however it is considered a shadow (or dark) side of this archetype. Some shadow (or dark) Alchemists even go so far to use their ingenuity for criminal or unethica...

so thinking about the recent H.

so thinking about the recent H. Richard Loeb posts and some of Edgar Allan Wright questions I was wondering a very wild speculation tangent could you mind mess up a simulacrum? Meaning, could you somehow, when they reset, convince them they were someone else, maybe even repress memories and basically make them another person or such? Not sure if that could even be possible... I mean after a 1331 day reset - how would you hide the date difference - but still... just wondering if the concept of reincarnation was linked to a natural process of making simulacra and like an obelisk becomes an "image" of a prime object - perhaps certain concepts in culture have become obelisks of prime concepts - almost a Plato's Cave shadows concept of reality....

Oh man??!!...What does this mean ...New XM weaponry??!!! A race to control XM.....New XM anomalies!!???

Oh man??!!...What does this mean ...New XM weaponry??!!! A race to control XM.....New XM anomalies!!???

#exogenous #soon #tm?

#exogenous #soon #tm? Originally shared by Atis Lezdiņš (FUHA) #Exogenous #soon

#Exogenous #soon

Originally shared by Atis Lezdiņš (FUHA) #Exogenous #soon

Came to my hands a coded video which I dared not share until I was stealing the keys to decode it bit by bit.

Came to my hands a coded video which I dared not share until I was stealing the keys to decode it bit by bit. Soldier= enlightenned Life STream= Exotic Energy Shefirot= Jarvis Genova= Shapers Shinra= NIA Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb

We are curious as to what the exact definition of a Techthulu is?

We are curious as to what the exact definition of a Techthulu is? Edgar Allan Wright, Hank Johnson, H. Richard Loeb, can you please help clarify this for us? Thank you! Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Matilde Tusberti Ethan Lepouttre Linda Besh Andrew Krug Mustafa Said Yik Sheng Lee

Knowing their fate, a Niantic ship was sent out, similar to the Atlanteans.

Knowing their fate, a Niantic ship was sent out, similar to the Atlanteans. Inside this #XM think-tank (or #ABADN chamber) were the sensitives, also known as #Magnuses or #Niantians Roland Jarvis the famous sculptor enoch dalby the musician Carrie Campbell the symbologist Misty Hannah the magician/psychic Stein Lightman the theological conman and Physicists of various types "Gods they were. As the elders of our time choose to remain blind, let us rejoice and let us sing and dance and ring in the new." Not by coincidence, thanks to Yik Sheng Lee for motivating this post as he was also diving into the archetype analyses today - and well before: Ingress H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright

Strange happenings in my A.O.

Strange happenings in my A.O. , photos are going missing on portals I frequent. Could this be the result of the machines Oliver Lynton Wolfe has been building, or consequence? Any other Agents seeing this?

The Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment Edgar Allan Wright asked a few days ago about possible Magnus´ from the past.[1] 13Magnus, a secret society that has been active since at least the Ancient Egyptian era dedicated to preserving humanity’s relationship with the Shapers. Closely aligned with the modern day Enlightened Faction, and currently led by Hank Johnson.[2] To search for 13Magnus´ from the past means to answer the question about enlightenment. This question was asked by Immanuel Kant. In his essay „What is Enlightenment?“ (1784), the german philosopher summed up his era´s motto in the following terms:“Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!“ History knows this era as „The Age of Enlightenment“. This era radically changed politics, science, philosophy and communication. Their thinkers questioned tradition and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, Renee Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Gottfried Wil...