Decided to do another sequence study today!

Decided to do another sequence study today!

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

First one of the year and i couldn't help but want to dive further into a sequence we did for the Jennifer Brozek s Glyph Drill Downs. Originally i was going to do more of these but the journal got ahead of me. Today felt like a good day to rest and think. So here we go!

Lvl 8 Sequence Glyph Study

You Hide Chaos Inside Body

Secondary Glyphs

-Easy, Distance/Outside, Simple, Fear, Destiny, Complex, Lose, Less

As i stated in the Drill down, i personally feel that this sequence was talking to us about our own person chaos's. The things we fear may make us lose those important to us so we dont tend to show to anyone. Things like natural instincts that we have tamed down or have been deemed socially unacceptable. Like most sequences i feel like this is urging us do something but since change and improve are not in the sequence, nor are there any time glyphs present, i think its more of a personal reminder then a demand. Maybe a small bit of advice, telling us to loss our fear, to distance ourselves from it and see the destiny before us. That it doesnt have to be complicated with social norms and the easiest route, our more natural reaction, may be the simplest way to deal with our inner chaos. Theres no doubt that we hide our inner demons, or why we do them and the sequence isnt calling to abolish them nor accept them. In my opinion its telling us to not let our fears with this chaos, to keep us from our goals.

Simple i know, but again it is only my opinion and feelings when i draw out these glyphs. If you feel there is other meanings with in this sequence, feel free to comment and explore. As always agents continue Glyphing!


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