Through some information collection and waiting...

Through some information collection and waiting...
I present the Archetype to Researcher chart that I have been working on for a while.
Center column is suspected researcher and right most column is confirmed via intel leaks.

What do you agents think?

Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug November Lima


  1. My prediction is Devra as Catalyst, and Jarvis is Dreamer.
    The ideas and sketches of Jarvis, inspired by XM, lead to the birth of Enlightened faction and the creation of XM items. A dream of enlightenment started.
    Meanwhile, due to Devra’s Portal Virus, the return of N’zeer began. She never achieved her purpose, but in fact helped to carry out plan by other figures. Better fit the Catalyst archetype.

  2. I agree with Ocydia Mercurius​ to an extent, but I'd almost see Devra and OLW switched around.


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