Strange happenings in my A.O.

Strange happenings in my A.O. , photos are going missing on portals I frequent. Could this be the result of the machines Oliver Lynton Wolfe has been building, or consequence? Any other Agents seeing this?


  1. Any photos that came from Panoramio have been removed, leaving a lot of portals without a photo. Solution is to submit new photos.

  2. Taman-Tyler Grafton​ thanks!! I was going to get the AP regardless!!

  3. Yes in great numbers. We are finding this to be common in our area.Agents that have submitted updated photos, but fail to have them accepted. This now seems to becoming the new norm. Does make one wonder, "what is happening and why?".

  4. That has been happening out here also but they seem to show back up a few days later

  5. Wendy Caskey Interesting, thanks for the information.

  6. Your welcome thank you guys for mentioning this I thought i,was loosing my mind between the portal pictures,and the wierd messages I keep getting

  7. Wendy Caskey Wierd messages? ?? Interesting, Do tell.....

  8. It was something about a bridge I'll have to listen closer when I open ingress tonight when I get off wotk

  9. I read in the teardown they lost 1 of there photo providers for portals if you see a portal submit a photo

  10. Wendy Caskey headphone may help with that. ;-)

  11. I have a pair that should work I'll let you know later it might be another hour or so

  12. Wendy Caskey Yes enjoy, what I got out of it : "The bridges of ages, and the shapers, where there was once one there will now be many." I could be wrong, but that's what I got out of it. But I'm older and can't trust my ears anymore too much gunfire without sufficient hearing protection. LOL

  13. Wendy Caskey the other take is "I have crossed the bridge agents the shapes before me, where there was one there will now be many" Oh darned it I don't know. Maybe some others would like to weigh in on this.

  14. It's a quote from Oliver Lynton-Wolf from the latest anomaly. One of the messages he posted as he degenerated into madness when things didn't go his way.

  15. Tony Correri It was in the change log for the update as well so not sure if they lost them or decided to remove them themselves for whatever reason.

  16. Mike Ward​ I think your correct and old? Ok but still young enough to enjoy ingress

  17. I thought OLW said 'i have crossed the bridge agents. The machine cannot be unmade. Where there was one, there will be many'. Yes from the last anomaly. Could this now follow into global shards?

  18. Rachel Rees cool yours sounds like it is best and makes the most sense. I think you have it right. Thank You. 👍👊

  19. Mike Ward my pleasure 👍👊 let's see what the shards will create when brought together...

  20. Rachel Rees That's certainly a lot closer to what it sounded like to me. I could never really make out the second sentence but I'm going to assume you've heard it accurately.

  21. Rachel Rees​ it sounded as if there was another sentence at the end it was hard to make it out is was so low

  22. What i found strange about submittig new pictures. Last weeks I made photos for portals without any pictures but also also for portals with some older pictures allready in them.
    All the pictures for portals, which looked like the one above get dennied, all the portals which have allreade pictures have now a additional new picture . Annyone have same experiences?

  23. Mike Ward​ Barbarella​ Same thing here. Over half a dozen photos submitted for portals without one, all of them rejected.

  24. Oliver Lynton Wolfe is overheard in the new scanner update " I have crossed the bridge agents, the machine cannot be unmade, where there is one there will be many" Wendy Caskey​ Mike Ward​

  25. Thank you Ron Petty​ I appreciate it


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