After 120 responses to my archetypes quiz, I have some results to share.

After 120 responses to my archetypes quiz, I have some results to share. Of course, these results as skewed by my own understandings of the archetypes (though 10 of the 13 descriptions are the work of Ariel Diana the questions that lead people to an archetype description are entirely my own, and therefore suspect); however, I do think their are interesting conclusions to be drawn from the data.

If you haven't already taken the quiz, the link is What Ingress Archetype Do You Align With?


  1. Wonder how this matches up and differs from the data set obtained by the survey made by H. Richard Loeb.

  2. Mustafa Said I wondered the same thing. I also wondered about the shades between the archetypes. This quiz fails in that it identifies each person as one Archetype. Just looking at my own personality, I see glimpses of each. I wonder when a Magnus group is assembled whether individuals are "casted" into their roles based on the degree to which their personality is a pure representation of their archetype or whether their is some sort of xm influence exerted on their personality that purifies it in someway.
    (Since everyone is sharing, I identify most with the Skeptic Archetype, btw, though I obviously can't use my own quiz to test that.)
    (Also, I find it strangely troubling that 12% of my respondents were labeled as "Omniscient." What in the world might that mean?).

  3. yall already know how it be over here. it do be that.

  4. +Ryan Schoon they picked all the real weird kinda arrogant answers

  5. Typhoon Jim I'm not so sure it is arrogance as it is ennui. I wrote many of the Omniscient answers from the perspective of Ecclesiastes in the Bible (don’t worry, this isn’t a Bible lesson). Much of the book describes how the speaker sought out to increase his knowledge, but found that he did not become happier after learning new things. I imagine this would be much of the experience of a human omniscient: “For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.”
    Perhaps ultimate knowledge brings happiness-- but I’m not so sure. When ADA was connected to the Substrate, she was, no doubt, approaching omniscience. I did not detect a sudden happiness in her voice.
    Assuming respondents were not just outright arrogant, I would put it down as them being jaded.
    Here are the responses that lead to the Omniscient Archetype:

    Q. You are in a large group of friendly agents disputing whether to attack an enemy stronghold using the limited resources they have or to farm so they will be stronger for the next day. You...

    A. Ponder why these groups always devolve into pointless debates. Whatever they happen to decide, you already saw it coming. Sigh

    Q. You are in a dead sleep. Suddenly, you hear a notification. Your guardian is pinged but the agent moves on. It is at 235 days-- so the badge isn't a problem. What do you do?

    A. Wonder why you even bother to leave the notifications on-- you went to sleep knowing this was going to happen. Go back to bed. Don't set an alarm-- you know you'll be up on time.

    Q. What excites you most about Ingress?
    A. Confirming what you already know.

    Q. Other people would most likely describe you as...
    A. A know-it-all.

    Q. You are standing near a portal and find a mysterious scrap of paper with the "defend" glyph on it. There is a map on the other side. What is your first instinct?
    A. Crumple up the map and walk straight to the target. You don't need maps-- you saw this coming.

    “An Omniscient is a person who is all knowing, having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight, or is possessed of universal or complete knowledge.” -Investigator Ariel Diana
    Omniscience has drawbacks. Imagine knowing answer to every riddle- they stop being fun. Knowledge is gained, but mystery is lost. This leads the Omniscient toward brooding. Losing deeper mysteries is even more melancholic-- imagine knowing the circumstances of death of everyone you cared for. Imagine knowing, viscerally, that all effort is “a chasing after the wind.” This leads to powerlessness in the face of fate. Limitless knowledge also has limitations. Knowing the coordinates of every particle in the universe doesn’t reveal which one to pay attention to: an infinite memory store does not guarantee a limitless working memory. This reveals the imbalanced duality between knowledge and wisdom-- the Omniscient often struggles with the line between what is calculating true and what is wise.

  6. I got skeptic too, but I'm not sure that's really accurate.

  7. Isabel Kessler Spoken like a true skeptic!


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