Klue and November Lima

Klue and November Lima

Amidst all of the attention given to the shards at current, most are over looking the fact that November Lima has come to the Philippines. Leading up to and after Mission Day: Jacksonville at GORUCK HQ, Klue S. has been linked to November Lima for some reason that I have not fully uncovered just yet.

I suspect that the motives for Klue S.'s transition was something that happened between her and Roland Jarvis at the cabin on the compound.

We know that November Lima is currently one of the manifestations of Roland Jarvis' will. And ever since Mission Day: Jacksonville, it seems that two entities are now linked to November Lima..
But I ask you agents... Why?

For further evidence, the following Klue dead-drops are live.

Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke Ethan Lepouttre John Hanke
Andrew Krug Red H. Richard Loeb Anne Beuttenmüller

Remember... #KlueLives


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