Something has been tugging on me about the RES and the ENL.

Something has been tugging on me about the RES and the ENL. I am a grey which means that I have no side. When you are grey, you are always on the run. Sometimes you just need someone to lean on. I love the thrill of the chase, but any human will always eventually need to rest. I need to know if there is a group or a person out there that me and my other fellow Greys can trust. Maybe us Greys can start a small group together and trust each other. Or maybe there is an experienced grey out there we can trust. I don't know. We need answers. We need trust.



  1. I am not grey, so I cannot offer refuge. I am of Essex, and will always seek the truth, but I will always have a slight Enlightened bias I cannot seem to shake. However, I think that Essex will always be a home for truth seekers, and if you are on the run will always offer a home. I seek out those of like mind and often hide among Jarvis's followers or 13Magnus when I'm in fear of my safety, but I'm sure those loyal to Wright will offer you help if you're in need.

  2. Thanks that is reassuring. If you are a grey, than it would be nice to know. We can work together.

  3. I'd imagine that you're among friends and allies here.

  4. Foxtrot I am of Essex as well. I seek the truth above faction goals. You're among like minded people here.

  5. Life will force you to choose. You are awake, you have seen resistance taking lives as they move. Darkness arise where no light is found.

  6. Thanks for revealing yourself. I knew that Niantic hides more then we already know and allow us to do only certain actions, hiding others. Please write to me if you have a method to hack my scanner, to turn it grey. After your statement, I feel being manipulated a lot.

  7. I'm of Essex, too. Outside this group, we all belong to a faction and fight for it as agents. In Essex, we leave these matters behind us to become researchers and seekers of the truth. You've come to the right place. Feel free to contact me via HO, Foxtrot​.

  8. I am of Essex! My scanner has a color but my mind is that of an investigator. I do not see factions in my home here so welcome friend!

  9. Foxtrot Don't thank us. We're willing to help if you need it.

    So, what's the next move?

  10. Grey means that you don't serve the ENL or the RES.

  11. Foxtrot How do you interact with XM being grey? Using the scanner means you will receive a label, either green or blue.

    As a RES Agent, my actions benefit the current leader of the Anti-Magnus, Jahan. I´ve been and will be one of her foremost critics since I abhor the inhumane methods she uses to advance her cause. For me, her cause is not the RES cause. Does this make me grey in your view?

  12. Yes. When you are grey you are technically on a side but if your side does something you see wrong you help the opposing side. Most people do this to some extent, but what makes you grey is how often do you help the opposing side. We fight for our own morals, not the preset morals of factions.

  13. By helping the other side, since you can't do field work for them, you gather useful info and give it to their leaders

  14. For me, I never give any plans or strategies to the other side. In my eyes that is unfair. Jus see what kind of info they need then find it and give it to them.

  15. When my side does something wrong, I simply boycott field work until my side fixes their mistake.

  16. I am a man of clear words: Giving the other side information is treason. I´m on a friendly footing with many ENL agents, but this is where I draw the line. If something goes wrong inside our faction, we´ll fix this for ourselves.

    Becoming a traitor is something you choose to do yourself. A lonely life comes with this choice, shunned by those betrayed and not accepted by those helped. Live with it is my stance on that as a RES agent.

    As a seeker of truth, the exchange of Information is important. But this is not Information which hurts a faction or benefits an other. So, as a Researcher, a grey is welcome here. But we are not a safe haven for traitors.

  17. I said giving information specific to a faction is wrong. What I'm trying to say is helping with the info getting of things that do not affect the outcome of any feuds between the ENL and the RES

  18. I'm a grey not a traitor. I give you my word.

  19. Spies dont just ruin the game, they ruin friendships as any agent that has had to deal with espionage in their ranks will tell you. So when you say 'information', that doesn't exactly foster sympathy. Context is needed I think.

  20. Like for example a theory about the tecthulu. Something that would help them understand the world around them, not something that would help them win.

  21. Also, sympathy was not what I was looking for. I was trying to see if Essex was a safe place for me and other greys. I learned it was, that is enough for me. I promise to help Essex and it's cause at any time. I am very good at research and exceptionally good at field work. Field work is a skill I am currently working on.

  22. Foxtrot​ oh...THAT kind of information. Im not a storyline buff but I don't see why not. I thought you were talking about something WAAAY different.

  23. Yeah, I'm definitely not a traitor

  24. I'm afraid I don't know what ho is

  25. There are many players that choose to be "lone wolves".
    Both enlightened and resistance.

  26. Yeah that is basically what a grey is. A "lone wolf"


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