
Showing posts from May, 2017

XM exposure: Stabilizing

XM exposure: Stabilizing Anomalous activity: None detected Time sensitive materials: Declassified. * * * My predictions were off. I'll have to take more readings... I may be entirely incorrect on the nature of things. Or perhaps the Remote Participation Event at Camp Navarro changed the past? Perhaps at one point I was correct, but in this timeline I no longer am... Or maybe all that XM exposure in the forest simply drove me mad. Regardless. For posterity's sake - now that the danger has passed - I will release my research papers to the public. flint dille, we discussed my findings during the Navarro proceedings; can you confirm if they've made their way into Edgar Allan Wright's hands yet? You did say he'd be very interested to read this, for more context on what makes an anomalous zone tick.

Just when you think Camp Navarro and #13magnusreawakens is done with it's secrets something else is brought to your...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Just when you think Camp Navarro and #13magnusreawakens is done with it's secrets something else is brought to your attention. First and foremost, thank you to everyone that shared this information with me. This would not have come to light without your help! Aaron P​​did an interview recently with agent bluekandanoo (Tanya Dixon​​) about her rpg experience in Navarro. In one of the pictures shared there was an agent, later identified as Rio5 (Ruth Shepherd​​), standing before a Labyrinth, about to walk through. At the time I thought it was just a maze I had missed that was among one of the team made portals at the event but this morning I was contacted by agent XerithA (Jack Ong​​) who asked me about a maze in this labyrinth in the first RPG. Keep in mind this is all second hand information. I did not find this labyrinth myself at the event, and I did not get to feel the energy or walk it. I can only speculate from what I have dis...

There are a lot of important decisions to be made. I just hope irrationality does not lead them...

There are a lot of important decisions to be made. I just hope irrationality does not lead them... Originally shared by Erik Jonker "Public policy decisions will shape the AI era" This quote should be everyone's wish, unless you want the future of jobs be decided by current dominant platform providers. It's not popular in a world with a lot of hate for government but it's the only ethical way forward.

New XM based camera in testing by the Niantic Project???

New XM based camera in testing by the Niantic Project ??? With the latest activity by Klue S. in the portal network, as shown by the latest #FindTheKlue dead drop as shown at I used my usual methods to reveal the exif data of that photo as follows and I have set the interesting text to bold to make it easier to see... ImageDescription The image location may be a red herring. Make Niantic Labs Model Experimental Orientation Unknown (0) XResolution 72 YResolution 72 ResolutionUnit inches Software N/A ModifyDate 2007:05:28 13:31:00 Artist A sensitive ExifVersion 0230 DateTimeOriginal 2007:05:28 13:31:00 CreateDate 2007:05:28 13:31:00 ColorSpace sRGB GPSVersionID GPSLatitudeRef North GPSLatitude 40.415275 GPSLongitudeRef West GPSLongitude 3.694171 GPSTimeStamp 17:31:00 GPSDateStamp 2007:05:28 I have a few questions, are these cameras capturing XM as well as an image? Are they using XM to generate the image? Does the user...

This could be Akira's glyph. #AgentOlympiad #13magnusreawakens

This could be Akira's glyph. #AgentOlympiad #13magnusreawakens

Klue's fate revealed and PAC On the move

Klue's fate revealed and PAC On the move I mentioned in my last #KlueLives post that I had a suspicion and that I was waiting for further details to be revealed. This has since happened and I come to draw lines to connect the dots for you. As more information was revealed after the #13MagnusReawakens event... The sourcebook ( ) confirmed the theory that I had about the fate of Klue S. as stated... ...she was transported to Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's Techthulhu and has since merged with the Ultimate or the N'Zeer Substrate. *_Klue is alive in the portal network, and having been merged with ADA and now within the portal network, Klue is in the perfect position to leverage herself as a competing omniscient to A Detection Algorithm _* As I had the first theory about this, as shown here... And we have the latest #FindTheKlue...

13 Magnus Reawakens RPG Interview

13 Magnus Reawakens RPG Interview I had the chance to interview Agent Bluekandanoo Tanya Dixon​ who played the RPG during Magnus Reawakens. There are some intriguing details revealed from this interview. John Hanke​ Hank Johnson​ H. Richard Loeb​ Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ Agent KodamaSmiles​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M3taphor : Thank you again so much Bluekandanoo for agreeing to be interviewed, the entire Essex community wants to thank you for willing to share so much about 13 Magnus Awakens and the RPG. Bluekandanoo: Oh not a problem at all, I’m happy to help! M3taphor: So we know it must have been incredible, what was it like arriving at camp? Bluekandanoo: Oh absolutely incredible! Arriving at camp was exciting! Us Canadians met in San Francisco and rented a van so we could drive to Navarro together. Even the road to Navarro was fun, all twisty-turny – and of course, the company was awesome. When we got there, o...

He is going to somewhere.

He is going to somewhere. Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb

Glyphs in the Ingress Rpg

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Glyphs in the Ingress Rpg We all know I couldn't help but notice things especially Glyphs and they were certainly used in interesting ways for both the RPG scenarios I was in. Keeping in mind I was only in two, I do not know whether or not they were involved in the third and final rpg.. so far no one has told me they were so I am only talking about the first two events.. Harmony/Peace In scenario one we had to locate H. Richard Loeb​ who had mysteriously swept away into the dark by things that looked oddly like the tentacles of a Tecthulhu. We were given one hint about the stars and left to explore a rather empty camp Navarro. In our search we were given a map of Navarro and would later discover a star map with many different, recognizable names on it. The maps overlayed each other perfectly, thus each 'star' was a place on the map. Following the names of known anomalies we were given more and more clues at each point until...

The diagram seems to me Yik Sheng Lee​ work from some time ago.

The diagram seems to me Yik Sheng Lee​ work from some time ago. But the question is hammering into my brain : what is this "corp" is using Yik research? Originally shared by Ingress Resistance Singapore Mysterious documents have surfaced in the hacker world after a secure network was hacked into during a recent thunderstorm, resulting in a massive power failure in an undisclosed town. #bh13

Flint asked me to share this all with you and Edgar Allan Wright​

Flint asked me to share this all with you and Edgar Allan Wright​ !! I tried to keep it short but failed a bit and this is of course not everything but I tried to outline as much of my experience as possible! I'm sure everyone will be talking details, I wanted to more talk about the experience over all. Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Trust me, i tried to shorten this which is why i left out specific events with specific agents but trust me you are not forgotten..... We were asked to write about our experience at the event and so here i go, sorry about the length.... I just couldnt make it shorter and not give it the respect it deserves. Its the morning of day 3 from the event… We've been asked to write about it while its still fresh on our minds and i am finally feeling like i can talk about it. The event effected me in ways i didn't expect, and recovering from it has been rough but ill try my best to work through my thoughts on it all…. I purposely arr...

I participated in three of the #ingressRPE sessions at #13magnusReawakens and I need the help of those who also...

I participated in three of the #ingressRPE sessions at #13magnusReawakens and I need the help of those who also attended! I'm trying to compile info from the game in one handy document as well as see what info I could extrapolate to incorporate into creating an unofficial Savage Worlds _ #Ingress__ RPE._ If you played in one or more sessions and kept your character sheet, archetype description, or item cards could you reply and upload the images? I'm hoping we can get all 13 archetypes, although I doubt the patron will be available. EDIT 5/25 Thanks to the info dump by Ishira Tsubasa​ I only need pictures of the following items: Archetype Card: The Patron Character sheets: Dreamer, Omniscient, Interpreter*, Skeptic, The Patron Items: GLOCK, Shotgun, Tactical Vest. *Sadly I can't read the number on Aaron P​'s interpreter character sheet picture.
Hey all, I'm looking for some resources. Do we have a database of quotes from characters within Niantic Project lore?

Just an idea for 13 magnus reawakening.

Just an idea for 13 magnus reawakening. To involve more players on the anomaly days (for every one player that can travel to an event there are 50+ that can't for various reasons) for a 12 or 24 hour period a random 13 portals within each cell turn red. No actions apart from hacking the portal can be done. Fields and links will remain with the current faction at start and the portal will return to its original faction at the end (the portal owner will remain the same throughout), however links and fields can be taken down by destroying connected portals. For every individual player that visits and hacks A red portal they gain 1 visit point for their faction. (One per red portal per player) An individual player can gain a total of 13 points for their team within a cell, by visiting all thirteen red portals within the time frame. They may visit other cells to acquire up to 13 points for their faction At the end of the time frame each cell calculates the individual visits to red porta...

Starting up at 13tev

Starting up at 13tev Originally shared by ATLAS Experiment [Press Statement] ATLAS kicks off a new year at 13 TeV "A new season of record-breaking kicked off today, as the ATLAS Experiment began recording first data for physics of 2017. This will be the LHC’s third year colliding beams at an energy of 13 tera electron volts (TeV), allowing the ATLAS Experiment to continue to push the limits of physics..." #WhatsUpLHC

A lot of us ingressers have been waiting for a Volume 5 of the Ingress: the Niantic files.

A lot of us ingressers have been waiting for a Volume 5 of the Ingress: the Niantic files. And several of us have asked, "When?" Well, it appears we have our answer. When we, those requesting it, get off our butts and write it. So I am looking a few suggests and a few volunteers since this is a very hefty project. Project Isthmus Niantic Project Niantic flint dille Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke Verity Seke H. Richard Loeb

Over the weekend at #13magnusreawakens, flint dille​ shared with me a story and some pictures of his experience at...

Over the weekend at #13magnusreawakens, flint dille​ shared with me a story and some pictures of his experience at Captain Fletcher's cabin before the event. He encouraged me to at some point go and visit it myself as there were some interesting things at the site. Yesterday, I went after the event and tried my best to follow the path Flint had showed me. The building was sadly closed so I could not get a tour inside, but there was a presence here... I couldn't explain it really other than I felt more comfortable here than I expected to considering it was obviously an old building in the middle of no where. With the fog creeping in and beginning to make my journey a bit harder I wasn't at all deterred. Flint had showed me something on the beach next to this building and I wanted to see it. Something, I believe effects people here... Drives them to create things, much like our drive to create the portals in Navarro. As I walked the beach there were many structures that had b...

Interview Questions

Interview Questions Good news everyone. I am going to interview a friend who was onsite at 13 Magnus Awakens! She played the RPG and was involved in several events. Does anyone have any specific questions they would like answered? If so please post them here. Cheers! Agent m3taphor

So - I have done gaming online - would there be interest in running an Essex version of the RPG?

So - I have done gaming online - would there be interest in running an Essex version of the RPG??? Could we set up an event for this? Edgar Allan Wright would you be interested in joining??? flint dille

John Hanke​ wrapping up the 3rd part of the #13MagnusReawakens rpg sessions.

John Hanke​ wrapping up the 3rd part of the #13MagnusReawakens rpg sessions. We were able to participate in one of 3 sessions, all part of the same story. I know others participated in the other 2 sessions, but not the details of each. Our session was a straightforward (there were puzzles) slugfest our avatars became as sculpture and the 'Thin Man' showed up with that message. H. Richard Loeb​ flint dille​ Hank Johnson​ Operation Essex​ Project Isthmus​

The much talked about sourcebook

The much talked about sourcebook G+ rearranged these. Source of sourcebook Matt Stevenson​

What is happening on the ground at Magnus Reawakens??

What is happening on the ground at Magnus Reawakens?? Is this the same pole that was being carved with a prime artifact? flint dille​ Edgar Allan Wright​

Last night I was contacted by Matt Stevenson, who happened to be at Camp Navarro for the #13Magnus:Reawakens for...

Last night I was contacted by Matt Stevenson, who happened to be at Camp Navarro for the #13Magnus:Reawakens for some help on some lore for something he was doing. Note: I can only supply the question and answers, at this time, because I was on the other side of the country and I am still not totally sure what these questions were to. If someone from Team #ViridCascadia can verify which event it was for, or if there was question/answer I missed or got wrong , please let me know and I will edit. 1. What was the precursor to Ada Lovelace? Omnivore 2. I burn, I die, I rise Hank Johnson 3. My dagger destroys Abbadon's army Azmati 4. Moyer's brother's name Peter 5. I am the other face of Lima Janus 6. I am DDD-8886 NL-1331 7. Are you awake now? Roland Jarvis

Special thanks to agent bluekandanoo Tanya Dixon​​ for continuing to be a source on the ground for the RPG and...

Special thanks to agent bluekandanoo Tanya Dixon​​ for continuing to be a source on the ground for the RPG and Missions. Doing a mission "Magnus Reawakens- Find Klue" she was asked some intriguing questions which were answered ( with a little research help ) Some Questions were: I seek the voice of my creator. I become the mind of my creator.I am at the portals heart. Answer: Tecthulhu Jarvis Died at my feet. Answer:Escher How many omnivore data centres in 2009? Answer:35 Are you awake now? Answer: Yes If a few of the questions were missed please note them in comments and i will append them to the post. thanks!

Is it any coincidence that the Large Hadron Collider is restarting on the same weekend as Magnus reawaken?

Is it any coincidence that the Large Hadron Collider is restarting on the same weekend as Magnus reawaken? What are your thoughts on this team Essex. #MagnusReawakens #13MAGNUSReawakens #Ingress H. Richard Loeb​​ Hank Johnson​​ John Hanke​​ Operation Essex​​

Created a Wiki page for the RPG being played at the MAGNUS Reawakens event - please help add intel and share...

Created a Wiki page for the RPG being played at the MAGNUS Reawakens event - please help add intel and share information to build the page (if not comfortable editing a wiki - please share intel here and it'll be added to the wiki page)!!!! Any info/images/etc. is useful. #13MAGNUSReawakens #MAGNUSReawaken #RPG Edgar Allan Wright flint dille

H. Richard Loeb instructing agents.. They have a map and printout of names. perhaps the two overlay.. fascinating!

H. Richard Loeb instructing agents.. They have a map and printout of names. perhaps the two overlay.. fascinating! flint dille Edgar Allan Wright

sharing to essex.

sharing to essex. Originally shared by IotaPrime Looks like the RPG is starting at Magnus Reawakens! Special thanks to my friend, agent bluekandanoo Tanya Dixon, from Team Enigma for providing look into this world. flint dille good luck with the Lore Mastering! H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright Operation Essex

#magnusreawakens All of the portals have come alive!

#magnusreawakens All of the portals have come alive!