Flint asked me to share this all with you and Edgar Allan Wright​

Flint asked me to share this all with you and Edgar Allan Wright​ !! I tried to keep it short but failed a bit and this is of course not everything but I tried to outline as much of my experience as possible! I'm sure everyone will be talking details, I wanted to more talk about the experience over all.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Trust me, i tried to shorten this which is why i left out specific events with specific agents but trust me you are not forgotten..... We were asked to write about our experience at the event and so here i go, sorry about the length.... I just couldnt make it shorter and not give it the respect it deserves.

Its the morning of day 3 from the event… We've been asked to write about it while its still fresh on our minds and i am finally feeling like i can talk about it. The event effected me in ways i didn't expect, and recovering from it has been rough but ill try my best to work through my thoughts on it all….

I purposely arrived early to event the day of because I wanted to get a sense of how the area felt and looked before it would soon be filled with eager and excited agents. It was already brimming with a pleasant energy and no one could stand still as we waited. The night before, many agents including myself, had stayed at a camp close to Navarro so that we could be here if not on time but soon enough to beat the crowd of cars. It had been a smart idea, as we were some of the first there and were given permission to look around as we waited. We didnt have to wait long though as Agent Chiplander called all the team leads and tech leads to follow him into the forest and to the Workshop the Tecthulhu modules were at.

On the way Chiplander shared with us a few things about Riley and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, which i was only luckily enough to record a small part of. He shared with us maybe a different side of Oliver than most of us have experienced or seen which was rather interesting after everything he has done. I do have to wonder how close Chiplander is to Oliver and how much of the event was being influenced by the man….

The Patron and November Lima were already set up closer to the shop than most and obviously gained attention. We could hear A Detection Algorithm some where around the area, greeting guests in a scripted way that seemed unlike herself and the area was filled with the eerie noises of inactive portals. Those noises of course would change to the sound of bursters and battle but for the time it was a bit unsettling. As we approached the workshop that was ignored though as another sense of excitement took over when we finally got to see our modules. Riley took over as soon as we got to the shop, explaining the inner works of the modules and the many interesting experiences they had testing them. What we hadnt realized at the time was that he was giving us some hints about other things on the Tecthulhu modules that we had not caught until later. I recorded most of the conversation once again and was able to post the videos to Operation Essex before the xm built in the area and started affecting our capabilities to talk with the outside world.

From there i ran into flint dille and the event completely changed for me. We spent a lot of time talking about the event, the local lore and tribes, along with many interesting things around camp. It was a whirlwind of information i tried to log as best as i could but as more and more people showed up, the more isolated we seemed to become and once the building on the portals begun we barely had the time to ensure intel was shared before we were off to the next thing. It was chaotic but a good chaos that had me rushing between things with a purpose. Flint shared with me an experience he had before the event that would cause me to explore somewhere afterwards and encouraged me to find him after we got our campsite set up because he wanted to show me and Essex some things he felt would be relevant throughout the event. I was eager to get that information, maybe a bit too eager.

Everything became a blur of walking up and down hills, meeting others teams and people of importance. I ran into quite a few agents that i had only talked to through hangouts before and was delighted to meet in person. Flint again allowed me to get video of him pointing out things at the event that seemed out of place and of importance to what was happening at this event, like an anchor chain close to the main building and the fact that musket balls were found in one of the trees being carved. I got to meet the local carvers that explained everything that they had found within the carvings along with explaining more about the Phoenix carving that had been carved before this event was even a thought on anyones mind. The carvings themselves were beautiful and filled with power that demanded attention. I found myself wandering towards them many times to see if anything had changed on them whenever i was close….

I was honestly surprised by how many recognized me the first day, even Hank Johnson when we met seemed to know who i was, but then again he was probably warned about me as i was very much a fly on the wall around our special guests. Meeting H. Richard Loeb and Agent KodamaSmiles for the first time was amazing, though im sure i may have been a handful to deal with. I was persistent in getting what information i could, as we were told there would be many things in this event that had importance to upcoming ones, and i had the full intention of running as much intel as i could through Essex even if that meant being the creepy agent lurking just within earshot. Everyone though, was very understanding and kind to me and our conversations were all amazing in and outside of investigations. I was even honored to meet John Hanke for the first time and later discuss my work with glyphs with him.

The most exciting part of the day was when the portals went live as we worked on them. Suddenly our portal was in the system, filled with xm that fueled us all to work hard on our creations. The camps were lively and stressed as it had become very obvious that there was an overload of xm and we were now practically cut off from the world around us. That didn't seem to bother most of us, until it was found out it was messing with how our portals interacted with the modules and made it hard for us to even interact with our portals on our scanners. When we finally did get to see and interact with them, it was a completely different experience…. I can't explain the amount of pride all the agents had in their work but as the first portal tour went through the camps it was obvious that the portals had their agents attention and that they had changed them. Most agents on sites were not looking at their scanners and maybe it was due to the overload but i personally felt it was because the agents were more in touch with their creations and the scanner wasn't as necessary anymore to interact with them.

Night announcements came quickly. We all gathered around the bonfire and listened to what our special guests were going to share with us. Agent KodamaSmiles was sure to try and dispel the rumors about her and what her intentions were for the event. H. Richard Loeb revealed something was happening with Ada and that they would need our help to figure out a puzzle. Hank Johnson expressed how the site was the strongest site for xm he had ever been at which was saying alot. Each seemed rather excited to be on site but was brief so we could go to the Q&A and then back to our portals. Q&A was amazing because i of course asked about glyphs and when people asked why some one yelled in the back i was the glyph hunter. From that point on, alot of my conversations with people were about glyphs and i even got to participate in a conversation with Loeb about them later. I was able to meet more people i intended to as well and by the time i went to sleep, it was much later than i had anticipated….

The next day was the rpg and that has forever changed me not just because i was exposed to dark xm in our battles but because of how unique it was. I was able to participate in two of the events and they were incredibly addicting which i have to wonder if that wasn't for other reasons. There will be plenty im sure that will explain how the rpgs went but there were many parts of it that felt more real…. Like we were actually fighting for our lives and were so absorbed into the rpg that dying and recursing was actively something i did not want to do. The chain before was revealed in the first rp as where we would travel back to save Loeb and the totem that had been shown to me earlier was the one that held the artifact to save us and get us back. Not saving H. Richard Loeb or A Detection Algorithm was not an option to any of us, and our factions were pushed aside as we worked through the scenarios and puzzles that we needed to solve. I worked with familiar and unfamiliar faces but by the time we worked through everything, we were teammates and friends, We never used our scanners in the time…. But we were still able to do so much without them that we barely even noticed we weren't using them. Time didn't seem to exist as we explored these new areas as carefully as we could and when one rpg would end, i would want to jump instantly into the next but sadly i was unable to do them all. To my surprise and delight, i was given the sourcebook after the first rpg which later played a role in the second rpg. I didn't expect to get it, but as its always said, it never hurts to ask so i did. I watched them debate on whether or not they would give it to me with my breath held and i practically lost it when they said i could. Later i would get a second one and a vast amount of trinkets to remember the rpgs from but ultimately the experience will forever stick with me…. I wanted to experience it more, and i am not sure if that is a good thing or not…. Considering what it changed for me… After the rpg Adas voice disappeared from the area and was replaced with Jarvis's.... Which i never truly figured out why...

Again night came quickly along with a mass of events, including the anomaly events, with each portal that were all on the edge of completion. There was a Klue S. mission event that went live that i ended up with a beginning password for, for the entire Res team… Which was a new experience in itself... At some point there was also a shard and link event but those i could not do as I joined the portal tour to see each finished portal and how they worked. Sadly was unable to get pictures of them all.

The amount of glyphs on all the portal was amazing to me and in our tours i gained quite a few nicknames due to my ability to say what each glyph was on point. To me it was amazing fun trying to do the puzzles themselves and being able to discuss which glyphs were important to the teams and how they interacted with each portal. Being able to interact with glyphs outside of the scanner was again a changing point for me… All of them were amazing pieces of artwork we could all interact with, without our scanners once more and it was obvious the teams worked as hard as they could on each of them even though the lack of wifi and power at times. The xm overload was so high in the area that even our portal ended up almost burning down which at the time was horrifying but we would later joke about. After the tour i took the time to go back and investigate things more which paid off completely when i stole some information that i would later share….

The next morning moved on quickly. Announcements proved to give us the anomaly dates and confirm that we were the first event for the current anomaly and would be the first of annual events. It was confirmed we saved Ada but what that meant was not clear… Before we knew it we were going to be pack up and as i went to check whether or not we had to return our Tecthulhus i was once again surprised by told everyone would be able to take their modules home. I have to wonder what the reasoning was or what they did to them when we turned them in, but the excitement of being able to hold the module and know it was ours made me overlook something i should have probably been concerned about. Before i knew it…. We were packed and ready to leave…. I found myself trying to find every reason to stay… Making every excuse to stay just a few minutes longer and watch as others tore down their creations. There were a lot of raw emotions and good byes as people left…

After the event i took the time to visit Fletchers cabin due to things Flint had shown me on the first day of the event. Again, there was a lack of needing my scanner to explore the area and it was the perfect place to unload and think about everything that had happened at the event…. I had met and became what felt like a family with all of these people. We all shared a common goal and love for our creations and thus the event in all that it was would become the most unforgettable thing to ever happen for me in ingress. I couldnt be more thankful for this experience and i honestly cant wait until next year….

Just to say here, i met some amazing people, people who im sadden i woke up the last couple of days and didnt get to see. I may not have pointed out each time i met you all, but each interaction was important to me… And i am so incredibly honored that i got to be your glyph master, princess, dictionary, whatever… But most of all to be your friend, in person, for the weekend. Every single one of you made this an experience beyond anyones beliefs of what it could be….. And even now, i look at my scanner and i feel disconnected to it because the experience we had was so beyond it…. I truly miss it already. Thank you all! I cant wait until our paths cross again.

Edgar Allan Wright Ingress Resonating Redwood Andrew Krug #ingress #13magnusreawakens


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