New XM based camera in testing by the Niantic Project???

New XM based camera in testing by the Niantic Project???

With the latest activity by Klue S. in the portal network, as shown by the latest #FindTheKlue dead drop as shown at

I used my usual methods to reveal the exif data of that photo as follows and I have set the interesting text to bold to make it easier to see...
ImageDescription The image location may be a red herring.
Make Niantic Labs
Model Experimental
Orientation Unknown (0)
XResolution 72
YResolution 72
ResolutionUnit inches
Software N/A
ModifyDate 2007:05:28 13:31:00
Artist A sensitive
ExifVersion 0230
DateTimeOriginal 2007:05:28 13:31:00
CreateDate 2007:05:28 13:31:00
ColorSpace sRGB
GPSLatitudeRef North
GPSLatitude 40.415275
GPSLongitudeRef West
GPSLongitude 3.694171
GPSTimeStamp 17:31:00
GPSDateStamp 2007:05:28

I have a few questions, are these cameras capturing XM as well as an image? Are they using XM to generate the image? Does the user have to be a sensitive?
I think that since Klue S. is a powerful sensitive, she's the one generating the images from within the portal network

EDIT: As Mario Valenzuela II pointed out, Could this be the first appearance of the 2.0 Scanner?

What do you think agents?

Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Chiplander Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug Anne Beuttenmüller


  1. there is clearly something about these images that suggest they are captured with other means than mere photons

  2. Thank you for writing this Kosh. Im very interested to know this as well Niantic Project​

  3. Wait.......Could Niantic be making tech that is meant to be operated inside the portal network? Maybe tech tech meant for a specific reason? Or person? #KlueLives

  4. cough scanner 2.0 which will be rolling out before the end of the year. But will have hit beta before the end of summer.

  5. Also look at the time stamps all at 13:31:00 except the GPS time which is well at 17:31. 🤔


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