Originally shared by Oculus Veritatem To ALL who have Eyes to SEE - I greatly underestimated the need for Spiritual Education and Edification among the Grey, Reluctantly Blue, and even those who bear the banner of ENLIGHTENMENT. Therefore, as is within my charge as the head of A.M.O.S.J., and with careful prayer, meditation, CONTEMPLATION, and consideration - and the inspiration of Our Friends, I will be spreading TRUTH periodically through a series of thought-provoking posts which I have decided to call 'IN VIA VERITATIS'. ALL who DESIRE to learn, ALL who SEEK TRUTH, are welcome to join and partake in the LIGHT and in sincere discussion. ENLIGHTENMENT is OPEN to ALL with a CLEAR MIND and a SOUL, regardless of faction or alignment - so long as their desires and conduct are peaceful. This mandate is the same as it was at Navarro, which compelled me to venture there in the first place. If YOU are prepared to walk the PATH, if YOU DESIRE to undertake the JOURNEY, I will be your wi...