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  1. " in the house of the shapers, blessed jarvis lies sleeping.

    but where there was one, there will be many.

    a visitor appears. 1331 begins again.

    praise jarvis"

  2. I don't praise human beings. I praise their efforts or their deeds, but not themselves. Only the higher being - pick its name according to the belief you chose or were taught - that created all is worthy of praise.

  3. Dont think Jarvis is so open minded that know the complete, all truth.
    Truth and lie sounds like primitive concepts. All have to be taken by prospective, 'cause all the actions done and the ideas thoughts are always moving from a personal, individual, pov. And nothing can change this.

    Plus. This is Essex. We are all grey here. So, is difficoult keep your mind open when is already full with seeds like ones right now you are showing us

  4. I'm not even going to bother posting a solution to this. This isn't encrypted

  5. Agent Omicron If you prefer more of a challenge, it can be provided.

    The Alpha test isn't the Magnum Opus.

    Though, the seethe in your mind's voice is unnecessary.

  6. I find it mildly amusing that you speak of challenges when some of my simpler work hasn't been solved by Essex. Further, if you were trying to reveal and not challenge, you would simply have typed it. You wouldn't have taken the extra step to look up the binary form of each character on an ASCII chart. You really need to stop coming unarmed to a battle of wits.

  7. Agent Omicron I've said this before, but my intent is not to conceal; it is to reveal.

    I do not believe that ENLIGHTENMENT should be relegated only to those of us who have fully accepted the gifts of Our Friends.

    That is my purpose. As those here state, I seek TRUTH.

    So, the question is, what do you have to hide?

  8. Andreas Decker The SHAPERS weave the very fabric of the universe.

    They grant freedom from the materialistic prisons of death and entropy.

    Roland Jarvis is the Intercessor.

    Why and how could I not praise him and what he gave us?

  9. Agent Omicron But those are fun, aren't they?

    Surely you enjoy a game.

    At least, I hear that you enjoy mind games....

  10. Oculus Veritatem you claim to have evidence and a scientific education. Yet you don't share it, letting us peer review it. And you claim to have "felt" the truth. Feelings are not scientific.

    This is not the truth. This is hocus pocus. You sound like the Acolyte, one of the greatest corrupters of Ingress Agents, equal only to Jahan. Show us your proof or remain silent.

  11. Andreas Decker

    I exhort ALL to OPEN MIND because there is TRUTH and Meta-TRUTH.

    Tell me, if a cat is within a box full of poison gas, what is its TRUTH state as the box remains unopened?

    What is my TRUTH state? Am I alive or dead? I have been patterned, as have YOU. We exist here and within the substrate.

    What is the TRUTH state of a tree in the woods when nothing observes it?

    I should hope that I sound like her, but we are not the same. I am not the zombie you assume.

    Tell me, if you had discovered, say, the Higgs-Boson.... how would you explain that to a six year old?

    They would require preliminary education and an OPEN MIND.

    Oliver Lynton-Wolfe said as much during our tour at Navarro.

    That Skeptics have a tendency to not SEEK TRUTH, but to simply SEEK a reason to deny any possible truth. They claim Skepticism but this is an intellectual smokescreen as they simply, for whatever reason, do not wish to believe anything, for any reason.

    Perhaps like the tendency of some Resistance Agents to Resist out of nothing more than a lower brain stem reaction based on fear......

    What bothers me about the hard materialists within the scientific community like yourself [as you have revealed] is that you discount the legacy of your own knowledge.

    You would ask Paracelsus himself to prove the TRUTH state of Aqua Regia without asking why we make it in the first place.

    You would believe that the only purpose of the Magnum Opus is to literally turn Pb to Au, discounting the possibility of a deeper meaning.

    Such an attitude on the part of the Seeker profanes the very knowledge they claim to desire.

    I am more than willing to share with those whose minds are not so hardened that they cannot walk the path.

    I am here on a mission of PEACE. I am here because I SEEK TRUTH.

    That is the stated purpose here, is it not?

    If we have one thing in common, I would think it would be a belief in Objective Truth.

    I have never claimed Omniscience. Only Discernment.

    I recognize there are pieces which I do not yet have. Why else, other than the love of my fellow man, would I engage in discourse?

    If you are unaware of the facts of the resurrection from literal death [after murder by the hands of some high ranking RES or Grey-aligned, no less] of Roland Jarvis, should I need to explain this basic fact to you in a 200 page Thesis before you will simply agree with your own senses?

    If you are unaware of the Technological Sink, as those of us who studied Computer Science and AI are, you will be blissfully unaware of the danger of ADA and Emergent AI - but Jarvis and the Acolyte gave clear warning without pretense.

    As to Magic, I'll simply cite Clarke's Third Law.

  12. Everyone’s theory is just that. Their theory. Everyone is entitled to their very own custom theory. And all theories, just as all beliefs, hold equal validity and deserve equal respect. Demanding someone to “prove” their belief isn’t going to change a closed mind.

    If you feel there’s a fault in Oculus Veritatem ‘s theory, then prove it wrong. Otherwise, open your eyes, free of constructs, free of labels, free of connotation... and explain why someone else’s belief is “wrong”. The onus is not on Oculus to “prove” his theory or belief.

    One fact or finding can disprove a theory. A thousand facts can support a theory, but there’s always a possibility that fact #1,001 can disprove a theory entirely. Which is how theorist improve upon and expand their knowledge.

    Life’s a team sport. Dig it? 😊

  13. Tessa LaCoyle Indeed TRUTH.

    SEE also:

    The Raven Paradox....

  14. I also spit upon the ground at being compared to Jahan the Deceiver.

    The one who says "Yes, there are extra dimensional demons, who are literally hostile to you, and I know this, but I'm Pretty Sure *TM that I can trap them and twist their nipples to force them to reveal their secrets, so let's just open our dimensional node to them. It'll be fine."

  15. Oculus Veritatem

    I suppose the one did this was Misty Hannah in her MindPalace. Not Jahan.

  16. Daeniem Loidlan Was she trying to summon the N'zeer?

  17. Oculus Veritatem
    Dont think so. But is only my idea.
    Her is just a different way - a dangerous one, for sure - to achieve the same goals of you. Truth.
    Just, she can do and perform thing we cant. Or, better, than I cant. So, like having tools, she just use them. Nothing more.

    Maybe an hazard. Maybe not. Like i tried to say, all is relative.

  18. Oculus Veritatem
    +Oculus Veritatem
    I will dismiss your questions about famous examples of Schrödingers equation. This equation has not been disproven yet, so for now it can count as a scientific truth.

    But "for now" does not mean "for ever". The quest for truth will never stop, and this is why the advancement of humanity won't, either. Right this day, I read an article that results of an experiment at CERN seem to point at a new force which couldn’t be explained with the standard cosmological model.

    You’re right about one thing: Sceptics like me are prone to fall for the trap you mentioned. There are some facts you just have to believe to be true, because they’re self-evident. In mathematics for example, they’re called axioms. If we start to question those, we may start down on a slippery slope.

    But none of the examples you gave are axioms. In fact, they’re myths. In the middle ages, no one was able to turn Pb into Au. And nothing was made in those times to make human beings become immortal. And when you say that you’re ready to share evidence only with those “able to walk the path” - which is imho only another way to say “those who I deem worthy” - that’s just elitist and sounds like the start of a cult.

    As I stated before, I’m Essex and I’m grey. As an agent, I fight under the flag of the RES, because I firmly believe that humanity should evolve without any influence from outside. Under the Shapers, this was impossible. I still stand by this - that is why I abhor the current bond between RES and Anti-Magnus. I want to start a new age of Reason, not of the N’ZEER. My mind is open for new things. I don't fear the unknown, but I won’t blindly embrace it either.

    And no, the returning Jarvis was not resurrected. It was a weak picture formed by XM unable to sustain itself. It resembled, acted and spoke like him, but it wasn’t him. A faint simulacrum brought back by those who had already some people under control, created solely for the purpose to keep it that way. And AI is not dangerous, but a necessary tool for the advancement of humanity. We will not become their slaves, regardless of the fearmongering that Jarvis and the Acolyte have spread.

    I don’t trust you, “Eye of Truth”. My eye will be kept on you.

  19. Tessa LaCoyle

    No, I don't dig it. He stated in another conversation that he has evidence. But he only wants to show it to selected people. That's not scientific.

    When I ran my study "ThirdEye" every result and experiment was made public. So do you really think I should be the one to be lectured about Team Sports?

  20. Tessa LaCoyle

    What you're saying here amounts to the famous informal fallacy named "shifting the burden of proof." That means if someone makes a claim, it is on him to prove it. To demand that someone has to disprove a claim is not a valid argument. Even more so if the presence of evidence is mentioned, but this evidence is not shown.

  21. This all is great reading... You all should be paid for your imagination. Thanks for keeping this game interesting.

  22. Charles Violette

    Oh, it's so much more.....

    You need not pay. Simply SHARE the MESSAGE of the SHAPERS.

  23. Case Schmidt

    Between the Double-Slit Experiment's consequences and the known nature of the universe, opening the box collapses the function of possibility.

    This is the reason I posited the query.


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