=== AO2018: HEADS-UP by an Investigator / いち調査員からの注意喚起 ===

Originally shared by YutoRaion

=== AO2018: HEADS-UP by an Investigator / いち調査員からの注意喚起 ===
// English translate follows Japanese Transcript //
// for jump, copy and search: === ENGLISH === //

#AgentOlympiad2018 へ参加される被験者の皆さん、実験に協力されるクルーの皆様、そして実験の様子を観戦する #Ingress エージェントの皆さん。

ついに今週末、司アキラによる大規模実験 エージェント・オリンピアード が行われます。

去年のオリンピアード終了後(2017年7月)東京で運行された #NL-PRIME 周辺ポータルから回収されたメディアを再度示します。





(ちなみに、司アキラは今どのような役職なんだろう。IQTech East所長?IQTech社長?それとも…?)

#Ingress Ingress Ingress Japan John Hanke Masashi Kawashima Chiaki Narusawa Kento Suga Ishitsuka Naoyuki Andrew Krug Edgar Allan Wright flint dille H. Richard Loeb Niantic Project #PassageToOsiris #EpiphanyNight Operation Essex Project Isthmus #ProjectLycaeum Project Lycaeum WILLER Hank Johnson Verum Inveniri

=== 書き起こし / Japanese Transcript ===



Agent Olympiadのあとインターネットをモニタリングし続けているが、どの参加者も異常な副作用やその夜行われた実験からの後催眠暗示の兆候は示されていない。

2頁~28頁の基本データは富士急ハイランドへと向かった60人全員の、身体状態、精神状態を反映している。NL-PRIMEは、エージェントたちを乗せた移動体を監視するために、追跡距離を保ち、ドローンも活用した。ニアフィールドセンサーがそれぞれのエージェントのデータを個別に把握することを可能にした。正確性を期するために、IQTech Eastによって設置された車内監視カメラと照合もすませている。







=== ENGLISH ===

To all the Subjects participating in #AgentOlympiad2018, the crews who cooperate in the experiment, and the #Ingress Agents who watch the experiment.

Finally, Akira Tsukasa's large-scale experimental Agent Olympiad will be held this weekend.

I will again share the Media collected from the peripheral portals of #NL-PRIME operated in Tokyo after last year's Olympiad (July 2017).

By resharing this Intel, I will not press Akira or the examinees to "stop the experiment". I'm not in the position to do it.

But please be careful.

Closed space, at midnight,
Artificially create an anomalous zone,
Generate Anomaly in that space.

We cannot know what will happen.
However, what purpose will Akira do experiments?

(BTW, I don't know the current position of Akira. Director of IQTech East? Or the president of IQTech, not East? Or something else...?)

=== English Translated ===
// Google Document is here: https://goo.gl/3Muew3 //

To Major Tsukasa

The first survey result that was requested was attached.

After Agent Olympiad we continue to monitor the Internet, but no participant has shown any signs of abnormal side effects or post hypnotic suggestions after that night's experiments.

"Basic data" on pages 2 to 28 reflects the physical condition and mental state of all 60 people heading toward Fujikyu Highland. NL-PRIME kept tracking distance and used drone in order to monitor the mobile body carrying the agents. The near field sensor made it possible to grasp the data of each agent individually. For the sake of accuracy, we are also collating with the in-car surveillance camera installed by IQ Tech East.

"Dataset I" on pages 28 to 41 shows signals obtained from a drones reconnaissance aircraft when an agent was present in the Olympiad Anomalous Zone. We don’t consider this data to be reliable from the extraordinary XM disturbance of this area, the existence of the public, and the extremely high and intense behavior of the agent. It is included in this report to carefully consider it to the last.

"Dataset II" on pages 42 to 72 was acquired using NL-PRIME in the same way as the “Basic data” when the participants returned. To correct for the increase of adrenaline and endorphin, it was corrected manually. These phenomena are common rise seen in agents exposed to XM Anomalous Zones and Anomalous time.

"Results" on pages 72 to 81 will support your first hypothesis. The Olympiad Anomalous Zone artificially created at Fujikyu Highland had properties similar to other Exotic Matters occurring in natural places and time. "Re-positionized" XM portals also showed an effect of raising the awareness level of the agent.

At this stage it is difficult to declare whether low-level sensitives also show similar results. The agents who participated in the first Olympiad were selected in advance from their extremely high XM sensitivity, and the plan and action in the extreme state are far outside the tolerance of most average sensitives.

For analysis of reproducibility and variability, we suggest that we conduct additional experiments of the Olympiad Anomalous Zone.

Meanwhile, we will continue the initial mission of NL-PRIME and continue to obtain information on new agent candidates who wish to "board aboard NL-PRIME" from partners. I hope the NL-PRIME's mobility testing environment will continue to generate promised sensitive candidates for further investigation, especially for the latest upgraded system.


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