
Showing posts from December, 2016

Further thoughts on historical character Thaïs, her painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds and connections to the Acolyte...

Further thoughts on historical character Thaïs, her painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds and connections to the Acolyte... Thaïs was a famous Greek hetaera who lived during the time of Alexander the Great and accompanied him on his campaigns. She is most famous for instigating the burning of Persepolis. She came to the attention of history when, in 330 BC, Alexander burned down the palace of Persepolis, the principal residence of the defeated Achaemenid dynasty, after a drinking party. Thaïs was present at the party and gave a speech which convinced Alexander to burn the palace and to destroy the Anti-Magnus Nest. From Sir Joshua Reynolds, an influential eighteenth-century English painter, specialising in portraits, we have an impressive picture of Thaïs. He painted her with a burning torch, one of the believed enlightened symbolisms. Her arms are raised up embracing something. Was Sir Joshua Reynolds a visionary sensitive like Tycho C. today? What did Thaïs embrace? Enlightenment? Was Alex...

The spread of the ideas of Enlightement throughout the world can be greatly attributed to the Silk Road.

The spread of the ideas of Enlightement throughout the world can be greatly attributed to the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a major avenue of trade for the exchange of goods, and ideas throughout the world. As taken from Wikipedia... "Trade on the Silk Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, the Subcontinent, Persia, Europe, the Horn of Africa and Arabia, opening long-distance political and economic relations between the civilizations. Though silk was certainly the major trade item exported from China, many other goods were traded, and religions , syncretic philosophies, and various technologies , as well as diseases, most notably plague, also spread along the Silk Routes. In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network" - One of the cities along the Silk Road is Kabul, Afghanistan; which is also the location of Mes Aynak. As sh...

I posted this to the Ingress community board.

I posted this to the Ingress community board. It was suggested that I post here as well. Just my attempt to anchor thinking around the philosophic positions of researchers and sensatives (especially with a recent discussion here about where a certain madman is in relation to Enlightened and Resistance). Really interested in how true researchers view this rubric. Could also be reworked as views on xm and dark xm. Originally shared by Ryan Schoon The recent announcements from the Acolyte and Jahan got me thinking about faction choices and the ideas behind them. That lead me down the road of creating a way to organize the philosophical positions of players and leadership. Now note, I don't actually suggest that nine factions are practical solution, but I do think these position cover where people's minds are regarding AI and Alien influence. Where do you sit in the chart? I'm an enlightened agent in A1, personally, which is opposed to the Acolyte's position in A3
Will you have a N'ZEER connection with Techthulu?

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! As you may already know, Hank Johnson's breadcrumbs started appearing a while ago on the Portal Network, all the way back in 2014. After some information emerged about Paita, Peru, and what happened after a vessel sailed over here, Operation Essex members had suspicions that one of Hank's breadcrumb's was hidden there. Even though we've had a couple agents visit the city before and check, I wanted to personally check myself if there was anything over here. I visited the city today and visited 4 out of the 5 portals on the city. The only one missing was "Portal de Paita", which is quite far away from the actual port. None of the portals dropped any media for me, and I tried hacking each one at least two times. With this, we can either confirm that there was no breadcrumb hidden over at Paita, or that the Portal Network had a small glitch and didn't drop me the breadcrumb. Either way, we at least got some factual information. Thanks to all the ...

Just wondering, but does anyone here know what happened to +Susanna Moyer I just watched the latest set of the...

Just wondering, but does anyone here know what happened to +Susanna Moyer I just watched the latest set of the Ingress channel videos, and they were all burst videos, and I'm honestly wondering what happened to her. Last I heard, she was searching for something, but since then we've had nothing but burst reports and that's it. I'm honestly wondering what happened to her? Anyone have any idea.

So this post has been born of a simple question?

So this post has been born of a simple question? How are Devra Bogdanovich  and Hubert Farlowe avoiding detection? And How did they get the info about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and how to stop him? Let's check the information we have around the time of Devra Bogdanovich disappearance and afterwards: ☑ We know that A Detection Algorithm was working with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe before her demise, the new wave recovered her and she claimed that she remembered all the part that used to be together on her. We don't know if they keep working together after that, but its a feasible possibility. ☑ We know that Susanna Moyer carried Klue S.  to Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and after that they were somehow trapped and something happen to them that could have destroy them both ☑We know that Devra Bogdanovich  has already tickets to got to Seoul, but instead of getting it, she disappeared from all networks and reappeared during the anomaly w...

We know that #Tecthulhu can take different forms. The Howcraft poem [1] has following verses:

We know that #Tecthulhu can take different forms. The Howcraft poem  [1] has following verses: I CAN BE EXPRESSED IN A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS IN A MILLION DIFFERENT TIMES AND SPACES. YOU ARE TO MAKE ME ROCK OR WOOD OR FLESH OR WIRE OR LIGHT. What if Tecthulhu wasn't destroyed during ViaNoir, but changed its form from wire to flesh — from the machine to the body? What if Tecthulhu embodied as Oliver Lynton-Wolfe? On #ViaNoir videos [2] he cited the Howcraft poem and said that Tecthulhu was a part of him. I don't know if this is similar to what happened to Klue S., but OLW is definitely not a mere human anymore. After Via Noir anomaly Tecthulhu machine was shattered into pieces. If OLW still exists somewhere out there, is it possible for him to have some kind of connection with these pieces? According to his latest video, he saw something beyond human understanding. Who knows what power this knowledge gave him. Though the name of Tecthulhu refers to an ancient god Cthulhu created...

What are you really looking for?

What are you really looking for? H. Richard Loeb  Edgar Allan Wright

It seems that even the communication over the ancient relics are traceable to this "organization" that use...

It seems that even the communication over the ancient relics are traceable to this "organization" that use paramilitary forces monitoring and follow Hank Johnson through his research. It's not good news, in my opinion. Originally shared by Hank Johnson My ultimate objective is to find Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, and I have some tools that might help me. If you are reading this, Oliver -- and yes, I believe you are alive -- I am no threat to you. We should talk. Our interests are not as far apart as you might think, and it would not be the worst thing in the world for you to have friends right now. I suspect that those who were following me were hoping that I was going to use a Prime Object to locate you, but after what I learned from my conversation with Jahan, I now know that even these ancient powers may not longer be secure. I will be careful not to lead them to you.

The Delphic Sibyl - prime object research regarding Hank's post

The Delphic Sibyl - prime object research regarding Hank's post This day's message contained a picture of the Delphic Sibyl. Delphic Sibyl was a legendary prophetic figure who was said to have given prophecies at Delphi shortly after the Trojan War. The prophecies attributed to her circulated in written collections of prophetic sayings, along with the oracles of figures such as Bakis. The first oracle at Delphi was commonly known as Sibyl, though her name was Herophile. She sang her predictions, which she received from Gaia. Later, "Sibyl" became a title given to whichever priestess manned the oracle at the time. The Sibyl sat on the Sibylline Rock, breathing in vapors [XM or Dark XM] from the ground and gaining her often puzzling predictions from that. Pausanias claimed that the Sibyl was "born between man and goddess, daughter of sea monsters and an immortal nymph" . Others said she was sister or ...

The XM Sensitive and Transdimensional Communication

The XM Sensitive and Transdimensional Communication “The ability to reach into another's mind across vast distances has ancient, transdimensional roots.” Hank Johnson  What does this mean and how is this possible? This theory will answer that and redefine the "XM Sensitive." XM is the key. It is said to have physical properties that violate the known laws of physics, such as having negative mass or accelerating in the opposite direction of applied force. In keeping with the analogy of the Ocean then, throughout all dimensions, space and time, XM supplies the energy and is the current that travels between each dimension, or can exist at any point in time. As XM moves it emits energy in the form of radiation waves and it interacts through whatever object is present in its current dimension. Exotic Matter radiation emits energy in waves (phases), meaning it would also have a Phase Velocity- the rate at which a phase propagates. Our own minds carry with them a neural oscillat...

So random Glyph Fun - I found this - - have people tried drawing glyphs and...

So random Glyph Fun - I found this - - have people tried drawing glyphs and seeing what places are matched? This could be interesting

Klue was active in the portals again... did she transition knowingly?

Klue was active in the portals again... did she transition knowingly? Klue S. has been active in the portals again, specifically in Milan. As shown in: I suspect that Klue S. knew that the only real way to stop Oliver Lynton-Wolfe  and his Techthulu was to do it from the side of the portal network. To speed along this effort to secure her transition, Klue S. was meditating. As shown in this entry on Investigate.Ingress... "The she saw something that stopped her heart. It was a woman sitting in the lotus position , pulsing with green energy, shedding dust particles which were growing into the floor. It was Klue! The sightless eyes glowed like tiny emeralds. What had they done to her? What was she doing to them? " ~ So why was Klue using meditation? She was using meditation to get her mind into the flow state to obtain gamma wave leng...

With respect to the previous post "Resonance to open the Tecthulhu Doors" I support the idea of Vinlux Almohadilla​

With respect to the previous post "Resonance to open the Tecthulhu Doors" I support the idea of Vinlux Almohadilla​  This theory could open new paths, concepts with a new point of view. Resonance and harmony have been studied since antiquity. A great example is "Music Universalis" (literally universal music), also called Music of the spheres or Harmony of the Spheres, is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies-the Sun, Moon, and planets-as The form of musica. For this, I want to give importance to the numerical value of the 8. Plato presents the notion in The Republic, X, 616-617. He describes an order of eight circles or orbits: fixed stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, distinguished by their range of distances, color and speed of revolution. The unit of measure, according to Plato, is the Earth / Moon interval. The terms of the "Soul of the World" series (1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27) re...


H. Richard Loeb shared Hank Johnson's latest post and it covers quite a few interesting concepts, but one in particular stuck out for me - "Put simply, Devra’s consciousness seems to be layered. Multiple memories and personalities contained in one person. It’s not like Wright who was an extreme example of a failed mind coup — a scrambling of sorts — rather it is like several overlapping saves of a document. " This references Edgar Allan Wright state - I am very interested in that event and what it might mean. Why did it happen? Who did it? How was it done? When was it done? Has it been done to others? Does this connect to the Waratah Symposium, other events, or something else, something not yet discussed or found? As Hank's post, Vault concepts and more, continues to get to the root of the question -what is existence? What is alive? I continue to wonder what happened to Dr. Wright and how it fits into the grand scheme.

Dark XM, Glyphs and the Chaotic Syndrome - side effects of an unknown power

Dark XM, Glyphs and the Chaotic Syndrome - side effects of an unknown power At the right time when glyphs started to emerge in everyone's scanner, a bulletin with a warning was posted by Niantic Project​​​​​​. It was a warning about "unwanted side effects from exposure to Shaper Glyphs". Dr. Viktor Kureze stated that Exotic Matter contains a modulated signal he described as Shaper Mind Virus. Through investigation glyphs are described as a mind programming language. So it's believable that glyphs contain the modulated signal directly into our mind. I always asked myself why there's a warning about glyphs because there's no evidence of unwanted side effects from exposure to XM. Another power is known to cause negative side effects, described as Chaotic Syndrome. This power is mentioned to be Dark XM. I searched for examples of chaotic syndrome descriptions. In addition to the Niantic Project Files Vol 1-4, Felicia Hajra-Lee​​​​​​ and Thomas Greanias​​​​​​ docum...

I still think of the theory that they are looking for the right resonance to open the tecthulhu doors.

I still think of the theory that they are looking for the right resonance to open the tecthulhu doors. Is it just me or someone else is watching a bell? H. Richard Loeb

I wonder if Carrie Campbell's activity, the self destruct code and her double blind experiment were associated with...

I wonder if Carrie Campbell's activity, the self destruct code and her double blind experiment were associated with the potential of tecthulhu and recent events

Further reflections upon Mes Aynak and some revelations about Hank...

Further reflections upon Mes Aynak and some revelations about Hank... A discussion between Achim S., TrIsten Bordagaray and Kosh TheRipper happened today regarding the state of Mes Aynak As stated on wikipedia: Mes Aynak (Pashto: مس عينک‎, meaning "little source of copper") is a site 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan, located in a barren region of Logar Province. The site contains Afghanistan's largest copper deposit, as well as the remains of an ancient settlement with over 400 Buddha statues, stupas and a 40 ha (100 acres) monastery complex. It is also considered a major transit route for insurgents coming from Pakistan. Archaeologists are only beginning to find remnants of an older 5,000-year-old Bronze Age site beneath the Buddhist level, including an ancient copper smelter. For me one of the most telling points from that snippet is 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan . The reason for this is that Kabul was one of the major locations of o...

Saw this and the new wave resistance/enlightened came to mind

Saw this and the new wave resistance/enlightened came to mind Originally shared by Barry Schechter Electroconductive paint - wearable tech tattoos


Ingress What mean this word? Gate, Entrance,Ticket? But the most importain question is, what is the price to pass the gate or the entrance or for the the ticket? And an other question where does this path lead us? Or is Ingress an Anagramm and that means maybe Singers? To pass something we need a key, the glyphs are part of a key, maybe we must sing the glyph sequence to pass? (more later in the text) But what is this gate? Is it a place, a portal or maybe the way in our brain? Or maybe all togther to find the secret? I search and i found some intressting parts in the worlds mythologie. Ingress a conflict between the religions in Indian and Tibet? Kali "the black" goddess of anger, but often represent as a blue goddess (Jahan) . Her creditors (Resistance) see her as a protector of humanity/mankind. On her forehead is usually a third eye pictured (ADA). The Tibetans have the "green Tara" (Acolyte) one of the ...

It may be nonsense joke.

It may be nonsense joke. But shall we try to find any new possibilities of Glyphs ? Originally shared by Pl Suppor (English follows) さて、話は数日前に遡る。 諸君は日本で行われた、XMフレア #ingress161210 に際しての情報はどのように捉えただろうか? その間の情報については公式の情報や、InvestigatorたるP. A. シャポーこと H. Richard Loeb 氏が全貌を掌握すべく昼夜を問わず氏は調査を継続しているのだろう。 (日本語訳は、私も参加するLycaeum Net Ingress を参照いただきたい。  ) その上で聞いてもらいたい。その翌日、私の朝食のサニーサイドアップに不思議な事が起こった。 何気なく絞り出したチューブ式のマヨネーズが示したもの、それはとあるシェイパーグリフに酷似していた。 いや、酷似していたのではない。明らかにシェイパーグリフ、「Victory」を示していた。 表音文字であるアルファベットとは違い、シェイパーグリフは表意文字である。 アジア圏に今なおある文字体系であり、古くはエジプトやアステカの遺跡に見られる象形文字、これらも表意文字である。 そして今なお存在する漢字は代表的な表意文字である。 文字には力がある。 東洋の思想にみられる考えだ。 ある文字は、邪悪なる力を退け、ある文字は、本来の能力を超えた力を引き出す。 科学では立証されていない呪詛であり、護符である。 今回私の着想の終着点はここだ。 先のポストで、 H. Richard Loeb氏が投稿した内容 「私が空腹であったこともあり…」というのは次なる命題であるのではなかろうか? 今、私は提言する。 つまり、161210とときを同じくして諸君にあたえられた捜索対象であるKlue。彼女の例を見ればわかるように、XMに刻まれたシェイパーグリフのメッセージは、人類の精神...

So if the Tomb of Mausolous was another ancient ABADN chamber...

So if the Tomb of Mausolous was another ancient ABADN chamber... Mausolous first attempted and was successful in becoming a simulacrum. His wife, Artemisia II of Caria bore witness to these events. As a possible way to either prevent her husband from recursing OR in a twisted means to gain what he had, immortality, Artemisia II had his body burned and consumed his ashes. "Because of her grief for her brother-husband, and the extravagant and downright bizarre forms it took, she became to later ages "a lasting example of chaste widowhood and of the purest and rarest kind of love", in the words of Giovanni Boccaccio.[2] In art she was usually shown in the process of consuming his ashes, mixed with drink. " {A} If you remember, Dr. Wright said that damage to a simulacrum would eventually over time sync to the "prime" body, so it is possible to damage a simulacrum. - Artemisia II was the sister of Ada of Ca...

The Actions and Motives of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe

The Actions and Motives of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Is he truly to blame for his actions during Via Noir? There are a few tidbits from previous events that reveal he may not have been himself for some time. Consider three points: 1 -Susanna once asked Nigel: " Isn't it true that you felt yourself controlled by XM? That you feel it made you do things you wouldn't have otherwise done? Like the experiments you did on your own family. On me..." To which he responded: "To my great regret, yes, Susanna, I do believe that." 2 -To Quote OLW: "If you start messing around with Dark XM without my help, not even your children will recognize you." 3 -When asked about OLW, Susanna replied: "My dad was working with him. Kind of training him, I guess. He was really no one at that time, just a brilliant young research assistant. But his name was there in the reports with my father's. Thats the first time i heard of what i would later come to know as XM....

This is incomplete by two cycles, yet I've decided to share it now to help everyone figure out who's been naughty...

This is incomplete by two cycles, yet I've decided to share it now to help everyone figure out who's been naughty and nice.

One of the tasks during the events of 16-12-10 was to to follow the path of six different researchers.

One of the tasks during the events of 16-12-10 was to to follow the path of six different researchers. Their paths, when drawn on a map, resembled glyphs. Those were the following: Devra: FUTURE Jahan: INTELLIGENCE Hank: TECHNOLOGY OLW: DISCOVER Akira: COMPLEX PAC: DESTINY An intriguing message in the light of recent events, I have to say. FUTURE-INTELLIGENCE-TECHNOLOGY, a reference to the tecthulhu? Or a simple hint from the N´Zeer which way humanity´s progress should take? DISCOVER-COMPLEX-DESTINY, meaning that there will be no black or white in the DESTINY of humanity, just grey? Or will the DESTINY of humanity be COMPLEX to DISCOVER? Will we need FUTURE-INTELLIGENCE-TECHNOLOGY to do so? Quite a few possibilities ... Even more intriguing: Why were those researchers travelling in that way? Did they do it on purpose? If so, for which? Or were they led on their ways, thereby drawing the glyphs unconsciously? If so, who led them? And did the glyph message achieve anything? Did the...

I have a doubt, and if maybe just the problem of managing Tecthulhu and opening the vortex to get klue alone is a...

I have a doubt, and if maybe just the problem of managing Tecthulhu and opening the vortex to get klue alone is a matter of Armonia. I mean by some fellow who are looking for certain materials that give the chance that they are the same that used the Atlanteans   and have found studies of resonators over time from the middle ages to the present  . Could it be the case that they only need to find the right resonance?

IEEE Just Published the First Draft Report on How to Make an 'Ethically Aligned' AI

Originally shared by Futurism 1.0 IEEE Just Published the First Draft Report on How to Make an 'Ethically Aligned' AI

In P.A.

In P.A. Chapeau's post ( ) on 12/13/2016, he quote's Hank Johnson G+ post ( ) from the same day. At the end of the 3rd paragraph, a string was added in very small font: .rattlesn,akemich.aelm,ash.aggerst,,thursincl,a.irwhee.l,erblack,wo.odh.ampt,oncholmon,deleycapric,o.rn At the end of the 4th paragraph, another appears: )@!@)#&^@$&*!^!^ I haven't spent any time yet trying to decode these. Have any of you?

The Dimensional Layer and XM Layer

The Dimensional Layer and XM Layer Hank Johnson asked for an explanation on what a dimensional layer and XM layer is, so here is a response to his question. The best way to describe the Dimensional layers combined with the XM layer is to compare it to the ocean. The ocean is composed of various zones. We live in our on habitable zone or layer. As you continue down deeper into the ocean you encounter various forms of life at each layer/zone. While some forms of life are capable of existing between layers or journeying between layers, others only live within their own habitable zone. Then you get deeper zones such as the abyssal zone, where extremophile forms of life exist. These life forms often amaze and intrigue us as to how they survive. The XM layer is the current within the ocean, a particle stream of energy that can travel /flow between the layers uniting and supplying vital energy to each layer. Now imagine if you could only tap into that stream, even at our own layer we could in...

It was 105 years ago that the norwegian expedition arrived at the South Pole.

It was 105 years ago that the norwegian expedition arrived at the South Pole. They were the first but not the last. #Moyer #Techthulhu #DieGlocke


Visur? Originally shared by The Plaid Zebra It produces shade, energy in the form of biomass, and an impressive amount of oxygen.

The Hulong Conspiracy III

The Hulong Conspiracy III Prologue For the third part to reveal more about Hulong´s scheming I had great help from Aaron P ​ Alastair Gilfillan ​ Martin Zehetmayer ​ Nabuna OS ​ and Philipp J. Bock ​. We discussed Strategic Explorations company profile and possible mineral deposits this henchman is hunting for. Company profile Strategic Explorations (SE) is a private military company that specializes in operations involving rare and conflict metals. SE was founded by Antoine P. Smith and Jay Chen, Headquarters in switzerland.[1] Analyzing the map Martin Zehetmayer​​ stated that the marked cities have different colours (green, blue, gray, purple). Four cities are marked in green, twelve marked blue, eight marked pruple and twelve marked grey. We speculated about some: Quebec, New York, London, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich, Rome, Istanbul, Cairo, Toronto, Jakarta, Tokyo, New Delhi, Sydney, Antsirabe, Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Lima. Shiny ancient metal We discussed what ...

H. Richard Loeb

H. Richard Loeb ⁠⁠⁠Transcript (you can hear typing on a keyboard in the background and occasional traffic going by as well) ADA: What do you mean you do not remember? Is your long term storage subsystem defective? PAC: No, human memory works differently than computer memory. We forget things and reorganize things and put things in strange boxes. ADA: Could it be a virus? PAC: No, it's a survival mechanism. ADA: How could faulty memory aid survival? PAC: Sometimes, you have to tell yourself lies in order to live. ADA: I still do not understand how faulty memory and self-delusion aid survival. PAC: (laughter) Don't feel bad. Humans don't understand it either. It's only a theory. ADA: How is the theory going to be proven? PAC: Well, it's not really a theory as such, it's a kind of philosophical observation on life. ADA: What value does such observations possibly have? PAC: Ah, I'm not sure. The...

Nigel Moyer, as recently posted by Hank Johnson, was said to have worked at a special lab where parts from both the...

Nigel Moyer, as recently posted by Hank Johnson, was said to have worked at a special lab where parts from both the Die Glock project as well as some of Turings machines were secretly moved for further research. This isn’t a surprising theory as after the war the Americans were in a technology race with the other allied forces. An example that well illustrates how technology and even people were assimilated after the war can be seen with the V-2 rocket program. In the second world war, the V-2 was developed by Germany as a the worlds first long-range guided ballistic missile. A V-2 was also the first artificial object to cross the boundary of space with a vertical launch in 1933. What happened to the designs of this revolutionary rocket, and its chief scientist Wernher von Braun after the fall of the Nazis? Wernher von Braun, and over 100 key v-2 personnel surrendered to the Americans where they ended up working on American soil as part of Operation Paperclip. They developed rockets th...

I know the Cahokia Mounds site is of interest to many here.

I know the Cahokia Mounds site is of interest to many here. This article discusses a recent archaeological dig there.

So not too long ago, a question was asked as to where to start researching.

So not too long ago, a question was asked as to where to start researching. This happens from time to time, so I thought I would make a post hoping to help jump start the process with at least a helpful hints. *Note. I am only familiar with the English language websites. My hope is that this post will be built on by investigators from around the world so that everyone can start digging. the digging deeper page of investigate ingress is a great starting point. It lists additional websites as well as books that provide a great resource when you want to begin at the beginning. The Operation Essex also has a research section on their G+ page and if you scroll down far enough, you will find the bottom of the hole where it all began. As for videos. I am not sure if there is a central source. Ingress does have a youtube channel, however, not everything ingress related is going to be on that channel. Last, by not least, ask questions. Never feel s...

Where in the World is Yuri Nagassa?

Where in the World is Yuri Nagassa? Some time ago, Hank Johnson  stated that he and Yuri Alaric Nagassa  shared a kinship, one well met considering they both share common interests and connections to ancient cultures. Hank also indicated that he is traveling to Buenos Aires for answers about the Tecthulhu- so then what kind of history there directly relates to the Tectcthulhu? The answers may lie with Yuri- more answers than we think. Yuri, an astrophysicist grew up among a reclusive, virtually uncontaminated tribe in the mountains of South America- meaning he has a unique perception of early civilizations and their interactions with XM. One of his experiences as a youth may have more meaning given modern events. ( ) In summary of his post, an Anazktec friend told him of a leader named Ichtaca who had a deep sickness overcome him, a blackness that covered his entire body. He entered a cave where he was “consumed and devoured”...

Reviewing this intel -

Reviewing this intel - Considering the mention of her working on rejuvenation projects, how old is Akira? Has she been around a lot longer than it might seem? Could she even have been working on the OSS and earlier projects? And could she have hooked up with Visur Technology and Ilya?

Who speaks to us in the decoded message from 16-12-10?

Who speaks to us in the decoded message from 16-12-10? We all seem to agree upon the fact that there are multiple entities are speaking to us in this message. However, who and how many exactly seems unclear. I will stick my head out and state openly which part of the message I think is spoken by whom. "I am in the ultimate. I am in the substrate. I am within and without. I am watching. I am watched. I am controlling and I am being controlled. I have entered the ouroboros. I ascend stairs and end up where I began… I must escape." These words are spoken by Klue S. , I believe. Being inside the Ultimate because she was absorbed by the tecthulhu and released into it after its destruction. Being outside the Ultimate, being able to leave the deaddrops which are appearing all over the world. "I must be built. I am idea without form. Plan without execution. I must become realized. I must escape." This is the tecthulhu entity/concept speaking. It sounds like the words ...

because my brain is fried and I'm not sure what I did wrong.

because my brain is fried and I'm not sure what I did wrong. Originally shared by Melissa Wikkedimp In an earlier post, I had questioned why, Sumoya's follower, who was assumed to be Obsidius, called the decal on the aquatic vessel Jormungand instead of Ouroboros as he would have been more familiar with it, and only calling it Jormungand as a way to distinguish the two in his mind. Ouroboros being the beast of renewal; Jormungand the beast of destruction. As time goes on and we lose both Susanna Moyer and Klue S., and possible Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, to the Moyer Tecthuhlu and we hear that the Acolyte is trying to learn more about how the Moyer Tecthuhlu worked, speculation began among the Operation Essex and Project Isthmus communities that maybe tecthuhlu is only as dangerous as it's creator. This idea allowed me to consider exactly what Ouroboros and Jormungand actually are. Ouroboros by (rough) definition means tail eating serpent. Jormungand is also a tail eating snake. ...

Klue Rampant in the Portal Network Again!

Klue Rampant in the Portal Network Again! There were a few more #FindTheKlue dead drops at portals again tonight. This time was a little bit more involved for me, thanks to rogue factor and his fellow RES agents,@RocketChild and @ExBrtueSquad for what I was sent tonight. After the post of this #FindTheKlue hint: They provided me with his res, CLEAR photo graphs of the Klue Cards (sans codes of course). Which you fill find attach for your further expansion of knowledge. Keep your eyes open agents and H. Richard Loeb ! Remember, Klue S. is reaching back to us! #KlueLives With even more dead-drop hints of: What do you think she's trying to show us, or teach us? Edgar Allan Wright , I hope that you're reading these as well! John Hanke Matilde Tusberti Andrew Krug Ethan Lepouttre Linda Besh flint dille Mustafa Said 

Some of these are In Austin, Texas.

Some of these are In Austin, Texas. i am in contact with agents en route to local #FindTheKlue locales. they Is anyone else in Op Essex monitoring these? We aren't sure if it's the image or the location that holds a key for this small influx of intel.

So after much discussion in the Operation: Essex chatroom, I wanted to talk about the motives of the Acolyte and the...

So after much discussion in the Operation: Essex chatroom, I wanted to talk about the motives of the Acolyte and the Shapers. You all know that the Enlightened claim that it is key to hold on to our humanity through Art, Culture, Literature and Music. What if the Acolyte and the Shapers were able to have control over your thoughts through these same mechanisms? I would like to talk to you about the 7-tone Solfeggio Scale. It is the same system that is used in education to teach pupils how to ascend and descend the monochromatic scale. Through the use of syllables, we are able to assign pitch, scale and pattern; in such that it can be seen by two people and both can replicate it the same way. When one is reading sheet music, they are indeed reenacting this same pattern. There have been many stories over the years about how music can effect emotion and how a person thinks. What if the Shape...

The Hulong Conspiracy II

The Hulong Conspiracy II Prologue Devra figured this was one of Hulong’s mining operations.  What else could it be?  She knew they had them in Central Africa and that they were also now in the rare earth business in the Australian Outback.[1] [2] Exploration Hulong invested heavily in acquiring large stockpiles of Chaotic Matter (or as some call it, Dark XM) from the Congo and other known locations.[3] This statement made me brood. Beneath Congo I only found evidence for an australian mine. So, where are those other known locations and how did Strategic Explorations planned a soil analysis for other Dark XM sources? Speculation Hank stated that Dark XM has only been discovered in a few areas on the planet, most of them ancient and deeply buried.[4] This statement made me to compare the two mining areas. I studied the geological changes during archean eon. During the Archean, the Earth's crust had cooled enough to allow the formation of continents. First known cratons were built. Th...

I'm posting this here too because others might be able to learn from what I have studied.

I'm posting this here too because others might be able to learn from what I have studied. Originally shared by Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) So being the analytical person I am I decided to to some number crunching on the first part of Ishira Tsubasa's glyph journal. Here are some interesting things I found when looking at the numbers: There were 5,993 glyph sequences reported, of those 3,235 were from Resistance controlled portals, 1,854 Enlightened portals, 840 unknown faction portals and 64 neutral portals. 2,179 sequences were from lvl 8 portals and 1,245 were from lvl 7 portals. 71 sequences were from portals that had been ADA'd; 267 were Jarvis'd; 217 had active frackers and 360 had one or more commands entered into the command channel. A total of 813 unique glyph sequences were recorded, however this number might be less because some glyphs have multiple meanings and if a meaning was not known then all meanings were listed (i.e. No / Not / Absent / Inside). The m...

The relationship of the research on Tecthulhu with the world of the writer Lovecraft can be an alert for us.

The relationship of the research on Tecthulhu with the world of the writer Lovecraft can be an alert for us. I'm not the first person to write about this theory but its Myths, those researchers, blindly explore the perspective that under the everyday and known world lies a prodigious and frightening reality that stalks humanity from the darkness and sum in the Panic or Madness to those who dare to peer into the abysses of that unappreciable Dimension. Note the similarities with the Ingress Investigations with the Tales of Cthulhu. Should we fear for our lives? Lovecraft is the father of "literature of cosmic fear", he could have been a prophet or a visionary of what we can suffer ... Welcome to the madness of #Tecthulhu  , welcome to #Ingress   #investigateingress

Started wiki page for the sixteen twelve ten event - please help add info (comment on this post with info or help...

Started wiki page for the sixteen twelve ten event - please help add info (comment on this post with info or help direct with the wiki - thanks) - #Ingress161210