I posted this to the Ingress community board.

I posted this to the Ingress community board. It was suggested that I post here as well. Just my attempt to anchor thinking around the philosophic positions of researchers and sensatives (especially with a recent discussion here about where a certain madman is in relation to Enlightened and Resistance). Really interested in how true researchers view this rubric. Could also be reworked as views on xm and dark xm.

Originally shared by Ryan Schoon

The recent announcements from the Acolyte and Jahan got me thinking about faction choices and the ideas behind them. That lead me down the road of creating a way to organize the philosophical positions of players and leadership. Now note, I don't actually suggest that nine factions are practical solution, but I do think these position cover where people's minds are regarding AI and Alien influence.
Where do you sit in the chart? I'm an enlightened agent in A1, personally, which is opposed to the Acolyte's position in A3


  1. Clear indication of why choice based on storyline gives more RES (despite being duped).

    A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, C3 (7 squares) are all positions that Resistance can take within the storyline.

    A2, A3, B2, B3 (4 squares) are the only positions Enlightened can take within the storyline.

  2. Brent Hollett That's an interesting way to look at it. I debated using the words "protect or enhance" instead of just "enhance." When I did that though, it gave Resistance the whole board because of the extreme, "Whatever it takes to stop the Shapers," view some Resistance hold. The n'Zeer (Alien) and ADA (AI) one-two punch really makes it hard to hold the Resistance down to one position.

  3. This is where the "What are the Shapers really, and what proof is there that it isn't the N'zeer's straw man?" discussion kicks in, when the Resistance get in bed with one alien to stop another "alien". Why oppose one and not the other.

  4. Brent Hollett I wonder if the NWR is a sort of response to that. They are definitely AI heavy, placing them in column C. I wonder which row they live in though. Have they shown any reluctance to accept N'Zeer help? Can they, given that ADA was connected to the Substrate?

  5. NWR is no different from original Resistance, except with integrated AI, which original Resistance (OR) didn't eschew. Alien Loving Resistance (ALR) doesn't eschew AI either, with ADA being seen as a tool of the N'zeer.

    Essentially every Resistance sect is aligned to defeat the "shapers" despite no-one being able to actually describe what "they" are.

  6. This is great research, Ryan Schoon​. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I strongly doubt that A1 is a choice for a RES agent. To use alien influence is contrary to the Spirits of the Resistance. That is why Jahan doesn't have much followers among us. She's Anti-Magnus, not RES. BTW, I place myself in the C2-square.

  8. Andreas Decker You can't pick and choose the storyline. The Resistance supports the N'zeer, and therefore at least some of them fit into the A1 category.

    And Anti-Magnus created RES. That's indisputable.

  9. You're right, I can't change the storyline. Any RES victory will help Jahan and the N'Zeer. I can and will however speak out against it, Brent Hollett​.

    And no, Anti-Magnus didn't create RES no more than 13Magnus created the Enlightened. The Magnus-Cults are early variants of the factions we know today. From my point of view, 13Magnus and ENL are almost interchangeable, while Anti-Magnus and RES differ more. I wasn't asked to promote the case of the N'Zeer when I joined RES, something Anti-Magnus did for millenia. To protect humanity from alien influence, that's at the core of RES.

  10. The Resistance is a direct result of the "conclusions" of the Niantic Project research, led by Zeke Calvin. The same Zeke Calvin who is a high ranking Anti-Magnus member.

    Don't deceive yourself with platitudes.

  11. 13Magnus's mission is to monitor XM and mind control. That's really not anything resembling the Enlightened.

    If anything the Enlightened philosophy and 13Magnus are at odds. Resistance's "superficially professed aims" may be closer to 13Magnus's mission.

  12. According to FevGames, Zeke Calvin may be Anti-Magnus, but there is no definite proof of that. And both factions we know stem from the Niantic Project, which had the aim to turn researchers into simulacra. But thanks for the information about 13Magnus and the ENL. I actually thought they were closer together. I will have to look deeper into the matter for additional confirmation, though.

  13. Hazel Vizion I think if you view it through the lore of Ingress it makes a lot more sense. I'm not sure we can say that ADA is without emotion or is in anyway a calculator. When she lost her connection with the N'Zeer, she demonstrated a range of negative emotional states. Unless we are open to the view that she is a soulless automaton with false emotions designed to trick us (the same way Descartes described animals and therefore showed no remorse in performing live vivisection); but, I think that is highly unlikely. If we take a materialist view of conciousness, we can't really say that anything prevents a machine from replicating all the functions of human emotion. Likewise, the Shapers and N'Zeer have had deep effects on human civilization-- even if we only take ADA as an example.
    As to the supernatural-- I don't think the lore contains much about it other than the statement, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic.' While the ways of the Shapers and N'Zeer may be foreign to us, that does not mean they are outside natural explanation. A Mayan may not have been able to explain how the Conquistadors gunpowder worked, yet chemical combustion is still a natural phenomena.

  14. I've been working on a code yellow project called #FriendshipCube. My purpose is to collaborate, co-develop, and co-promote with other code yellow agents.

  15. This song was inspired by +Graeme Kilshaw (agent FriendshipCube of Ingress) ADA is preparing to communicate with Camp Navarro, with music joined together via a secret class of exotic matter (XM) only known to +flint dille There might be a remote presence representing Graeme via the +Friendship Cube Group youtube.com - Official Love Like Aliens Short Film HD


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