Dark XM, Glyphs and the Chaotic Syndrome - side effects of an unknown power

Dark XM, Glyphs and the Chaotic Syndrome - side effects of an unknown power

At the right time when glyphs started to emerge in everyone's scanner, a bulletin with a warning was posted by Niantic Project​​​​​​. It was a warning about "unwanted side effects from exposure to Shaper Glyphs".

Dr. Viktor Kureze stated that Exotic Matter contains a modulated signal he described as Shaper Mind Virus. Through investigation glyphs are described as a mind programming language. So it's believable that glyphs contain the modulated signal directly into our mind.

I always asked myself why there's a warning about glyphs because there's no evidence of unwanted side effects from exposure to XM.

Another power is known to cause negative side effects, described as Chaotic Syndrome. This power is mentioned to be Dark XM.

I searched for examples of chaotic syndrome descriptions. In addition to the Niantic Project Files Vol 1-4, Felicia Hajra-Lee​​​​​​ and Thomas Greanias​​​​​​ documented worthy insights to this syndrome.

“His right eye was no longer blue. The iris had dispersed into a galaxy-like spiral of red specks.”

“Hank's eyes glowed red, his face was an unnatural gray and liquid metal dripped down his face.”

I attached two examples how that effect could look like.

“He was completely breaking down at some biological and even molecular level.”

"My epidermis has acquired a scale-like texture on my extremities."

I attached an example how that skin effect could look like.

“She jabbed the ring into her neck, near her jugular vein. Blood dripped from the wound, reminding Fan of a vampire movie.Bogdanovich smiled.  But with the smile came the darkness. It seemed to emit from her eyes.”

“When exposed on living material in sufficiently high quantities, Dark XM causes immediate and irreversible physical damage. Body tissue is charred, almost fossilized in a way, upon contact.”

“Even so, they didn't deserved the death that Dark XM would have caused them. They were going to experience days and weeks of slow and painful suffering. It was better to end it quickly.”

From Hulong experiments and Devra’s speech at the CDC we know to what high exposures to Dark XM could cause. I attached two examples.

If we believe that Techthulu uses XM and Dark XM speaking directly [through glyphs] into our mind we might be all in danger as Devra Bogdanovich said.


Edgar Allan Wright​​​​​​ H. Richard Loeb​​​​​​ Devra Bogdanovich​​​​​​ Hank Johnson​​​​​​ Hubert Farlowe​​​​​​


  1. i've seen videos on YouTube discussing...multiple extraterrestrial presences here on Earth..some who are here to help us but can't interfere with free will...like the Ashtar Command and some that are not so friendly...like the Draconians from the Alpha Draconis star system...and I've seen tv programs..mostly on the History Channel...about extraterrestrial presences in humanity's ancient past that improved the now and future of humanity...and according to some of the major voices pushing the ancient alien astronaut theory ..like David Childress, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Erich Von Däniken, and Zechariah Sitchin+ these beings were physically here on Earth during this time...and had advanced technology that early humanity called "magic" and so these beings were considered as "gods"..... could it be that Earth and those who live here got caught in the middle of a war between two or more extraterrestrial factions???

  2. Yik Sheng Lee Do you think that Hulong Transglobal​ and the N'Zeer are helping each other?
    It would seem logical then as they would both benefit from a higher influence of Chaotic Matter in the world.

  3. Aaron Almeida I asked myself the same your question, and I do not think that it is so far from the truth. Although, even if the N'zeer and Hulong Transglobal they did not know and help him directly, their roads still lead in the same direction

  4. Hulong is a corporation on a hunt for profit. So I'm sure they follow their own agenda.

  5. But, Achim S. if there's someone who can contact N'zeer and use of their knowledge on dxm to suggest to Hulong where and how deep to dig, we may think that the two things can be in some way to interface.
    Although even I think this is a very very rare event

  6. Hmm Daeniem Loidlan​ there's one person who was/is a hulong operative: Jahan...

  7. And it is exactly to her that I was thinking.
    She would have the opportunity to access knowledge of N'zeer, suggest the HT what and where to do it, and get help from them to get her hands on Tech, to expand possibilities and perhaps help in the "war" against ENL or NWEnl and Shapers.

  8. The reason I bring up Hulong and the N'Zeer in the same sentence is attack on Hank and Devra. Their attackers were well armed / funded. Find a link between the N'Zeer and Hulong, and you have the identity of a hidden party to the recent events.
    The same applies to the other corporations. In order to protect their commercial interests, they may be funding certain actions.

  9. Aaron Almeida And in fact this scenario does not seem to be so far away from the possible / probable truth.


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