With respect to the previous post "Resonance to open the Tecthulhu Doors" I support the idea of Vinlux Almohadilla​

With respect to the previous post "Resonance to open the Tecthulhu Doors" I support the idea of Vinlux Almohadilla​ 
This theory could open new paths, concepts with a new point of view.
Resonance and harmony have been studied since antiquity. A great example is "Music Universalis" (literally universal music), also called Music of the spheres or Harmony of the Spheres, is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies-the Sun, Moon, and planets-as The form of musica.
For this, I want to give importance to the numerical value of the 8.
Plato presents the notion in The Republic, X, 616-617. He describes an order of eight circles or orbits: fixed stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, distinguished by their range of distances, color and speed of revolution. The unit of measure, according to Plato, is the Earth / Moon interval. The terms of the "Soul of the World" series (1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27) represent the distances of the planets to Earth, measured by the distance from the Moon to Earth taken as unity. Moon 1, Sun 2, Mercury 3, Venus 4, Mars 8, Jupiter 9, Saturn 27. Eight Orbits = Eight Resonators /Resonance = Harmony
H. Richard Loeb​ JoJo Stratton​ Mustafa Said​ Yik Sheng Lee​


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